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Status Updates posted by Seimeisen

  1. I don't want to be rational right now. I want to blame others until I get bored enough to accept the truth.

  2. I expected to be disappointed by "FOCUS," but I actually really like the album!

  3. I finally have a new router. Goodbye forever 2.4GHz!!

    1. inartistic


      Do you have one of those spaceship-looking ones?

  4. I had a dream about a future iOS X with icons that would fall from the top of the screen and they would all move around and it wouldn't fucking stop. lol

  5. I hate it when auctions end on Sunday afternoons. Can they not? I have to fucking work and can't have my eyes glued to my phone in the damn kitchen!!!!!

  6. I just popped in for the DIAURA and グリーヴァ, but damn I'm kinda interested in that 黒百合と影 DVD, too...

    1. Chi


      you are the hero MH needs

  7. I might be uploading something today or tomorrow, but I'm not sure. I'm still in a really shitty mood, but I wanna get back into uploading.

    1. yakihiko


      I hope you feel better soon too.

    2. Shir0


      know this feeling. Hope you'll feel better soon [3]

    3. Seimeisen


      I was just really angry and disappointed about something that happened earlier, but I'm okay now. Still pissed, but moving forward.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. I started listening to DOGMA last Friday, and I absolutely love it. I can understand why some people aren't as into it, but I love it!

    1. ghost


      You finally listened! I think it's pretty great too.

  9. I think I found a Chinese tumblr: http://avelcain.lofter.com

  10. I think my copy of umbrella's 永久地図 is a bootleg...... MOTHERFUCKING FUCKING FUCK!!!

    1. ricchubunny


      why? It may be so indieish thats like a bootleg. Happens a lot

    2. Seimeisen


      True, my only clues are the pixelation on the CD graphic, and the audio spectral cut-off at about 16 kHz, but I have another live-dist CD from years before that has no cut-off and the disc graphic isn't pixellated.

    3. Seimeisen


      It's still a nice song though, so I will upload it later today.

  11. I wish I knew about System Integrity Protection before I upgraded to El Capitan. I want TotalFinder back! =(

  12. I wish my fucking asshole neighbours would fucking move. They have two dogs that keep barking their fucking asses off ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME!!

    1. PsychoΔelica


      I feel your pain.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. hitsuji-hime


      i do hope you're not talking about me *hides*

  13. I won't be celebrating Valentine's Day today as I'll be working in the afternoon. I will celebrate it the next day by eating lots of candy and watching TV.

    1. Seimeisen


      ...... and possibly drinking

    2. anakuro


      The second half of that plan is A+

  14. I'm officially obsessed with translucent records. Thanks, TITAN!

  15. I'm still in disbelief what is life anymore omg

    1. Seimeisen


      Fuck Izumi for murdering AvelCain

    2. Shir0


      killer news 2016

  16. I'm... somewhat sleepy... and it's not even 1 AM yet...... this is weird.

  17. I've been de-weeb-ified! The weebening is over. 2015/10/13 - 2015/10/20; Never Forget!

    1. Mihenno


      RIP daria :'(

    2. Seimeisen


      ^ she'll return someday. Probably when the 3rd movement starts.

    3. Aferni



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  18. I've contemplated getting a last.fm, but if I did get one, I'd have to start tagging shit "properly"

    1. beni


      Oh so, not the tagging on Last.fm? The actual track info? xD Aha, never do that either lol. Had to Google 'metadata' so I apologise if I'm mistaken again!

    2. Seimeisen


      Yeah, I think I'll try it out to see what it's like. If too much stuff gets scrobbled incorrectly or if it's too inconvenient, I'll probably upload some HQ artwork for some releases, then ditch it.

    3. beni


      I hope it goes well for you then. It only happens to be silly a few times in my experience with it, but either way, I hope you can enjoy using it. ^^

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  19. I've spent pretty much all day trying to download the FLAC rip of downy's fifth album. Almost twelve hours later... 35%? WHAT THE FUCKING BALLS?!

    1. Naaaaani


      Balls of steel

    2. yakihiko


      Balls of diamond

  20. Isn't it so fun when USPS tracking lies to you? When they say that something was delivered when it fucking wasn't? Isn't it fun?!

    1. Seimeisen


      From what I hear, a lot of people who are expecting Amazon packages on the weekend from USPS have this same problem.

    2. JRD


      Last time that happened with me, they left it with my neighbors without my permission. So you should try to ask them your neighbors :/

    3. Seimeisen


      It's also saying "Updated Delivery Day: Sunday, August 16, 2015" which is really weird to me.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  21. It's 43℃ outside... how fun.

    1. Koike


      Woow. That kind of heat sounds dangerous D:

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      around 40 here, so good ^^

    3. doombox


      Wuuuut? (゚Д゚?) That is crazy. Hope it doesn't get any worse.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. It's been a day and seeing all these non-pink username colours is still weird!

    1. yakihiko


      Same lol btw, nice color transition in your avi.

  23. It's... raining... a day after having 100℉ weather... Cool! :D

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Why USA always feel obliged to use each time different

      unit of measure as the rest of world xD (°F, mile, inch, pounds, ect...) that's suxx ! xD

    2. Seimeisen


      I primarily use celsius, despite being in the US. I occasionally use fahrenheit as well. But for anyone that doesn't feel like converting, 100F = ~38C.

    3. Koike


      38..? Holy shiiz. It's like 17 here and I'm already dying .__.

  24. Japan Codes LOWERED THEIR PRICES!! Best iTunes JP card prices I've ever seen. http://bit.ly/1yo09vY

    1. Shmilly


      It would be cheaper to just get someone in Japan to buy a card and send you the code! The exchange rate is better than that ;)

    2. inartistic


      Thanks for the heads up

    3. Seimeisen


      @Shmilly definitely true, but I don't have any contacts in Japan.

  25. Just finished listening to GANGSTA, which was a complete drag with only a few good songs. Recovering with 12012's AWESOME EP!! Why can't Sadie be the band that's going on hiatus? Why does it have to be 12012? :(

    1. Bear


      Because 12012's got some smart members. They've realised they've been godawful since 2007 and they decided it was about time they stopped this bullshit after 7 years of ruining their good name. They've done enough damage already. Good on them, even though it's 7 years too late.

    2. Elazmus


      LMFAO. Yeah, XII is amazing

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