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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. Did someone say there are samples at Amazon.com?

    They usually have samples at Amazon.co.uk, since they sell all their stuff in mp3, but the new album+samples aren't up yet. But I guess when they'll have the mp3 version of the album in stock there will be samples as well. :) (maybe in 1-2 weeks?)

    Yeah, probably. I keep thinking this album is coming out Wednesday and it isn't lol. My days are all over the place.

    I'll definitely listen to and review this album for my blog. I've really liked what I've heard from them.

  2. I understand what you mean, to me it all sounds so plastic that the first thing that comes to my mind is Versailles. :) Maybe it isn't an accurate comparison, but I really don't know how their sound is now, I haven't listened to anything Versailles release for, at the very least, one year and a half. When I stopped listening to them, they were making stuff that I now associate with Megaromania's current sound. Plastic.

    Everything else, I think you're spot on. I'll guess I'll see how the record sounds when I get home.

    I went to check out weloveucp, and I believe you have to be registered to hear it. Maybe someone from the fan club can confirm.

    EDIT: Well, if it's sounding like Myth and Cynthia, which are the ones I don't like, I guess Kiryu are coming home alone.

    I'll agree that Versailles took a trip with Holy Grail and the preceding singles, but I think you should check out Rhapsody of the Darkness when it comes out. It's super good, trust me!

    Anyway, this isn't about Versailles. I'd honestly just get Kiryuu's at this point. If you didn't like their recent singles, I doubt you'll like the album.

    But if Mega offered a poster of the cover art for this album I'd buy it XD

  3. Sorry, i forgot to mention, if you'd like to listen the previews, you need to be a registered account on niconico (it' only take a few minute, the registration site is english, so it isn't hard to understeand~)

    I think this isn't will be "epic" as Aurora, rather it's sounds like their latest realeses (with melodic, soft songs).

    Ehhh... I would really like to see at least ONE darker song on here. We'll see... It's in less than a week. Is there even a finalized tracklist yet?

  4. Blah. Very bland preview. Like the cover art and the B-Side track is kind of a cool name.

    Their first single was amazing, but I haven't been into anything they've done since.

    Frankly, I've never really cared if the chorus is the crappiest thing, as long as the instrumentation is spot on, which it has been for me pretty much all the time, I'm good. Hopefully, that's the occasion here.

    I definitely agree, but at the same time I don't know what it is for me, but if the chorus doesn't move me in some way I just can't get into it. It's like it makes or breaks it for me. I'm definitely still going to look into this single, but my expectations are pretty low. Maybe that means I won't be so disappointed.

  5. Inartistic: I can't find it on that website, but it's a really cool and informative website. I like it a lot.

    Darkside: I think their change in music hasn't been for the better, I also like their earliest work as opposed to their newest songs. Don't know why, but there isn't anything special about them. It's all synthy-synthy-synthy and really just unimaginative. Metis Gretel was far better. I'm only going to check this out because I still really enjoy Sui's voice. But I don't see how they've gone in a Versailles direction at all. They're not doing anything near symphonic metal, just sort of... Synthetic metal. Versailles > Megaromania.

  6. Kind of hard to write a review of something that isn't technically out yet.

    But I have heard it also, in a very low quality radio rip.

    I wish I could hear a higher quality version before I make a final judgement, but of course I love it. To absolutely no one's surprise.

    I swear they could shit in a bottle and I'd buy it.

  7. アヲイ/「FOREVER LOVE」(X JAPAN) CLAMP anime movie「X」theme song

    I hope this cover will turn out to be good as I loved this anime !

    Love the anime, love the original song, love the person covering it. I am so excited for that one.

    Also gratuitously excited for NoGoD's appearance on the album because I love them and the fact that Gackt, LM.C, and Nightmare songs are going to be covered.

    But I SWEAR to you if Eve fucks up 88... I'm going to be pissed.

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