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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    In other words "we know the single sucks but we'll just say that we didn't even try so that we can trick people into thinking we aren't completely burned up yet (and this is all we can still do) and that they'll buy BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY anyway". Also tbqh I don't think Aoi should compose any more than he's doing already because out of all the songs Aoi's songs are usually the ones I find the dullest. Also is Reita ever going to compose anything again?
  2. sai

    Kagrra,'s cover art is gorgeous yeah, never seen a Kagrra, cover that I disliked. Also agreeing on B-T's 13kai wa gekkou and the 9GOATS covers. Shugo Tokumaru's In Focus? has really nice, simple cover art imo (he's not j-rock though, more like indie-folk) school food punishment's light prayer single. Loving all the colours. M-Koda's (Japanese electronics artist) Generating Arrow Diagram. Also his cover for his Inga album: Incredibly simple, but I love it. Not a big fan of the album itself, but the cover art was very good. BUCK-TICK's Gensou no Hana (one of the few covers of theirs that I actually like. Great albums but omg guys learn how to cover) Alice Nine's Hana limited A cover. Loving the colours and effects.
  3. sai

    the GazettE definitely made a change with the release of FADELESS. What I mean is: they went from bad to boring/mediocre. Obviously I really didn't like DIVISION because it was such a huge mess. It was all over the place and it felt incomplete and rushed. FADELESS is better than DIVISION (not that it's so hard to make something better than DIVISION), but is mediocre at best. The title track's main riff/opening riff is almost completely similar to LUNA SEA's Sweetest Coma Again. Now I do love me some LUNA SEA, but this song was far less impressive than Sweetest Coma Again. Like I said, the reason why I'm not saying "I hate it" is probably because it sounds much better than the horrid mess that was DIVISION (which is kind of sad). Anyway, the title track is decent, but nothing outstanding. It IS a step in the right direction though. FADELESS has some nice ideas and parts in which I think "hey, they actually could've done something more with this", but at the same time I thought the song would've sounded a lot less "blergh" if they would've left out the female vocals. They are misplaced, don't fit the song AT ALL and are too loud around the chorus. Ruki, pls put your ladies on stand-by. Also lol @ Reita's bass solo at the end "HEY GAIZ I'M STILL IN THE BAND". QUIET has (just like FADELESS) a few nice ideas and apart from the way the guitar sounds it sounds a bit like a DIM song. However, it drags on too long in my opinion. It's a decent ballad (better than all ballads on the last two albums in any case), but not enough for me to be satisfied with it. FORBIDDEN BEAVER sounded kind of funny at first but listening to it again it makes me cringe. It's like a DIVISION left-over and reminds me of Hedoro . All in all it's so disorganized, I can't tell how the song progresses at all and the solo just sounds unimpressive and all over the place. I guess this was the track they just put in to make it three tracks in which they didn't put much effort. Overall: the A-side has some nice ideas going on that COULD be promising when executed properly. I hope they did more with the other songs on BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY than they did with the B-sides on FADELESS. Just like Zess, I'm starting to wonder why I keep having these high expectations while perhaps the GazettE was always mediocre to begin with. I probably won't be the only one blaming DIM for that. I guess that for me it's their magnum opus, and I probably will have to stop hoping they will ever release something as great as that again.
  4. sai

    eh...not feeling it really. Like Rez said, the main riff is so incredibly dull that nothing around it can make it sound even remotely interesting. I hope this isn't indicative of BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY too much (also FORBIDDEN BEAVER is kind of cool but the other songs are snooze-worthy).
  5. sai

    eh tbqh I don't think anyone here actually defined it as a genre so no need to get upset about that. Also you pretty much answered your own question. Imo "experimental" is when a band goes outside of their comfort zone and makes something that isn't part of their usual repertoire. For Jupiter that's the whole guitar wankery thing that's close to Versailles' sound, but I guess it would be better to say it's part of Hizaki's sound. Hizaki always will be the main composer for all the projects he is in, mainly because he doesn't want anyone else fucking around with his compositions (see the lack of Teru/Kamijo/Masashi compositions on the last two Versailles albums). Therefore when Jupiter is "experimental" that means they'll get out of Hizaki's standard 3-song compositions and try something new composition-wise or so. Then again experimental isn't always good because I've seen plenty of bands try to get out of their comfort zone and failing horribly, so the sword has two edges.
  6. sai

    Forever lol'ing at everyone who was claiming this was going to be ass beforehand. This sounds so much better than what I've heard from Jupiter.
  7. sai

    Imo there's nothing wrong with someone asking you to share a specific release, however, the fault can be at two sides. I've seen cases where the purchaser acts like an elitist dick, and I've seen cases where the purchaser nicely said that they didn't want to share, which resulted in over-dramatic reactions from the requesters. Imo everyone has the right to request a rip of a CD, but that doesn't mean you're automatically entitled to it. As long as nobody acts like a dick/elitist snob interaction should be just fine.
  8. sai

    Tbqh D as a whole is tacky as hell (I think it escalated when the whole Vampire Saga thing started though) yet it feels so tacky because it looks like a deviantart piece or concept art for some sort of fantasy game that everybody buys because it's made by Square Enix but turns out to be absolutely awful in the end.
  9. sai

    /waltzes out of this thread Laters (though I hope not)
  10. sai

    I never said it wasn't crap, lol (because it is). There's nothing wrong with criticizing the music but as long as you aren't being a major dick to someone about what they like then it's all good. It's inevitable that you'll judge someone for it, even in the slightest way. "I think that music is crap, how can he/she even like this?", and even when it techinically is shit I guess someone's always going to like it in some way. So I guess this isn't really music-related, but just the general rule that you should avoid being a dick as much as possible.
  11. sai

    Well you do have to remember that even though WE think it's crap, there are still people who like listening to that kind of stuff (I know enough people who probably don't know any better), but we shouldn't be dicks to them for liking it. It's another story when they're being dicks to us for not listening to their precious radio music, but to most of these people music isn't as big a deal as people who don't listen to mainstream music. I guess we have a stronger connection or need for music, at least, that's how I experienced it.
  12. sai

    Bought BUCK-TICK's SWEET STRANGE LIVE FILM live DVD but yesasia's estimated shipping date is 7-14 days, which doesn't always mean that they can actually get it for you (it's a reissue from 2005). I'm really REALLY crossing my fingers that they'll be able to get it for me, because I really want it.
  13. I do believe there was a thread for this quite a while back, but I figured it would be better to make a new thread for it altogether. So this is the thread where you can talk about and post the visual kei album covers that you find incredibly tacky, ugly, amateuristic, etc. Some elaboration is always welcome. I would already like to nominate for tackiest cover of 2013: Jupiter's CLASSICAL ELEMENT Type A cover and: One of D's covers for their new single (like what ahaha). The covers don't have to be from 2013 btw, just post any VK cover you like (VK-limited of course, because what other scene has tackier covers than VK).
  14. You have to understand that there's a difference between having the opinion that the sample of the song sounds awful and immediately judging the quality of the full song based on the 19 seconds of said sample. What's going on here is the first one. From what I can see, many people here listened to the sample, but didn't really like it that much (most of the time anyway). Has anyone based the quality of the whole song on that? No. Many people even said "I hope the full song is better". So as far as I can see there's no need to pull out "it's only a sample"-argument in this particular case.
  15. sai

    Yeah, never heard of SLODD before, guess it was 3AM when I read that thread, lmao. Anyway, I assume your question has been answered, so I'm locking this one.
  16. sai

    Seconding Rez on "Sweetest Coma Again". Then again, I'm glad to see they're still drawing influences from LUNA SEA instead of the whole electro western hard-rock thing they had going on in TOXIC and DIVISION. I mean, I guess they were still there even back then, but less apparent. From the awful quality sample I can say that this is better than any of the singles for TOXIC or the last two albums in general, but the chorus isn't quite grabbing me yet. I have to hear the full thing to make a good judgement though.
  17. sai

    No need to be rude or mean. It's clear this member is new to the board and doesn't know yet how the forums work in detail, so please bear that in mind. Also, we have a special thread for questions like this: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/forum/10-general/ But to answer your question, ZIN (the now vocalist of Jupiter) is believed to be the old vocalist of Misaruka, a band that dresses in similarity to bands like Versailles (not sure about the music as I haven't listened to them) and is under Starwave Records (Kiwamu's label). ZIN's departure was quite a bit of time ago though.
  18. sai


    Welcome to the forum, enjoy your time here! Versailles' JUBILEE is actually one of my favourite VK albums
  19. sai

    9/10, because surprised Sam.
  20. sai

    Type B is bearable, the other two are awful, lmao. I wonder who designed the covers. Considering Teru did most of Versailles' cover work and his covers were quite a bit less cheesy than these I refuse to believe he's behind this.
  21. sai

    Tbqh I feel like their weakest releases are always related to that whole Vampire Saga concept. Imo they're doing better work when they're pretending to be forest fairies. The preview isn't my cup of tea, felt kind of dull, actually. I hope the full version is better (also wow they definitely reached a new level of cheesy with the covers of this thing).
  22. sai

    This spot doesn't tell me anything, except that the female vocals sound like they could be terribly misplaced. Judging from the last few releases the riffs that we just heard will be the only riffs they'll be using in the entire song, lol.
  23. sai

    The thing is that a lot of bands also do follow ups in the sense that the songs match because they're related to the same feelings/situation/incident or they match up to make a story. Not sure if that's what Gazette tries to accomplish, or if that's just their story to try to explain their tardiness.
  24. sai

    Agreeing with this, though Bohemian Rhapsody is not a bad song. Queen is an artist I can't talk ill about because I've never really listened to them, but I have heard Bohemian Rhapsody. As I stated, it's not bad and a lot better than most radio material, but just because it's less radio friendly it's being treated as the best thing ever and makes number 1 of every "best of all times" every single year. There are a lot of songs that are more complicated, better structured and are composed of more interesting parts than Bohemian Rhapsody, they're just made by artists no one in radio land has ever even heard of.
  25. Ehh, in random order: 1. Boris 2. ESNO 3. lynch. (they count in my book. I mean they still play a lot with other VK bands but I'm not sure if that's because they're friends or if they actually still consider themselves VK) 4. M-Koda 5. nego 6. number0 7. ONE OK ROCK 8. アルカラ 9. トクマルシューゴ 10. 凛として時雨 トクマルシューゴ, M-Koda and ESNO are solo-artists though, if those count.
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