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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. Read about this last night. I don't know how I feel about it. I'll listen out of obligation since I've followed the band from the beginning, but I'm hoping that one of the new songs will actually hold my attention.

  2. I prefer Jump up for the vocals and the way Garo sings so awesome in it but I'm also leaning towards DZI because of the guitar work. I'm going to love this single as well as I have loved Genesis. This band is so promising. And from the previews of Shangri-la from Destiny single, I feel that song will be better than these 2.

    Where can I hear those previews?

  3. @Wonrei You're probably right about the vocals not being done yet, I cannot imagine a world where the GazettE would release an instrumental album o_0

    @Pretsy I don't know or care how popular this opinion is, but PLEASE GOD LET THAT BE TRUE. I loved Infuse Into and the really electronic themes that were present on Toxic. ESPECIALLY The Venomous Spider's Web... But still have a soft spot for their ballads like Untitled and heavy stuff like Ruthless Deed. But if GAZESTEP could become an actuality... I'd LOVE it.

  4. Oh my god, can you imagine the wank here if Phantasmagoria did come back? Let me start working on a bomb shelter


    Everyone bitches when they do a reunion single or anything similar, yet whenever an individual member of the band does something less than perfect they bitch about how much they want Phantas back. Can't win.

    I would just be happy with Phantas back and call it a day.

  5. I wrote a full review on my Tumblr, but here's a shorter version:

    I really liked:

    Crispy., Toy Soldier, Howling Magic, Kitanai Kotoba, Fukanzen Beautyfool Days.

    Songs I literally would rather jab a fork in my ears than listen to again:

    Lollipop Kingdom, Pastel Horror Yum Yum Show, No! More! War!, Sweet Count Down, Doki Doki TV Crew, Fancy Cake Yum Yum Show.

    I had never listened to SuG before this album.

    I didn't know they did music like this.

    I found a couple good songs, much like I would with Antic Cafe or LM.C, but mostly kinda crappy songs.

    I LOVE the idea of Lollipop Kingdom though ;)

  6. I wrote a more in depth review on my blog, but I have to agree with Augie on this.


    I can't believe I just heard about them yesterday.

    Precious Heart is fucking perfect and Op:6 is just brilliant.

  7. What you're hearing is the harpsichord, yes.

    I do feel like this will grow on you, because it does kind of remind me of Ascendead Master in a lot of ways. It's definitely one of Versailles better (recent) songs. I love both it and Illusion. I could go into excruciating detail, but I just don't feel like it right now. I'm just content to say I'm really super happy with this single and hope this is a representative sample of the next album.

  8. Oh my... This is sudden. It's D so I have an initial excitement because I love them, but this might be too much. We'll see if it's good. Dying Message sounds fantastic so far, so maybe this one will be too. I wonder if this means a full album by the end of the year?

  9. Why? D: Only because Seiji is the voice for Art Cube? He was in Brain Hacker long before m10m. :(

    Anyways, since TOMOZO are not on their management anymore I have big expectatives for this release, maybe an EP or album, TOMOZO was a really bad manager when the subject was their releases.

    Because I'm a huge MdM fan. I do like Art Cube from time to time, but I get depressed because I like Art Cube less but they're making way more music than MdM is. I never listened to Brain Hacker.

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