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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Sexy Feline Retired Moderator and grey? How depressing Also kai is pink now?
  2. sai

    I can try to get on, but I've got the exams week coming up so I might not be around that long or at all, really.
  3. sai

    After the trainwreck that was called COLD BLOOD, I didn't feel much motivation to listen to Sadie again, nor try their new album. After Danao convinced me it wasn't terribad, I tried it out of curiosity. First things first: it's better than COLD BLOOD. But that doesn't say much. Even though Sadie honestly seems to have tried to make a decent record it doesn't stand out to me as much as it should've. Of course, the album has some catchy tracks here and there that give a kind of kick-ass feeling, but apart from the catchy melodies there was nothing else going on in here. Even though COLD BLOOD was horrible, it at least had diverse tracks that were distinguishable from the other tracks on the album, what this album particularly lacked. I mean like I said before: the tracks aren't BAD, there is just too little going on on the album as a whole for me to find it interesting as a concept or so. Rosario still is really really bad though, I'm glad they didn't go totally hurrdurr-core again aside from that single. I also somehow find the guitar work a bit...lacking? I don't know, but I don't really feel interested by Sadie's guitar work on this record (reasons why I love the bands I love: their guitar work is always top notch and diverse). It feels monotonous and flat and sometimes it just seems to have forgotten what riffs are and just chugs along for the rest of the track. I also miss the bass, they could've made that one a bit more audible. The drums do a good job though, like in most Sadie releases. Overall I'd have to give it a 5/10. Not bad, but definitely not something I'll listen to again.
  4. sai

    I definitely am! I hope it's better than their second mini though
  5. sai

    Seconding Zess! Hope you'll like your new yellow!
  6. I'm adding two others to my list as well, being DIR EN GREY and LUNA SEA. I haven't been able to enjoy a single full album by DIR EN GREY, but they've done quite a lot for the scene and they should be respected for that in some way. Same goes for LUNA SEA, great influence for a lot of younger bands and the scene in general, but their music really just doesn't do it for me, it feels like it's missing a spark that would make it enjoyable to listen to (though I like their MOTHER album a lot!)
  7. Going to see if I like their stuff, might be interested then
  8. sai

    No, normal is not a norm anyway. Do you like kids?
  9. sai

    Mother of God...If they would've done this after DIM I wouldn't have had second doubts. Now I'm both afraid of the fangirls + I don't like their material recently as well...
  10. It's the fucking Slenderman RUUUUUUNN
  11. For me that band is 9GOATS BLACK OUT. They know what they're doing and I actually did like some tracks of their first mini, but besides that they just bore me to death. I do respect them though, they really know what they're doing and have their own unique sound.
  12. sai

    Lol. And don't forget "when they still knew that guitar tuning existed". Anyway, this might be a DVD I'm interested in, since I like their older songs. Depends also on the way it's performed, seeing as Ruki's performances are as flat as a cardboard box nowadays.
  13. sai

    I didn't mean to write it but...lol.
  14. sai

    Yes. After that rerecording album I wouldn't be so sure. But I never really liked anything LUNA SEA did apart from MOTHER (at least, not what I can remember) but I'll try this out of curiosity.
  15. sai

    Seems fine to me. I need to get me some Halloween music then!
  16. sai

    Thought their latest mini was okay, will be looking forward to this.
  17. sai

    I'M SO PROUD AGAIN OMG. I really hope we'll see a new album of her next year
  18. sai

    Hope it will be. I attended that tour, so maybe my question made the DVD xD
  19. sai

    A Dutch radio DJ called Floor Jansen this morning (I can confirm this because I was listening to the radio myself) and he congratulated Floor on the position of new vocalist of Nightwish. I tuned in before the opening, but Floor didn't specify it was only to help the band out on tour. Not sure if she didn't think that was important enough to mention, or there might actually be negotiations going on about her joining permanently, who knows?
  20. sai

    Pooh bear <3 Sorry, nostalgia. Also, good to see D in that list
  21. sai

    ^ Do you have a source for me? I can't find it on their facebook or official website.
  22. Really Yuuze? Coming to a new member's introduction thread to insult them? Wow, A+ promotion for the community there. No need to be an asshat. If you feel like arguing with me about it (and I wouldn't recommend it) do it through PM and leave this thread. Don't be an ass to other members.
  23. sai

    Lana Del Rey - Diet Mountain Dew
  24. sai


    Hey, I know you from tumblr! (I'm sai107 there} Nice to see another Dutchie here (I'm Dutch as well ) Welcome to the forum!
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