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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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spockitty last won the day on August 8 2019

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About spockitty

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    Wataru's Punching Bag
  • Birthday 09/12/1989

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    I enjoy certain things. I definitely enjoy some things more than others!

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  1. I just had a thought, are all bandmen so skinny cause they can't afford food for the most part?

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    2. spockitty


      omg @Gesu I was mostly joking and you come at me with the realness ^^;;; 


      I do agree with everything you've just said. It's the same in kpop, people get canceled for gaining a pound. In vk you just get the additional bonus of the not-exactly-healthy rocker lifestyle~ 

    3. Gesu


      Ahaha, sorry! I can almost never tell the difference between sarcasm and... not sarcasm. X)

    4. Tokage


      might legit be the case btw, i at least remember seeing stories floating around on tumblr about how some  japanese actor from either one of the million kamen rider series, super sentai or one of those other 'dudes in rubber suits beating the shit out of each other' programs p much had to subside on water in order to make himself feel full cuz he couldnt afford regular meals, if that's already the case with tv show actors then it's deffo not out of the question for musicians either

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