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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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psychonnect_rozen last won the day on July 31 2019

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About psychonnect_rozen

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    Gackt's Hair Stylist
  • Birthday 11/10/2002

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  1. The people who say VK is dead are like the r/lewronggeneration of the J-Rock community 

    1. Wakarimashita



      Accurate description

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Well I mean... It's making less money than it ever has while venues and shops are closing down one by one, and it's somehow even more culturally irrelevant than its ever been both domestically and abroad considering that there's the grand total of two bands who can actually tour overseas without driving the organiser to bankruptcy like what happened to _every single one_ of them in Europe. When X, Glay and L'arc are finally buried it's unlikely that the Japanese public will have any idea it even exists/existed. Sure it'll still be around but at the capacity of a vegetable hooked up to a respirator. 

    3. nekkichi


      tbh considering the way japanese labels run their biz we're in for annual hologram tours of every major luna sea era for the three decades following their ultimate retirement with hatsune miku collaborations to lure in the youth


      vk on average does better than the ~true independent musical artistry~ over there.

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