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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Then please tell us?, why are you even posting here...? You like the title, fine.. But you didn't have to tell us you don't like the band, keep it to yourself. There was nothing offensive about his comment. No need to get aggressive or snappy.
  2. sai

    No (not yet, will probably drop September 19th) Do you like autumn?
  3. sai

    So only a break from live activities then? At least, that's what I can deduce from the message. I'm suspecting an old ayabie reunion for some reason, not sure why.
  4. Haha, van der Staaij is zo'n knuppel, werkelijk (niet echt 't meest interessante onderwerp maar even weer wat leven in dit topic brengen).
  5. sai

    Agree/agree. Dear Dolce closing might have made for interesting news, but it was just tons of tiny bands supported by someone inexperienced. Not really the same. Re: something you said earlier: I would guess that this is a bankruptcy case. I don't understand how it works honestly, but it seems that lots of business people close their labels, and somehow that clears them of debt and gives them enough funds (new investors?) to start a new one. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case here (but who knows?). Well I had a few classes in financial law last year (I'm a law student) and apparently when you file your bankruptcy before everything gets really shitty, part of your debt will be cleared (or completely, I repeat: it were a few classes), at least, that's how our country handles it. It could be a smart move on KISAKI's part to close now, but who knows?
  6. sai

    Well when it comes to Lin I have another theory. KISAKI used to be in Syndrome, right? Well, I don't seem to recall Syndrome disbanding because of fights or other nasty reasons apart from musical differences or KISAKI's health. ASAGI and Ruiza from D used to be in this band. ASAGI has his own record label as well, GOD CHILD RECORDS. D has been on that label and while ASAGI never planned other bands to join it he signed GOTCHAROCKA because they didn't have a record label yet and ASAGI and Jui are good friends. Perhaps if there's no bad blood and if ASAGI is willing he might sign Lin to GOD CHILD in order to help them out. But that's just my theory.
  7. sai

    I personally wouldn't be opposed to another SEVEN. I think that was a style that fitted them perfectly.
  8. sai

    Seconding this for reference.
  9. sai

    Try Free Studio Manager. It can convert from multiple websites I believe, but I'm not entirely sure. I used it when I still had a Windows laptop (now I have a Mac and there's no version for OS X) and it worked great. Maybe you can give it a try.
  10. sai

    I don't comment often on looks, but Tsurugi looks great
  11. sai

    Could everyone please stop acting like we're still in pre-school? Mei, wishing terminal diseases on anyone, no matter how big of a douche they are in your opinion, is not tolerated in here. Your opinion on CindyKate isn't very relevant in this thread. pixyfalse01, whatever happened to Dear Dolce and your opinion on their bands is not relevant in here either. Move on and please calm down. Don't feed the troll by reacting dramatically on every anti-KISAKI comment you see. This is also meant for everyone else: don't feel the troll, it'll only make it worse. It's our job to keep a look out for trolls and personal insults. I'm only saying this once because of course no KISAKI topic could ever be wank-free. Continue personal vendettas through PM, not in here. Whoever thinks it's not necessary to take me seriously will get a nice warning on their profile.
  12. sai

    WOW WOW WOW PAUSE ON THAT SHIT. Not that I liked any UCP band but daaaamn. KISAKI project ceasing activities, UCP closing down, this latest scandal must've hit him pretty hard. Wonder what'll happen to the signed bands.
  13. sai

    I don't have software for it because I use add-ons, but I advise you to download the add-on Free YouTube Downloader. It can download videos directly from the YouTube page in many formats (it can also rip MP4 for your iPod) and if the video is in HD you can also choose to have the MP4 ripped in HD. This add-on works on Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer AND Safari. All you have to do is click the format and it'll start downloading. Drag it into iTunes and there you go. The file needs to be MP4. Here's the link to download the add-on: http://www.bestvideodownloader.com/ You can't miss the big download button
  14. sai

    Can we leave the "big people act like assholes and you should be more inviting" for the "What can we do for YOU?" topic? I just want to make sure we're not going to derail immensely.
  15. sai

    Not sure, maybe a week? I remember TOXIC's sales numbers blew (as in, their worst selling major album), so I'm kind of curious.
  16. sai

    So you're actually Curiosity?
  17. zephHrTkhfc abingdon boys school's cover of BUCK-TICK's "Dress". Here's the live version featuring Atsushi Sakurai himself
  18. sai

    ^ wow, looks awesome Ito! Thank you!
  19. sai

    Lol I can't. Way to go guys.
  20. sai

    I picked Versailles because well Lareine isn't really my thing. And Versailles did make JUBILEE.
  21. sai

    Kind of like this, really. I like to listen to it mostly when exercising or on the road because it is more light music compared to the more ambient music I often listen to. Can't listen to that all the time, so this is for more upbeat moments Yeah sure the guys are good-looking, but they're not the best vocalists around. I don't mind it that much, I just like the songs.
  22. sai

    BUCK-TICK - Mona Lisa
  23. sai

    DIR EN GREY never really was my cup of tea, not to mention there's no album of DEG I enjoy as much as I enjoy the GazettE's DIM. Besides DIM they have some catchy songs as well (ignore everything after BEFORE I DECAY though, I pretend that never happened and that they're on a two year hiatus now) so I'd have to go with the GazettE.
  24. sai

    who needs a boyfriend when you’ve got 643 photos of your husband saved to your computer
  25. sai

    After listening through the whole thing twice (which wasn't as easy as it sounds, but I will get to that later) I decided I'd drop a review here as well. All GazettE fans beware, this is not going to be pretty. DISC 1 Disc 1 actually started with a really good SE. It had a kind of dark atmosphere that reminded me of DIM's SE's and I suppose that's a good sign. Unfortunately the rest of the disc fell in its vain. Most tracks sound very similar to eachother, and it doesn't really help that you have two guitarists playing the exact same riffs which hardly creates a good melody. Hedoro had its moments (as a blatant HEADACHE MAN rip-off, that is) but the rest was forgettable. Still, it was nothing horrible on a TOXIC level and for that I have to somehow praise them, even though it's obvious they have no ideas left whatsoever. The bass and drums that should be carrying the rhythm don't do their job, as Reita is hardly audible on this entire album. Kai's drumming doesn't add much either. Also guys, there is something that you call "guitar tuning". Use it. 6/10 DISC 2 The main problem with this disc was me not being able to get through it twice. On an initial listen I thought some parts sounded cool, but when giving it my full attention I realized how incredibly bad this is. Reita skipped the recording sessions, there is no melody whatsoever because you have the two guitarists once again play the same riffs and the synth that could also help with the melody is just making random bleeps here and there. Add some autotune with that and you have yourselves something that was so bad that it didn't even make TOXIC. No matter how much they call this a DIM inspired disc, I don't hear it apart from the obnoxious heavy songs that have stolen parts from songs like OGRE and HEADACHE MAN (one of these tracks had the exact same breakdown as HEADACHE MAN had). The electronics do nothing to the songs but annoy me either and the autotune is just not well placed and very disturbing. 3/10 Overall: 4.5/10. I said everything there needs to be said. So that's why I'm now going to do a track-by-track review in gifs. Because I am bored like that and I have already given a long and plausible reason why I think this album was pretty damn bad. DISC 1 DEPTH 歪 籠の蛹 ヘドロ 影踏み 余韻 [DIPLOSOMIA] DISC 2 [XI] DERANGEMENT REQUIRED MALFUNCTION DRIPPING INSANITY ATTITUDE GABRIEL ON THE GALLOWS [MELT]
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