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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. I'm just thinking... What direction CAN they go in? Kind of like 12012, they started off dark and got more into mainstream rock, but then 12012 went fucking nuts. I don't know if I would want Girugamesh to go in that direction myself, but they could tune the guitars lower and turn off the synthesizers and I'd be okay with that.

  2. (Wrote a full review on my Tumblr, but I get a little tired of shamelessly plugging it here, so I'm just gonna write a brief review):

    Favorite song:

    Invisible Tower Maker

    Other favorite songs that were also 5/5, but weren't as perfect as ITM:

    Mechanical Beauty

    Itsuka Kun ni Korosa re Shineru Nara

    Itsuwari no Kamen/Jisatsu no Uta




    Meh level:

    Fell to the Heaven

    Wrath of God


    Killing Me



    Chameleon Yummy

  3. Covers (TYPE A & B):


    Love the one on the right, one on the left is cool too... Again, I like the visual and the theme, but the actual music is so bad.

    Yeah, I guess that's what I feel about Nega too.

    I still don't get how Ray went from playing bass to Aliene Mariage to this.

    Ray was in Aliene Mariage?! How did I not know that?!

    For shame.

    To both me for not knowing and Ray for downgrading.

  4. Well, music samples playing on the backgound of their OHP will change weekly from the eleven onwards, including that date. So they have been recording something for sure. I am not sure they will release the sampled songs in full version, with vocals and all, but it seems that they have been some planning and that they have been working on this for a bit.

    That's awesome. I know I shouldn't get TOO excited over the minimalistic previews they're playing on the OHP, but the one that's there now is AMAZING.

  5. Here to second fitear1590 and Zesshoku, I couldn't agree more with both of you.

    Then for Peace Heavy mk II: I had actually translated the kanji as "monster" am I totally wrong in this? If it isn't the exact same thing you're getting at least I think the mood or premise might be the same.

    I think Rose is going to be a ballad myself, but I don't know how I feel about having a ballad as an A-side especially from this band. Might be refreshing, actually. And I have high hopes for Ayakashi.

  6. @darkindastad You're probably right, lol. I'm not all about the look in the PV. The promo shots were amazing, but in the actual PV I'm sort of ambivalent. Oh well, the song itself is what's important.

    @ricchubunny because he's the rose addict and the fans are his addicts! ;)

    Also, what I was wondering is: Does anyone know if by Maxi single he means its a single of four new songs completely or two new songs with Kayaless versions of the new songs?

  7. I hope we can get info on their looks and specially debut CD on the update on the 11th.

    I was just gonna say "Looks like their debut CD won't come out until August/September"

    But if this project has been in the works for a while, they might have a single coming out as early as July.

    There's supposed to be an update on Friday? Good, can't wait to see what it says.

  8. I'll probably end up listening to this out of obligation, but I think this is a terrible decision. Luna Sea's and Phantasmagoria's tribute albums made way more sense (and what I'm expecting is they'll be way better).

    I have mild excitement for Orianthi though. Saw her live once, she was pretty good.

  9. Definitely looking forward to the two new songs, obviously. (Also, I'd just like to point out how rare it is they have a song title in Japanese. I think it's pretty cool they're doing it again, maybe it's just me?)

    Anyway, As for the Japanese version of Love Will Be Born Again, I'm indifferent. I'm in the minority, I know this, but I loved the Engrish version. It was cute in it's own special way. As for the retake of The Red Carpet Day... I'm cautiously optimistic. I just want to know what's going to be different about it.

  10. Will this also be released digitally?

    Last time I checked itunes all of their music was there, so it is very likely.

    Ah okey, but what I was wondering were; will this be a Digial Release only (no physical CD-release like their latest "Rhapsody of the Darkness" single)

    I'm thinking this one is going to be a real deal.

    I recall the information that Rhapsody of the Darkness and Illusion were never necessarily meant to be released. They had played them live and the fans wanted official copies because they liked them so much. SO, they did an international digital single for RotD/Illusion, but didn't make a PV for it or a new look. However, Rose has a new look. I'm thinking there is going to be a PV and this is going to be a true lead in to an album. So, if RotD wasn't your thing, Rose probably will be since it'll be something "real" in the first place.

    Just my two cents, but I think it makes a lot of sense.

  11. Not going to write a full Track by track here since I did a really really long one on my Tumblr (ShanethVarosa.tumblr.com if you're interested to see my in-depth thoughts.

    Overall, though, I really enjoyed this album FAR more than I thought I was going to... Maybe that's thanks to low expectations. Anyway, here's a slight breakdown:

    Absolute favorites:

    Tragedy, Silvery Divorce, With Sympathizer

    Next level favorites:

    A Prelude to Glint, Aurora, Oath, Heretical Voice, Spell of Mystery


    Cynthia, Wail of Crested


    Absolute Obedience.

    Interested in other's thoughts!

  12. The first time I listened to this EP I was DEAD tired so I don't necessarily remember all my opinions, but I know my favorite was Answer, but apparently I rated all the other ones that weren't Love is Dead 5/5 on my iTunes. I think this band has some major potential and I can't wait to see how they progress through their career.

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