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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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sleepy coffee last won the day on September 13 2020

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About sleepy coffee

  • Rank
    Kyo's Mattress
  • Birthday 06/18/1994

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    United States
  • Interests
    vk, weeb stuff, baseball, fps games

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  1. I'm a dude who's never had long hair til now and I'm completely lost at how I should take care of it, anyone got any pointers or tips

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yomii


      conditioners and hair masks will be of a great help〜 but dont use them on the roots - you want your hair to be moisturized but not greasy. also you dont want to brush your hair while it's still wet. blowdry with the grain(hope i used proper words for that, sorry if not). if you're going to use flat iron dont ever use it on wet hair too and it's better to use a spray.

    3. platy


      Get your hair trimmed regularly. Every 3 months at least. Otherwise it'll get split ends and you'll have to chop up a longer portion of it than you'd want to

    4. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      So since I'm pretty clueless I just randomly bought something called matrix biolage from the store (I have 0 clue what's good I just got whatever was the most expensive) and also picked up some micellar shampoo from a brand that has already escaped my memory. Anyways since my hair feels pretty thin and meh I've been using all the stuff daily and it all seems to be working pretty well already lol

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