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psychonnect_rozen last won the day on July 31 2019

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About psychonnect_rozen

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    Gackt's Hair Stylist
  • Birthday 11/10/2002

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  1. Ugh. I feel like a huge idiot for just trying to start drama. I honestly didn’t mean to. Oh well, I guess everyone hates me now lol

    1. sixblacknine
    2. suji


      I'm glad you realized you made a huge mistake, but stop pitying yourself. I've been in that dark place where I had to defend my opinions constantly and attacking those who thought differently. What I've learned in these few years of adulthood, however, is that the world doesn't solely revolve around you. An unbiased debate where you can hear both sides freely can not only help you learn more about people around you, but it can also help you grow. Harassing people however (especially from out of nowhere) will not only do jackshit, but will also make you look just as bad as they are, and it was just as ironic having bragged about it in the toxicity of VK fandom thread.


      This forum is known for having a lot of gossip, debates, drama, whatever. But actively harassing someone on a different platform, just from hearsay alone, is taking it a step too far. This behavior will not be condoned and there may be additional consequences, should this ever happen again. I hope you learned something from this and always think before you do/say anything.

    3. Naaaaani


      No reasons to hate you lol

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