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Posts posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. I'm guessing it might be in the vein of his last single, since I recall it being a part of a 3-part "gothic style release campaign" or whatever.

    I was thinking the same... A Gothic themed mini album would be cool. Like kind of a Hyakki Yagyou part two!

  2. I need more kaya in general, so I won't complain.

    This. Kaya is like... a God to me. Although the Chansons sucked donkey dick. If he does a non-electronic release, I'm cool with that... But no more mock-chansons.

    Either way, I'm excited as all hell.

  3. I'm not surprised at all about SID, I have to agree with nekkichi. They have the same... I guess genre sound of the pop/rock bands. Not only that, but they're AMAZINGLY talented. I'm not a huge fan, personally, but I do know that they're great. They could sell out huge venues.

    Back on topic though, 12012 could sell out huge venues because they have the talent and potential to do great things. Seven was amazing and even Mar Maroon and Diamond have the it factor that could make them go far. Their most recent album is a major setback.

  4. I can't say I'm surprised... Juka's projects never last. Even at that, though, I am really disappointed. I will always be a huge fan of Juka and will follow his career until the day he retires officially which I hope isn't soon.

  5. Hmm, I suppose you're right. Never considered that! I mean I know it's not like the biggest scene in the world, obviously, but I thought they'd pull more weight than that especially major artists... Well I suppose Luna Sea and X wouldn't have these problems maybe even the GazettE or D or MAYBE Versailles? But I can see how 12012 would have sincere trouble especially with an album like this =/

  6. but wasn't that one live limited only?

    I think you could ask Kiwamu personally if there is still one left. and that you would love to pay for it.

    I wonder if he would sell it to you anyway.

    Knowing him, he would probably sell it to me.. Print up a new fucking copy and sell it to me for twice the price lmao.

  7. It almost seems like VK has a bigger audience outside Japan than within Japan.

    You'd think there'd be more shows/tours in NA then.

    they would largely be not profitable.

    if they have 3000 fans in tokyo, they will do most of touring in small clubs and maybe one tour final concert in a concert hall

    if they have 5000 fans scattered all over americas, 4000 in Chile and 700/300 for NA/Canada respectively, they won't even get their transportation expenses back.

    like despairs' flop taught people nothing.

    Ahh, I see... I gotcha. That sucks big time.

  8. Wonder why my post and the other one aren't appearing here... weird...

    Anyway, I love Blood's early stuff... I'd say everything up to and including Les Fleurs du Mal was amazing to me. After that it got sloppy and annoying (How they considered Lost Sky to be a full album but it was maybe 4 new songs, an outro, an old song redone, and a million remixes... Bitch please.)

    I'm forever longing for another song as perfect as Sakura, I Remember You, or Wings of the Rebellion.

  9. I have a feeling that they're more popular overseas (within the scene) than in Japan itself.

    Definitely could be, I won't contest that.

    It almost seems like VK has a bigger audience outside Japan than within Japan.

    You'd think there'd be more shows/tours in NA then.

  10. I'm gonna say something a bit opposite. I'm glad he left the band because I don't particularly like his voice :X

    It just rubs me the wrong way.

    I hope BLOOD continues and gets a better singer.

    Although I have heard Kiwamu is just awful to work with haha.

  11. Just want to throw my hat into this ring for a minute:

    I actually LOVED Mar Maroon XD, I know it's the unpopular opinion, but it's at least a fun album. I like it in the springtime.

    Diamond I also actually enjoyed, but not nearly as much as Mar Maroon, but I have to agree that Seven is my favorite (albeit the mixing IS pretty weird. I hate HATE HATE how the songs end in the beginnings of other songs.)

    I can't believe people actually bought 12012 though.

    @relentless - Obviously they aren't as big or famous as say... I don't know Led Zeppelin, but they're kind of big in the scene. I'd say they have a considerable fanbase, most if not all of the people into the VK subculture probably know who they are.

  12. Thanks so much for the translation!

    As for the countdown, if there are previews... It's got to be an album! I would be so damn excited. I mean either way world tour or album I'm excited as long as I can actually attend the tour. If X and Luna Sea go on tour this year and I see them I would die a happy man.

  13. My track by track is up at ShanethVarosa.Tumblr.com.

    I usually say "read if you want" but I'm actually proud of the little rant I had at the end XD

    I was overall disappointed in the album not by it's badness, but in how indifferent I was. Most of the tracks were just uninspiring, but the silver lining was Fortitude. That, imho, was a really outstanding song.

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