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Everything posted by minre

  1. minre

    hopefully someone manages to snag scarlet, overture, and maybe even the demos :x
  2. minre

    I suppose sacrifices don't count the same as killing...? but I remember liking the trilogy the most then *checks player* tracks 8, 9, KING&QUEEN, and Stargazer:. it's been a while but I'll give their discography a playthrough next wek. gots lots to listen to before then <.<...
  3. minre

    the intro in blue flame killed it for me. though it doesn't exactly replicate it, makes me want to scream M. I enjoyed the second track and G3 more than blue flame. so decent. 6-7/10. [ever since I started using myanimelist, I've been harsher in my ratings ,_,] then again, I was never a big A9 fan. so don't kill me, Infinity. = = leave the bloodshed for another day.
  4. he probably was just struggling . ah~~to infinity part two would be nice. and I wonder if Rui will get 2 songs again, then again... the fans have mixed feelings about him... and I wonder if we will ever get glitter, the bonus track from Jishuban? keep in mind that the other 2 bonus tracks were remixes of forsaken from other vk shops. hopefully, it's obtainable this time around if it happens again...
  5. ^actually, I'm pretty sure canticum was announced on his birthday back in june 2009. then he announced around april? 2010 that he had begun work on the second release. but supposedly he had been struggling a great deal with getting work done or something. mental block, perhaps? that, and he does have to make a living . still, a bit sad it's 2 years between releases. hopefully he'll release a cinematic production, since I loved the art for the previews .
  6. homepage says '2nd mini album' so probably about 7 songs or so again.
  7. For those that don't know Forbidden Days Rhapsody is an instrumental project by ex. RENTRER EN SOI Mika. Guest vocals [when needed] are provided by Rui, who remains a mystery. Bass and Guitar are done by ex. RENTRER EN SOI Shun. Samples + cover available @ http://www.mknmkn.com/top.html And Mika's twitter @ http://twitter.com/#!/unravelorange/ Mika's blog @ http://ameblo.jp/mikan255/ And Happy Birthday, Mika <3. edit : courtesy of Trombe [thanks <3] "unravel (films)" is moving-picture & video directing company, and "orange" is one of Mikan projects
  8. minre

  9. minre

    As I'm not a fan of lynch, I am surprised to say that I've managed to double the amount of songs I can tolerate by them. LIE, THIS COMA, BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, and SCARLET [and maybe 2 others]. To me they were always the band that was heavy for the sake of being heavy. *Shrugs*. all this i'll give you, I would have liked if they killed the intro and end, because the chorus was nice. not a fan of their heavier songs, and even then the other tracks I would call 'generic' in means of being irritating. in the end, better than expected, but still no plans of becoming a fan. 4/10. subpar. whatever.
  10. minre

    'canceling the departed members.' dunno why I laughed. so they decided to leave because they wanted to dress differently? j/k well, I do like them... so hopefully they fare well.
  11. minre

    o.O. If anything the look is part of the band concept. Just look at how 'spiritual' their outfits are, especially the necklaces. [not that I'm the least bit knowledgeable about their concept. think back to the single campaign after orion once again...]
  12. minre

    I remmber liking them :x
  13. minre

    unless they decide to release something at their last live like a number of these 'unknown' vk bands tend to do...[which half the time we aren't even aware of such a release, hah.....dow depressing...]
  14. minre

    nifty. no vocalist singing please .
  15. minre

    they formed 2009.05.09. stuff we don't have are 2009.10.10 1st free demo single「Cry road????布開始 ??録曲 ・Cry road 2010.02.06 2nd free demo single「冷酷??明日??????布開始 ??録曲 ・冷酷??真実??白??花 ・The Sadness ・Egoist the maggots(Studio one take) as well as their most recent SCARLET from like an edison[?] osaka/live only. 1.DEADLY ENTRY(SE) [live only version] 2.SCARLET 3.Last Night(Demo Ver.) 4.冷酷??真実??白??花(Demo Ver.)
  16. minre

  17. minre

    summer keeps getting better and better <3. and it's not so bad since they're lives... though the regular is a bit pricey, at least it isn't like C4 where you didn't even have a choice.
  18. minre

    the only track i liked wsa the engrish track, *guiltypleasure*. vortex and break me have no redeeming features.
  19. minre

    they went door to door?
  20. minre

    the song had some nice parts, but... the chorus repeated itself way too many times meaning that I'm already sick of it. and I tend to dislike most music videos, since there's never really any story, and this was simply an embarrassment... 'sway sway sway'....
  21. I liked glass & dozing. Loved Uro. Hated Hage & Lotus, so I'm not feeling confident in their blind faith. [since you kind of want your next effort to be better than your last]. If they decided to at least rape Hage or delete it entirely, then I may give it a chance. And/Or if they fix Lotus like they mentioned they would...then maybe...there is...hope? Responsibility, eh? Yep. They gotta be responsible for the pregnant women. Mazohyst part 2.
  22. A <3. Should be promising. Just don't go releasing too much that you'll burn out.
  23. /looks up funny name. /laments, that condition seems to seriously suck . hopefully he'll recover.
  24. minre

    . That's honestly always my first thought but I figured that no one really cares :/. *shrugs*
  25. minre

    lynch. = unlistenable DEATHGAZE = listenable. I know what to expect from both bands and have learned to accept them, but that doesn't mean I'll be swayed. As people have done with DEATHGAZE, I have given lynch. plenty of chances and have always been left disappointed. [not to say there weren't some parts I liked in the new song, but there were more unfavorable parts as a whole...]
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