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Everything posted by minre

  1. ivy was wonderful~~ can't wait.
  2. minre

    guessing it'll be more like galneryus than deluhi. and 5x-10x better than sujk's, depending if there will be vocals or not.
  3. minre

    awkward pv is pv. otherwise, enjoyed the song, but... the production's horrible.
  4. minre

    even though he was trying to do something different, the single itself was too straight-forward. the title track wasn't so bad, but... the b-sides were beyond boring [for -oz- standards...], not that I wasn't expecting much from the previews. previous single was much more enjoyable. below average release.
  5. minre

    almost all the choruses gave off the exact same feeling that it just really annoyed me. I would have almost liked the release if not for that.
  6. minre

    definitely a surprise. nothing unique, but definitely solid.
  7. I noticed the title and price when I went to their side. If you think about it, it's not too bad. They don't have any singles to include, anything already "released" would end up as re-recordings. Dive had 5 songs and was the exact same price... so I'm guessing 8 songs? But they would be all new, so it's good either way .
  8. I kind of liked it . . . Though it would be nice if they had toned it down.
  9. definitely sounds like sel'm, vocals were surprising, and new album after all the wait is even better. I would have just settled for a re-recording of brilliant force or some kind of re-recording collection, considering how much the songs changed when they added a second guitar.
  10. minre

    ....wasn't that the reason sincrea split to begin with? I really don't know what to think anymore.
  11. minre

    the chorus reminded me of para:noir... but other than that, I don't know what to say. not that I was ever a fan of them, but still... *shudders*
  12. minre

    title track makes me gag every time I listen to it. second track isn't all that much better, honestly, just boring. tragically enough, vital and fullmetal were enjoyable. average / 10
  13. minre

    i'm all for collections to make up for rare releases, bad production, and/or vocal change.
  14. sounds better than most of their releases under FEST :x
  15. minre

    ...couldn't even finish the song, literally bored to death. ...ever slowly, the quality degrades... though I can safely announce a guilty verdict and say chances are I'll end up liking their next album nonetheless.
  16. minre

    not surprising, still depressing. though they were terribly inconsistent.
  17. i like them and all... but the previews are vastly disappearing. at least the first track was...
  18. minre

    Wing-Ding ... the title alone makes me want to gag...
  19. minre

    i like the 2nd part of the sample... but I still despise the first part =.=
  20. minre

    i wasn't fond of the first single that much, but the mini was wonderful o.o. can't wait <3.
  21. minre

    i havne't liked much of their release, but this was a pleasant surprise.
  22. minre

    ...seriously? were it not for the fact that it simply sounded like a higher-tempo version of a previous song or two, I would have liked it...
  23. feels kind of random, but I'm liking it..
  24. can't wait for new halsion, though I still need to hear their july release = =
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