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    Gackt's Hair Stylist

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  1. minre

    I don't know how to feel, honestly. Wasteland is just an S.E. > FACELESS I ended up like the most of the new songs. > PROPAGANDA is ok, would have expected something more out there with that title. > REM is all over the place > Left behind has some ok parts but overall is simply boring. > 'Feel myself alive' being a ballad, the vocals really are in the background... I don't know what they plan to do with UNLEASH after that scandal, but the highs and lows of that release are much higher than the highs and lows of this release. More cohesive and enjoyable at least. Of course I really liked Satanic Corner and Thank You. [Even Macho of the World..] And I guess... the most important is that the Engrish is way more tolerable on there, than here. This release is getting a pass from me, though I do hope the next time they release something it'll be more memorable, and they realize their faults. Or at least as everyone has said countless times, more Japanese or at least someone more proficient with English. 6/10 release. Average nothing special.
  2. minre

    The problem I had with the digital singles were that the lyrics sucked hard. Would have liked them enough to actually listen to them if they weren't so frustrating to hear. Especially those choruses. Either way, I don't care for these kind of previews, so we'll see how they appeal as a whole.
  3. minre

    When I think of drummers retiring that took the band with them, I'm always reminded of Sel'm... Though he had back issues, so can't really blame him, except for that fact they promised an album, but instead months after the expected date they disbanded. Oh well. Gotta find a mucc discography download now.
  4. minre

    Definitely odd to see an original member leave after so long. But hope his retirement and the band work out :p. And mucc definitely is a hit-or-miss farm. [Let's not forget how much they loved to self-cover, release literal demo tapes, and the likes. And the engrish, literally ruined a number of songs I would have loved otherwise like JUSTICE from their most recent album.] Definitely need to make a playlist though. Favorite album will always be Houyoku as the album that got me into them. [Despite it being lower on most people's lists].
  5. minre

    01. The Wasteland 02. FACELESS 03. PROPAGANDA 04. REM 05. Left behind 06. Feel myself alive
  6. Started out sounding as Thank you pt 2, but goes somewhere else. I don't really see it as diss track unless you wanna saying it's dissing humanity which you can say it is. 'Don't get me sick - your word has no responsibility' sounds like Covid 😛 conspiracy theories and all spreading it. of course I'm probably wrong. I like it musically, but I agree lyrically. He should at least ask someone more proficient with english to proofread... to help him make it more cohesive because that's what's holding back a lot of their music if they insist on doing it mainly in english.
  7. It's been postponed a month due for production reasons, and it's considered a pre-release? machine translation rip So who knows when it will hit stores. http://breakin-holiday.com/news/
  8. I see the word piano and instantly think of Media no Juusei. Completely random, but loved that song. Looking forward to it.
  9. minre

    Half a second sample huh. Don't know whether to feel excited or not. Either way, obvious typo is obvious... They should at least get the year right, would be worse if the live info had it as well but at least it doesn't. It being the title is just embarrassing. I mean they're debuting, and the title makes you think they already have.
  10. 1.Opening 2.Fortitude 3.Day Dream ft.ryosuke from a crowd of rebellion 4.Call your name 5.Blaze away 6.Right/Left 7.Interlude 8.Analog 9.Wait&see 10.There 4 u 11.Song for you
  11. eh, honestly, don't think they ever said they were disbanding, the message said they were going on a break from touring and media so it was more of a hiatus, the usual wanting to take a break and grow and figure things out. at least it isn't that far away, so hopefully they did amazing things during their break hopefully - it isn't filled with a bunch of old songs at least, but we'll see
  12. From their Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kyhomg 🔥New Release🔥 1st Full Album 『KEEP YOUR HANDs OFF MY GIRL』 2018.08.01 Release!!!! そして復活一発目となるライブを解禁! 2018.09.02(sun) @新潟GOLDEN PIGS RED a crowd of rebellion x KEEP YOUR HANDs OFF MY GIRL pre. 『米騒動 vol.3』2 man show 〜「KEEP YOUR HANDs OFF MY GIRL」&「Ill」TOUR〜 開催決定! チケットはプレイガイドにて先行予約受付中!
  13. If someone can provide a non-google summary, thanks. But it sounds like they're taking a break to re-discover themselves. 【大切なお知らせ】 いつもKEEP YOUR HANDs OFF MY GIRLを応援して頂きありがとうございます。 この度我々KEEP YOUR HANDs OFF MY GIRLは2017年6月をもちましてライブ活動をはじめ、メディアでの発信を停止致します。 この先より良い音楽活動を続けていきたいという願いから今一度ゆっくり音楽と向き合う時間を設けたく、大変不本意ではありますが今回この様な発表をさせて頂く運びとなりました。 誠に勝手ではございますがご理解頂ければ幸いです。 突然の発表になってしまいましたが6月末まであと約3ヶ月、発表未発表を含めてライブはまだまだ沢山あります。 今月末には梅田ZEELAにて初の大阪企画もあります。 残り数ヶ月と言えど全力で、むしろ今迄以上に気合い入れていきますので皆様のご来場心よりお待ちしております。 今後ともKEEP YOUR HANDs OFF MY GIRLを宜しくお願い致します。 KEEP YOUR HANDs OFF MY GIRL 一同 http://kyhomg.com
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