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Everything posted by Gesu

  1. What the hell, man? If people want to smoke, can't they just go outside and move a few metres away from the building? #JusticeForIceCream indeed.
  2. Got an apprenticeship interview on Friday, fuck yes! >:D

    1. ghost


      Get it Gesu!

    2. YuyoDrift


      Oh, paid or nah? 

    3. Gesu


      Paid! 🤑

  3. Gesu

    I've been listening to Brendaniel's weird fanfic/Chuck Tingle readings while playing Tetris. I highly recommend it. Also been watching a lot of SuperMega. Again, highly recommend.
  4. Gesu

    Moran, Sugar, Jikkendai Marmot, DIAURA, SHiSHi...
  5. Gesu

    Dunno if I've posted this here before (probs not) but I just got a random flashback to when someone I know showed a pic of Kamijo to a girl but it was from a distance and she said "is that Trump"
  6. Gesu

    You ever have it where you've known a song for years but you just now can't stop listening to it? I was listening to this a little while back and for some reason I can't stop.
  7. Last night, I dreamt that I was watching an episode of The Big Bazinga Theory and after every single line, the laugh track would play. The only exceptions were if the characters actually said something genuinely funny. That was rather satirical of my subconscious.
  8. I'm finally back. Last night, I dreamt that I was sat around a table in the staff room of the place I do work experience at with the characters of Dragon Quest VIII (best DQ btw). Angelo announced to us all that he was sick of being a Templar knight and was going to become a minstrel. I cuddled up to him and told him I thought that was hot then we stood up and he hugged me back. We kind of stumbled onto all the staff members' bags and we kissed and I don't remember much after that but knowing Angelo, I'm sure what happened next was... interesting. Also, you know when something doesn't explicitly happen in a dream but you feel like it's true of that dream? It was never stated but I feel like I was dating the hero of DQ8 at the time so I was basically cheating on him right in front of him. Dream me is a homewrecking binch.
  9. Gesu

    Well, that didn't take long. It'd be nice if they came back.
  10. Welp, I have my first day of hospital work experience tomorrow. I'm basically going to be doing a nine-to-five job for four weeks but instead of getting an actual paycheck, I'm being bribed with Universal Credit. Wish me luck and pray I don't crap my pants out of fear!

    1. CAT5


      You'll do fine. Best of luck!

    2. Naaaaani


      Good luck

  11. Wait, he's got two now? I thought he only had one lol. Anyways, congrats to him! Hope he and his family have a wonderful life. ❤️
  12. I got an email like that once (some people here may remember me freaking out about it). I wonder if it was him?
  13. Gesu

    In case you couldn't tell, I'm somewhat addicted to Kikuo.
  14. Gesu

    I gotta disagree with you here. Maybe this is one for the unpopular opinion thread but I think you have every right to tell someone how to raise their children. The argument I often hear against this is "raising children is hard" but the way I see it, if it's hard, you should be taking every piece of advice in your stride and even if you're not following it, you should at least give it a chance. His daughter is eighteen years old, he is no longer legally responsible for her and her virginity is none of his business. I'm not saying he can't be there for her when she needs him, nor am I saying that sex trafficking/STDs/single-motherhood isn't a problem, but just because someone is having sex that doesn't mean they're in danger and it sounds to me like he's demonising sex when he could just be having a civil conversation about it with her. This whole "daddy's little princess" mentality is so backwards and all it does is regress young women instead of encouraging security, freedom and healthy father-daughter relationships. It may seem all very well and good now but how's she gonna fare when she has to be completely independent? Is she gonna have any idea what to do when she's faced with an adult issue or is she just gonna turn to her father to bail her out of every situation? To clarify, I don't mean to sound hostile nor do I mean to attack you personally. In fact, I agree with your last few paragraphs... but if the generation before us can't take a bit of criticism when it comes to the way they parent, why should we take any criticism from them? This is why children don't listen to their parents, because many parents unfortunately feel like they can do whatever and get away with it because "how dare you question my parenting style". There's no such thing as a parenting style. Either you parent or you don't but how you interact with them on a personal level is dependent on you and I can't separate the way someone raises their kids from the way they are as a person.
  15. Happy birthday, dude! Hope you have an awesome day~ 🎂

  16. Gesu

    I don't think many people would want to be in a band with a guy like that. It brings bad publicity and it's generally just shitty behaviour that'd be enough to cause a falling-out between friends/band members.
  17. Gesu

  18. Gesu

    I've been trying to save my money lately because a) it's Christmas next month and b) there are things I want to save up for next year but it looks like I need to buy some warmer clothes soon or else I'm probably going to get hypothermia (no joke, it's really fucking cold here). As crappy as I feel about not being frugal, like my grandma said, there's no point in saving up for anything if I'm too ill to do anything with it. I know she's right but it makes me feel crappy for some reason. 🥶
  19. His name is Shiina Mio... or at least, it was. It's now Lusty Librarian. Thanks, now I can never unsee that.
  20. I taught a 65-year-old man how to dab today.

    1. CAT5


      Doing the lord's work I see.

    2. lichtlune


      Did you say "ok boomer" afterwards? 

  21. Ayyyyy, thanks for the follow~! ^_^

  22. Gesu

    One who instantly comes to mind is Sizna from Sugar/Moran. His cat (who is extremely cute, btw) actually has their (I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl) own Instagram account. I know Hizaki and Masashi from Versailles also have cats (Hizaki's is called Sonia and Masashi's is called Piisuke). Yuuki from Lycaon/Initial'L also had a couple named Kurocchi and Chashiro but I think Chashiro unfortunately passed away.
  23. Other than the fact that the chorus sounds kinda like it could've been in a different song, I actually really liked this! Definitely gonna have to watch these guys.
  24. Happy spoop day~ 🎃

    1. Bear


      Happy poop day.

  25. Gesu

    If he's being violent/abusive and you feel threatened by him (and your partner's mother), I think the best idea would be to call the police. I know it might seem a bit drastic but if you're this worried for this reason, it's better to do it sooner than later. I understand if you don't want to because I know there's a fear of being hurt if you're found out for having called them and I would probably actually talk to someone in person about calling the police so you can get some support if you think that may happen, but I think the police know how to properly deal with this kind of situation. If not that, at the very least, I would try to sit everyone down and tell them all how you feel. Either way, I don't think it'd be healthy to let this go on for much longer. If you want to DM me about anything, you can. All the best ❤️
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