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Everything posted by Gesu

  1. Not as good as I was expecting but it's a low-quality video so I'll cut 'em some slack until I can hear more. That, and Tatsuya's look gives me Loki-esque vibes so I may be just a teensy bit biased...
  2. Gesu

    I'm getting black mage vibes from those outfits. Colour me intrigued.
  3. Last night, I dreamt that I was listening to Sugar and just having a good time but then my mum came upstairs and yelled at me for listening to them cuz she didn't like them.
  4. Happy birthday, dude! Have an awesome day~ 🎂

    1. Elazmus


      Thank you!!:)

  5. Gesu

    Mamo's crabs seem to be coping well I'm sorry
  6. Oh, come the fuck on. I thought we were past the era of edgy face reveals! Guess it wasn't as short-lived as I hoped. They'd better be gud.
  7. Gesu

    Would FFXIV characters be acceptable to put here? If so, my name is Jelgo Rufa and I play on Moogle (Chaos).
  8. Gesu

    Sheep. It was originally on the PS1 but I found it on the Vita for £3.49. Such a small price to pay for some excellent nostalgia~! 🐑
  9. Gesu

    I have a serious Kikuo/KikuoHana problem
  10. Only 100 days until the new Animal Crossing game comes out! I am gonna have so much fun~ 🍃

    1. Romlaw


      The hype is already through the roof here too

      I hope  the character story arcs are as good as they were in wild world though

  11. Gesu

    Welp, I've gone from having a couple of neighbours who just yelled at each other right outside my room at about 1pm every week from having a couple of neighbours who make out so loudly I can hear them even when my attention is diverted elsewhere. Ahh, the joys of living in a flat.
  12. Gesu

    Welcome, and glad to see another DIAURA fan~! Hope you have fun here
  13. Gesu

    I think I've reached that point where I just don't give a shite anymore. About a month or two ago, I was ill and couldn't leave my room for five days so I had kind of a mental breakdown out of loneliness which was horrible but at the end of it, I just felt... calm, like I completely burnt myself out. I feel absolutely fine now and it's weird; like I cared so much about it before but now I'm just in this state of calm. Like, so calm that my libido damn near died which I thought would never happen but thank fuck it has. It's still there and you can bet your arse I'll still look at a hot guy and acknowledge how damn hot he is (see my profile picture UwU) but it no longer torments me. As for romance... again, I just don't really give a shite (tbf tho I always gave more of a shite about getting physically close to someone as opposed to romantically). The best way I can describe it is this: if I love someone and they make me happy, just being around them is enough so I don't need to solidify that by declaring my love for them. "I love you" or nah, my feelings wouldn't change as long as we could enjoy each other's company. That, and the way everyone else describes relationships doesn't really sound ideal to me, anyways. All that "a relationship will put your emotional strength to the test", "it's a huge risk", "it's a lot of hard work", etc just sounds like a load of malarkey to me. I like this feeling of calm and I don't need some hard, risky test to ruin that (even if I did want a relationship, I feel like if you really love someone it should be easy and natural and you should know them well enough by the time you get with them for it to not feel like a test). Getting to this state of comfort in my own company was enough of a hard, risky test, thank you very much! Plus... if I ever do get into a relationship, be it romantic, sexual or both, the only risk will be potentially falling back into that pit of loneliness if it all goes tits-up for whatever reason. TLDR: I'm finally fucking happy without needing another person's touch to validate that. Don't worry, I'm still human and I'm still a social creature; I'm just happier than I was before, that's all. This was kind of a ramble but eh. It feels good to share it.
  14. Gesu

    Hanatan's voice is just too beautiful.
  15. Gesu

    My work experience at the moment involves lifting heavy stacks of notes and I think I made myself ill by physically overexerting myself 🙃 next time I'll listen when they tell me to pace myself instead of trying to prove myself all the damn time.
  16. Gesu

    Early 2020 VK prediction: 8P-SB open a theme park called Richardland (Dickland for short) to market themselves. It goes under pretty quickly and is revamped into a new livehouse that soon becomes the thing that #resurrectsvk
  17. Me trying to explain VK to a friend:


    1. monkeybanana4


      The perfect explanation for VK.

  18. Gesu

    An interesting one...
  19. Three in a row. My subconscious brain's decided to be active, it seems. So this one was really fucking bizarro, even for me. I was at a circus and Stephen Mulhern was the ringmaster. There was a Shih Tzu that was being forced to perform magic tricks seemingly against its will and most people were enthralled but I noticed it was very distressed. After the show, I criticised Stephen for using the dog and he became offended and threw a cream pie in my face. We then just kept pieing each other and I'm not quite sure who had the last laugh.
  20. Happy birthday to you! Have an awesome day~ 🎂

    1. nullmoon


      This was a complete surprise, thank you so much 😊 I hope you're doing well! x

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