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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    I actually remember this technique being used on an episode of The Mentalist, so it's quite possible! I have also read theories that because the episode is seen from John's memory, that his memory might be inaccurate because he got hit by that cyclist when running towards the building. They did load his body on that cart though and took him to the entry of the morgue, at which Molly was present who he was just talking to earlier. She probably could've hidden him away. also I agree on Elementary, haha. I watched it a couple of times because my ex really liked it (yet he refused to watch the BBC series I recommended him) but I never got into it. I feel sort of sorry for Lucy Liu for being in such an awful series. I do not mind the acting, the acting is decent enough, I just don't like the screenplay/writing.
  2. sai

    Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your time here and meet plenty of great people If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask anyone with a blue or red name!
  3. Since this has been a pretty big thing going on lately, I'm sort of curious how most people here feel about this statement. Can a band's fanbase really influence your dislike for the band itself and its music? How do you feel about this, and are there certain bands you dislike because of its fanbase? dir en grey & gazette incoming lol I personally wouldn't dislike a band merely for its fanbase. I think you can like a band and their music without interacting too much with other fans. I myself listen to quite a bit of K-pop artists, but I have never ever interacted with other K-pop fans, unless they were friends of mine. I never set foot in the GazettE's last.fm shoutbox, nor do I speak with any GazettE fan on tumblr. I know there are probably plenty of mature GazettE fans, but I sadly only had the misfortune to run into either fangirls or immature ones. Now, I'm not that big a fan of the GazettE because I only like DIM (and even DIM isn't an amazing album compared to other stuff I like), but I wouldn't stop listening to that album just because I don't like the band's fans. It would feel like I would deprive myself of stuff I enjoy for really silly reasons. I personally don't really like most MEJIBRAY fans I've encountered on tumblr (and last.fm), mainly because they tend to be more focused on Tsuzuku's looks than the band's music (I mean, be honest: whenever a new MEJIBRAY thread surfaces about a new release there is at least 2 pages of posts about the new look), but the reason I do not like the band is not because they're "a band designed for fangirls" as someone once called it, but that I just genuinely don't enjoy the music. If I had, none of this would've probably mattered to me. You do not need to interact with a band's fanbase to enjoy them, like I said before. So what are your opinions?
  4. sai

    Just like many said, I'm going to wait for a 2nd generation where most of the issues are resolved. I did that with my Xbox 360 and I'm glad I did, lol. Didn't want to spend tons of cash on repairing it just to play the new Final Fantasy. Also I'm not buying one until 1. it has dropped in price, 2. KH3 and FFXV have a release date. FFXV has been promised to be on PS3 since 2006 and I'm not going to wait around for SONY to announce it for PS5 in a couple of years while having spent 400 euros (approximately 460 dollars) on a PS4. The PS4 is more expensive here than it is in the US, so yeah.
  5. sai

    歌者森 (SingerSen) A Chinese female singer whose stuff is basically a theatrical pop show. It's really hard to explain SingerSen's music, but it's definitely been one of my favourite discoveries of the year. 凛として時雨 (Rin Toshite Shigure) I'm not really sure whether I got into them this year or last year, but I'm going to guess this year, lol. Fucking awesome band who have released nothing but quality stuff. トクマルシューゴ (Shugo Tokumaru) Japanese pop-folk singer. His voice isn't the strongest, but his playful and minimalistic compositions are enchanting to the ear. Definitely recommended. school food punishment I guess this needs no explanation. Basically I'm waiting for la la larks' first official release, lol. Rhian Sheehan Amazing composer, whose album from this year blew me away. It's great to relax to, very quiet and like the last.fm description says, every track seems to be a description from a specific sight. NICO Touches the Walls Never really listened to them that much, but the album they dropped this year made me a casual listener. Good vocals, catchy melodies, great variety in songs, just a good band in general. M-Koda Electronics artist from Japan. He's only been in the game for a couple of years, but this year's album was this strongest yet. M-Koda is a must if you love electronics. His stuff is ambient and is perfect for studying or if you like to listen to calm music. Lorne Balfe Irish composer who created two OSTs for Assassin's Creed. He's just really good at what he does, that's it, really. LAGITAGIDA Instrumental band who differentiate themselves with crazy yet structured melodies, an amazing guitarist and just really catchy songs. I nearly forgot I missed the vocals while listening to their album. cinema staff Number Girl recommended them to me, so I checked them out. Didn't regret doing so! They're not my favourite discovery of the year, but I found plenty of enjoyable songs on their end. Bo Ningen Another recommendation from Number Girl. Jfc, this band is so good. Their stuff is chaotic, the vocals are great to the mood of the songs and even though the atmosphere is the same, the songs are so diverse it doesn't get boring. Definitely recommended. AI J-Pop singer who I discovered through CAT5. Being born from an afro-american father and a japanese mother, AI's voice is pretty unique from the other J-Pop singers. Her voice is what makes her stand out, along with her catchy songs. THAT'S IT, LONG LIST. A LOT OF THANKS TO CAT5 TOO
  6. sai

    YESSSS GLOWING IS SO GREAT JFC. Can't wait for this album now. I hope Thoughts and RUN will be the weakest tracks (at least, I didn't like either of them so yeah lol). Also @Hellion, which albums did you try? I personally couldn't really get into LUNA SEA, EDEN and IMAGE but I really do like MOTHER and STYLE. You might give either of those a shot if you haven't already.
  7. sai

    since I saw it was you who posted turtles I KNEW it would be tumblr related lol ANYWAY if you dislike Who, what's still keeping you watching it? This isn't meant to be mean or an attack to you though, I'm just genuinely interested. Also I thought Moffat was doing this from season 1 onward? As in, he started with Christopher Eccleston.
  8. sai

    I agree! The final scenes of the last ep. were put together so well! SPOILERS FOR CAT5 Tbqh, I think Molly had something to do with him surviving the fall, since he asked her for her help just before he went up to the rooftop of St. Bart's (after all, he lacked a pulse and where would they drive his body to but the morgue where Molly is in charge?). I doubt it was some sort of love confession, because lol, it's Sherlock. I do think that he realized in that episode that Molly is one of his best friends and he never even realized it (so he tells her she does matter, which I found very great because it definitely shows the intense character development Sherlock went through after meeting John). So yeah, she's at the morgue at that moment, he asks for her help, she wants to help...she's not unrelated to this, I'm pretty sure.
  9. sai

    I'm so sorry to hear that Rocketeer. Pets can really have a healing power for people who are sad, and dogs don't judge on your personality, they just love you unconditionally.
  10. sai

    /that's like going into a video game thread and saying "i love video games but I hate the fact that they made this one" So CAT, how did you like a Scandal in Belgravia? It's one of my favourite episodes along with The Reichenbach Fall. The sudden plottwist at the end about Bond Air was so good. I didn't even notice it when Mycroft made the initial phone call! I like how each episode is actually based on each novel/short story by sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Even the episode names are the same, only with slight modern alternations (Like a Scandal in Bohemia became a Scandal in Belgravia). The episodes follow the books extremely well, even though it's modern, I think that's what makes this show so incredibly good. I visited London a while ago and took a look around what John and Sherlock's living room would've looked like according to the books. It looks almost completely identical to Sherlock and John's living room in the BBC series. The producers even made the living room look accurate! They put so much effort into this to make it be as close to the original, that I haven't seen from many other Sherlock remakes or remakes in general.
  11. sai

    PUNCH ME IN THE FACE JOHN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnBezIgA3ys No but in all seriousness, I like how this show focuses on its main story and classic elements instead of trying to be funny all the time with sexual or language jokes or so. The humour that's portrayed here and there matches the interactions between Sherlock and John and isn't randomly thrown it to give it a forced humorous flavour, it just comes in really natural. The thing is that many people decide to skip on this show because 16 year old tumblr fangirls seem to be obsessed with it because of Benedict Cumberbatch, but really, put down that initial stereotype and watch this. Both Benedict Cumberbatch as Martin Freeman portray their roles wonderfully. The casting for this series is great, and not liking the show because "tumblr fangirls like it" is a really weak excuse for not liking something. ANYWAY apparently season 3 is ready for beginning 2014 so I'm really excited for the episodes They released a small teaser trailer a while ago:
  12. sai

    The best part about this thread is all 2NE1 fans getting their hopes up for a new release only to be let down infinite times. Also World Tour in March probably means no album/mini until at least next year july/august or so
  13. sai

    Oh, great idea for a thread Champ! I haven't played too much Skyrim yet, so I can't really say that much about the OST. I agree on Venice Rooftops though, love it! Ratonhnhaké:ton from Assassin's Creed 3: The Tyranny of King Washington is just gorgeous. I really liked fighting in the pub as Haytham in AC3 because of the awesome background music Fight Club, so I did that a lot! Also Final Fantasy XIII's battle theme was really rad: Same with FFXIII-2's paradigm shift theme (horrible game, kick-ass soundtrack): I'll probably think of some more later, haha.
  14. sai

    Lol, the PV is definitely ITNOJ 2.0. I still haven't listened to their previous single (Rosenstraus or whatever it was called) but DARK WINGS sounds ok from this snippet. I don't hear the similarity with ITNOJ. Will listen to the b-side previews later on.
  15. sai

    Moved it to general discussion YES HELLO SAI HAS ARRIVED TO ONCE AGAIN PRAISE HER OWN HEADPHONES INTO HIGH HEAVENS. For anyone wondering, YES I still have these headphones because they didn't break. Been going strong with them for almost 4 years. ANYWAY, HERE ARE PROBABLY THE BEST HEADPHONES IN THE BELOW 100 POUNDS CATEGORY. These are the AKG-K518DJ They are without a doubt AKG's most popular model and despite its age and many newer models this one is still being made and sold in many electronic stores throughout Germany. Bonsai can probably confirm that these are good enough. Anyway, these headphones are really good in term of sound. For their price you wouldn't expect the quality that you're getting. Their isolation is really good, both from the inside as the outside. I hardly hear what's going on around me and others aren't hearing what I'm listening either. They are bendable on both sides, so that you can click it into a bundle if you're taking them on the go. It protects the headphones and it's easier to bring with you in a bag or so. The bendable parts are rather strong. I've dropped the headphones a couple of times but they're still completely intact. This model comes with a nice little bag to put them in along with a plug that you can use on your amplifier. The thing what makes these headphones so special are that BECAUSE they are designed for DJs they have a strong emphasis on bass. It's not all over the place, but audible enough to have a nice audible bass in a song. I really enjoy these while listening to both rock and pop music. Bass-wise they're definitely better than other AKG models. If you want some feedback, ask either D.L.S or CaRaN. Both users bought this pair on my advice and both have told to me that they really enjoyed them (well, CaRaN's broke already for some reason, no idea how since mine seem immortal). Their price? 50 euros. Not sure what their price in pounds is, but you can already guess that for the quality you get the price is excellent. A few cons: do realize that for this money they're not the best of the best. If you want really REALLY good headphones, then you have to look more in the price category of 200-300 euros, I'm afraid. Also, when they're just new they tend to put a bit too much pressure on your ears. This will decrease over time though. The pads are okay, but I sometimes get painful ears if the headphones aren't placed well. Also one more thing: don't listen to rips below 192kbps with this thing, because if you put shit in it will put shit out. I've had to stop ripping YT vids for releases that weren't out yet just because they sounded like absolute crap on these headphones. In all, I have been really content with them, and I'd definitely consider getting these!
  16. sai

    OK if he was being a dick about photos/video while it wasn't announced that the crowd shouldn't then he could've handled it differently. Though if I have to be honest, if you've gone to about 25 VK concerts already, you should know that you aren't allowed to take pictures/video at any VK concert ever (telling your fans you hate them is kind of stupid though lol. I sure as hell wouldn't give a dime to him anymore if I heard that). Then again, I'm taking as an exception the ones for whom this was their first VK-related concert. Also tbqh talking through the music is just really disrespectful. I mean even if you don't like his ballads too much just be quiet. I remember I was at a concert once where the band played their most boring ballad ever but the second someone started talking someone else told him to shut the fuck up. I mean I know you paid to be entertained but setlists are setlists and it's just really rude to be talking so much that you can hardly hear the music. Also X-Marc, this is no place to be insulting others with curse words. If you have a problem with Gizorz for some reason or another do it through PM or somewhere else, but not in here.
  17. sai

    Would probably also go with either Matenrou Opera or Plastic Tree. I don't know the particular songs, but I tend to prefer Plastic Tree to Matenrou most of the time (for the exception of a few songs). 1. Gackt - Missing 2. 東京事変 - 秘密 3. Girls' Generation - Stay Girls 4. SHINee - Dazzling Girl 5. Kagrra, - 恋綴魂 6. Lorne Balfe - Risking Everything 7. 東方神起 - ANDROID 8. DEAD END - Dress Burning 9. Lorne Balfe - Laying Up The Trap 10. NICO Touches the Walls - 恋をしよう Lots of Japanese K-pop on this one, lol. Normally I would go with NICO, but tbqh the 東方神起 song is just really really catchy and fun. Tokyo Jihen comes in second, as I haven't really gotten into them yet.
  18. I personally never liked DELUHI. Most of the songs were just really "eh" too me and never really hit me. The guitar solos often sounded like they were randomly mashed in because LEDA needed to have his 30 seconds of fame IN EVERY SINGLE SONG. Aggy was never needed tho, still surprised they disbanded because the only guy they didn't need left. ANYWAY, NOW FOR THE GOOD PART. 砂の泉 (Suna no Izumi). HOLY. SHIT. It was the new track on their best album before they disbanded and even though I've never liked a single DELUHI song 砂の泉 just HITS. The melodic chorus with foreign influences in combination with the vocal work is gorgeous, the guitar wankery actually FITS, the solo isn't disjointed from the rest of the song for once, Juri's vocals are really gentle but still powerful and you can actually hear the bass for once. Overall I really love this song but it's the only DELUHI song I have on my HD.
  19. sai

    Tbqh these songs don't feel very different from everything released since 2009. Why? You can use heavier riffs and bleep-bloops all you want but that's not going to take away the poppy elements hidden underneath. These songs are not much different, the only thing that is different are the riffs and the dubstep.
  20. Eh not to be a dick but the purpose of this thread is "several releases/songs or a single release spread throughout their discography". Saying "Alice Nine ever since Yami ni chiru sakura", "Kagrra ever since 2005" etc. is better fit for the "bands that went downhill"-thread or the "bands you used to like but don't anymore"-thread we have here. So yeah "everything released since..." doesn't count here, sorry. /also this is just personal but if a band hasn't released something worthwhile since 2005 I don't consider them among my favourites lol
  21. sai

    Tbqh there are plenty of ugly VK guys, but you just don't see that because they wear so many layers of make-up. Also Yoshiki is the result of many botox injections probably so he doesn't count in my book. You don't have to be a model to do VK, the make-up will do it all for you.
  22. As Aion started one for folk, I'm starting one for electronics! I know Pandabear made a similar thread in Global for all electronic-related music, but I'd like to specify this to instrumental electronics (though some occasional vocals for effect are ok), if you catch my drift. Anyway, to give a few examples and therefore immediately favourites: ESNO ESNO basically mixes jazz elements with electronics and the result is his debut album Visionary, released last year. CAT has it in his best of 2012 list, might you be looking for more samples. M-Koda All his stuff got deleted off YT recently so this was all that I could find that is fairly recent. M-Koda's tunes are just really ambient and you probably need to be in the mood for this, but I can really recommend checking the album out he released this year, great stuff! Ametsub I find Ametsub's stuff hard to describe as he does a bit of everything when it comes to electronics, though I'd probably put him closer to M-Koda than other electronic artists I know. It's ambient, though a bit more upbeat than M-Koda's stuff. Jimanica I actually really didn't like his last album because the distorted vocals are just not my thing, but this song off the album greatly impressed me. If you don't mind the vocals, I'd say go for it. I'd love to hear your contributions!
  23. No matter how much we love our favourite artists, there is always that one (or more releases, depending on personal opinions) release which we just can't enjoy, isn't up to par with the rest of their material or is just so plain bad that we wished it had never been printed to disc, mainly because it just stains their entire discography. This is not limited to VK by the way, all Japanese rock counts! This also isn't limited to releases that you considered 'bad'. Mediocre or just general underwhelming releases count too. This can be a whole release, like a single/mini/album, or if you can't think of those, just individual songs that ruined otherwise great releases (that one song that kept you from giving it five stars). I'll start with BUCK-TICK's Yumemiru Uchuu. Even though this album isn't BAD, it's certainly their weakest album yet and apart from a few catchy tracks there is nothing particularly interesting going on, as in most of the previous albums. I find it a bit of a stain on their otherwise fantastic album discography. Next up, lynch.' INFERIORITY COMPLEX. I liked a total of 2 tracks off this album, of which one was a single. The EXODUS EP excluded, I've digged every lynch. release so far, but INFERIORITY COMPLEX was just a really weak album imo that just put me off for quite a bit of time. It felt like it wasn't ready yet, if you know what I mean. Anyway, let loose! NOTE: THE "EVERYTHING RELEASED SINCE..."-THING IS NOT MEANT FOR THIS THREAD, BUT FOR THE "BANDS THAT WENT DOWNHILL"-THREAD. THIS IS SPECIFIED TO ONE OR SEVERAL RELEASES SPREAD OUT THROUGH A BAND'S DISCOGRAPHY THAT YOU STILL CONSIDER AMONG YOUR FAVOURITES.
  24. sai

    I love Shugo Tokumaru too! Such relaxing stuff. Can you set me up with GELLERS Aion? I've been looking for stuff similar to Shugo for a while. My favourite album of Shugo is In Focus?, at least, so far. Not sure if he's got anything up for release soon.
  25. Can't wait for this, Fourth wall was really good!
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