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Everything posted by minre

  1. minre

    I have to agree with this sentiment. Not that I was ever much of a fan outside some stuff before they started churning out albums... The vocalist getting more and more annoying, the music, mediocre as it is, can't save it.
  2. Well, I hope that it is better than their previous release... Though they are essentially the same band, they don't sound as good as SINCREA...
  3. minre

    Crimson had a longer setlist on their first live and didn't even end up releasing half of that, before disbanding... better not be another band that teases.
  4. satsuki can't write a song to save his life. this better be amazing~~ they performed at a convention last month. though I haven't really read any reports, just some video footage...of... of course, simply satsuki songs, so I have no idea.
  5. I'm rather sick of how many versions of the song exists... Though you can't really go wrong with GB.
  6. minre

    If a heart was made of gold, surely someone would come and stab you to death so they can take it away... /random thought. I kind of like it though.
  7. minre

    I didn't have much hope going into the album considering how over half the album consisted of old songs or instrumentals. In the end, there was disappointment. But it started out promising, the intro wasn't so bad, and I loved finale. But most of the new songs felt short and were filled with shouting/repetition that did nothing for the songs. And SWAN is so messed up that I like it. Can't really remmeber anything else, though it felt like cry against vocals were redone? I dunno. No Gekkisei [or castanets], so I can't say this was better than their previous effort.. don't know what to say. Average/10.
  8. minre

    there were ups, there were downs. I really wish they would have tried harder with Amon symph version like actually strip the instruments and make kyo into a monk... only listened once, so will give it a few more chances. but uroboros it is not. single-wise new version of lotus is nice, but the chorus is still pretty useless. hage new version added guitars that sound unnatural in the song. different sense I still like, if there were any changes.
  9. minre

    I don't know who's who, but I love them... I honestly love ALL of Elysion. <3 My first listen was Marchen though, and that's probably my 3rd favorite album after Roman. Favorite Marchen song was Garasu no Hitsugi de Nemuru Himegimi. I just love her vocals .
  10. minre

    ^agreed. I already threw down to the bottom of my ranking list. though I'm curious whether it'll be better symphonically...
  11. minre

    the question i keep having is -choral- sabbat and dawn... are they instrumental or se or a series of related songs?
  12. intro was ok. chorus was awful. song was generic and not enjoyable otherwise. then again, this is coming from someone who only liked maybe 2 songs from their recent singles...being b-sides...
  13. minre

    ●Can You Feel the Love Tonight [Lion King]/葵 (Aoi from Ayabie) ...I don't know what to say. ...seriously? ... I haven't thought about it until now... but what language will the songs be in? [reason being that a lot of times the songs are redone into the translated language...]
  14. minre

    For some reason, the lyrics just IRRITATES me beyond reason. I mean, it's not like their lyrics were ever any good, but there was something about it :/.
  15. minre

    new album in september. I did like their single, although I couldn't stand two-faced... what a stupid song.
  16. minre

    still reimagining those solos, eh ~ leda? of course, there's added guitar parts, or at least more noticeable? with the 'brighter' production, that provides mixed results. I do like the redone vocals, and the remix of Yomi no Yuzuri ha... if I look at it as a remix, I like it, but as a replacement, I don't think so.
  17. minre

    sounds...boring, yet promising~
  18. I'd assume that MOO would be leaked before Para:noir .
  19. 2012.01.25 is becoming quite epic. first forbidden days now chemical.
  20. Hoping for a collection of all these songs~~in future. Though acoustic releases generally don't make collections... ah~~
  21. minre

    Youtube quality, really, Deluhi? How can anyone listen to that? I did notice some subtle changes, but their last song doesn't really sound like 'deluhi'. Of course, not going to listen again or it will interfere with the full version later on.
  22. minre

    ...considering how there's countless people with the same name... it's hard to take that seriously. if they had a reputation, then it would spread regardless since it would be considered a high profile act, or something along those lines. also, more than half[?] the type it's simply just changing it to a different character [hiragana, romaji, katakana, kanji, etc] in either case, I could never get into Kagrra, so it's interesting to see how they'll change.
  23. The samples are... pretty awful, DNA must have been a fluke. That or they get progressively worse after each 'first' release.
  24. minre

    Helios definitely the best track though it's missing something. I thought A prayer was going to be a alternate version of the song, not some added on chants. Adult Children is too immature, unless they're saying that's what children shouldn't become so quickly, not that it matters, too distracting. Magnolia is generic Matenrou, skip that. Kizuna is still as boring as when the video was first released. Definitely worse than ABYSS. Helios is good, but doesn't touch coal tar. But at least they're not giving up on power metal and the likes. Average / 10.
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