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  1. Like
    riyusama reacted to ghostpepper in The bad bandmen of VK bands   
    It is always a question of how far I can go without pissing some key figures off. Recently I tweeted in Japanese about these feelings towards the current seen and got around 600 likes, had lots of people DMing me saying they feel the same, but one person who does ghostwriter work got angry, can understand, we all gotta make a living. 
  2. Like
    riyusama reacted to seys in The bad bandmen of VK bands   
    Like this video?
  3. Like
    riyusama reacted to Ikna in The bad bandmen of VK bands   
    This discussion brings back some memories of the time the tokyo damage report about the inner workings of the VK industry was posted on the net and so many overseas fans were in total disbelief and denial. Most of us overseas fans never had been to a live in Japan and most of had no idea how the scene truly was in its home country. So it was really hard for many to stomach to hear that their beloved oh-so-perfect and "better than plastic, mass-produced 'murrican pop music" bands were just as fabricated by labels and couldn't write their own music or play their instruments. 

    Even then many new VK bands were just talentless hacks who wanted to get their 15 mins of fame and easy access to pussy, and that was maybe 8-10 years ago? Around that same time LUNA SEA's Sugizo and Dir en grey Kyo commented on the then contemporary scene, that the newbies are not passionate about making art and music, but only care about attracting chicks. I remember how much hate and flack they both got then, with some fans accusing Sugizo to be jealous of the young bandomen, because they were hotter and got more girls, lol. How naive we gaijins were back then. Ofc we would also believe that there are no kusomen - our fav bandomen are all perfect, because they are hawt!

    It's good that the scene nowadays is more open about discussing what's going on inside and that we are not foaming at our mouths because someone "insulted" our fav bands by pointing out the obvious… like Kisaki's misdeeds. If that would have become public ten years ago I bet you there would have been at least a small army of people defending this guy. At least now most people see him for what he is.

    That said, VK always rubbed along with a bit of delinquency and depravity. Since the hosts entered the scene that got even more amplified, but that transition has taken place since a whole decade. I think we reached a point where almost none of the "original" spirit is left behind. Ofc you get the occasional band that's truly concerned about doing art, but for every honest group you get 10 forgettable ,mass-produced trash ones.
  4. Like
    riyusama got a reaction from KrumpingChihuahua in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    HOLY SHIT!! I remember these posts being so popular and wildly reblogged in tumblr!! I can't believe I'm seeing them again XD
    How nostalgic, remember the times when I was a huge LM.C fan lol
  5. Like
    riyusama got a reaction from avaritonista in VK/J-rock confessions   
    What you do sounds so tough omgeh!! It's awful that others stress you out because of this, but even tho I've never really been that interested with looking up old bands of them musicians, thanks for helping out the others fans in doing so! People should realize that searching through the net for things like this is hella hard and you waste too much time, sometimes not even getting the information you really want e.e
  6. wow
    riyusama got a reaction from avaritonista in VK/J-rock confessions   
    Holy shit, I'm LATE TO THIS PARTY, I love confessions sdbfjbcdskjnk not that I have that many tho but, still love to participate...
    Hmmm... Idk what to confess, aside from maybe the fact I write gay fanfiction about them? Altho, I think that already sounds TOO OBVIOUS from my post signature lol my younger 12 year old self just used to cry about them a lot. Wow damn, I'm so boring I have nothing good to confess wtf other than, that I love reading Tanuki cuz that's where I get my inspiration to make fanfics about them sometimes? wow, a full circle to just fanfics lol
  7. Like
    riyusama got a reaction from Ashe in Visual kei popping up in unexpected places   
    I guess what I can offer here is the anime or well, almost to become an anime Hypnosis Mic lol They have this character called 14th Moon who's the vocalist of a visual kei band 

    But tbh, when I heard his voice and the song he made it didn't feel vkei enough for me lol buuuutttt tbh, the way they portrayed his personality lol it almost feels vkei bwuahahaha
    another one I just saw on youtube a couple of days ago is that some German guy apparently made a documentary about SCREW
    It's just so fucking wild man, I think vkei in a way was pretty popular in Germany at some point in time lol
    Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Uchusentai Noiz participating in a contest here in the Philippines called "I love OPM(original pinoy music)"
    here's a clip of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3emU07eTKg
    I remember them calling fuel play or like, saying the contest was rigged and  unfair because judges chose some half-ass talented half-pinoy half-western guy who abides by the western beauty standards and has abs. A lot of people said the band was treated unfairly here lol
    I remember Alice Nine was also featured in a documentary show here in the Philippines but, I can't find any clips of it now n youtube lol it was around 2012 if I remember correctly
  8. Daria
    riyusama got a reaction from suji in Mana and Kanon Wakeshima: Apprentice or daughter?   
    So, idk if anyone has ever heard of this type of rumour before, but last year in my work as a call center agent I had a couple of friends who were also somewhat into vkei. One of them told me about Mana and Kanon Wakeshima being an amazing duo of mentor and apprentice and how successful they are.
    He told me that Kanon was such a talented person and that all of that talent may have been inherited. Idk where he got his sources, but he told me that in the sites he goes to there are/were rumors circling about that Kanon is actually Mana's daughter. I tried to search it up and even in Tanuki I tried to see if Kanon's name would show up but nada. So I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this rumor or was my friend just fucking around with me on this one.
    Also, total respect to Mana and Kanon's privacy for this but, I am curious if there has been talk about this before.
  9. Interesting
    riyusama got a reaction from Yukami in Mana and Kanon Wakeshima: Apprentice or daughter?   
    So, idk if anyone has ever heard of this type of rumour before, but last year in my work as a call center agent I had a couple of friends who were also somewhat into vkei. One of them told me about Mana and Kanon Wakeshima being an amazing duo of mentor and apprentice and how successful they are.
    He told me that Kanon was such a talented person and that all of that talent may have been inherited. Idk where he got his sources, but he told me that in the sites he goes to there are/were rumors circling about that Kanon is actually Mana's daughter. I tried to search it up and even in Tanuki I tried to see if Kanon's name would show up but nada. So I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this rumor or was my friend just fucking around with me on this one.
    Also, total respect to Mana and Kanon's privacy for this but, I am curious if there has been talk about this before.
  10. Interesting
    riyusama got a reaction from Total Saikou in Mana and Kanon Wakeshima: Apprentice or daughter?   
    So, idk if anyone has ever heard of this type of rumour before, but last year in my work as a call center agent I had a couple of friends who were also somewhat into vkei. One of them told me about Mana and Kanon Wakeshima being an amazing duo of mentor and apprentice and how successful they are.
    He told me that Kanon was such a talented person and that all of that talent may have been inherited. Idk where he got his sources, but he told me that in the sites he goes to there are/were rumors circling about that Kanon is actually Mana's daughter. I tried to search it up and even in Tanuki I tried to see if Kanon's name would show up but nada. So I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this rumor or was my friend just fucking around with me on this one.
    Also, total respect to Mana and Kanon's privacy for this but, I am curious if there has been talk about this before.
  11. LOLOL
    riyusama reacted to herpes in Mana and Kanon Wakeshima: Apprentice or daughter?   
    kanon's mother?
  12. Like
    riyusama reacted to platy in Mana and Kanon Wakeshima: Apprentice or daughter?   
    I dunno, seems like a randomly made up rumour. Although people back in the day did have children at a young age
  13. Like
    riyusama got a reaction from Gesu in Visual kei popping up in unexpected places   
    I guess what I can offer here is the anime or well, almost to become an anime Hypnosis Mic lol They have this character called 14th Moon who's the vocalist of a visual kei band 

    But tbh, when I heard his voice and the song he made it didn't feel vkei enough for me lol buuuutttt tbh, the way they portrayed his personality lol it almost feels vkei bwuahahaha
    another one I just saw on youtube a couple of days ago is that some German guy apparently made a documentary about SCREW
    It's just so fucking wild man, I think vkei in a way was pretty popular in Germany at some point in time lol
    Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Uchusentai Noiz participating in a contest here in the Philippines called "I love OPM(original pinoy music)"
    here's a clip of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3emU07eTKg
    I remember them calling fuel play or like, saying the contest was rigged and  unfair because judges chose some half-ass talented half-pinoy half-western guy who abides by the western beauty standards and has abs. A lot of people said the band was treated unfairly here lol
    I remember Alice Nine was also featured in a documentary show here in the Philippines but, I can't find any clips of it now n youtube lol it was around 2012 if I remember correctly
  14. Interesting
    riyusama got a reaction from 少女椿 in Mana and Kanon Wakeshima: Apprentice or daughter?   
    I think around 20, since Mana is 51 now. 
    Seems kinda young for someone in his generation but idk
  15. Interesting
    riyusama got a reaction from platy in Mana and Kanon Wakeshima: Apprentice or daughter?   
    So, idk if anyone has ever heard of this type of rumour before, but last year in my work as a call center agent I had a couple of friends who were also somewhat into vkei. One of them told me about Mana and Kanon Wakeshima being an amazing duo of mentor and apprentice and how successful they are.
    He told me that Kanon was such a talented person and that all of that talent may have been inherited. Idk where he got his sources, but he told me that in the sites he goes to there are/were rumors circling about that Kanon is actually Mana's daughter. I tried to search it up and even in Tanuki I tried to see if Kanon's name would show up but nada. So I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this rumor or was my friend just fucking around with me on this one.
    Also, total respect to Mana and Kanon's privacy for this but, I am curious if there has been talk about this before.
  16. Like
    riyusama got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in Which Hogwarts house do you belong in? 🧙‍♂️   
    Lol! I'm the only Hufflepuff here XD
    Have to say though, when I first took the test in pottermore I was really pissed that I got into Hufflepuff because idk what house it was even (I was a new fan then lol) but now, I'm really happy and proud of it! I love how they value kindness, hardwork, loyalty, and being fair. I mean, I may not be that kind of person but, I value those lol
    Although nowadays whenever I take tests they always say that I'm a good combination of all houses and that I'm only in Hufflepuff because I choose to be in it lol family wise though, I think I'm surrounded by Ravenclaws lol Since both of my younger siblings are Ravenclaws~ 
  17. LOVE!
    riyusama reacted to sleepy coffee in 勇企(yuuki)(ex-UnsraW) new band "DOAK" has formed   
    Yuuki has released 2 new songs on his youtube 
  18. LOLOL
    riyusama reacted to KrumpingChihuahua in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    Found some ass-old ones on my old hard drive 


  19. LOVE!
    riyusama reacted to platy in Which Hogwarts house do you belong in? 🧙‍♂️   
    Whether you're a fan of Harry Potter or not, you will probably have taken the test to find out which Hogwarts house you belong in.
    If you haven't taken the test yet, you can do so here
    Do you find that your house matches your traits/personality?  Do you wish you belonged to another house? Do you think Slytherin is inherently evil? 
    I'm a Ravenclaw and I find that it suits me well, but I do identify with some of the Hufflepuff characteristics too. 
  20. LOLOL
    riyusama reacted to Total Saikou in Unproblematic bandomen   
    How could you say something so controversial yet so brave?
  21. LOLOL
    riyusama reacted to heresytrash in Unproblematic bandomen   
    I'm gonna have to fight you on that one
  22. Interesting
    riyusama got a reaction from Total Saikou in Which generation are you from?   
    Damn, so fucking wild. I'm considered gen Z here lol altho from what I remember, 1996-1999 are considered as a weird undefinied generation all together tbh not exactly considered Y and Z so yeah~ 
  23. Like
    riyusama got a reaction from Miku70 in Which generation are you from?   
    Damn, so fucking wild. I'm considered gen Z here lol altho from what I remember, 1996-1999 are considered as a weird undefinied generation all together tbh not exactly considered Y and Z so yeah~ 
  24. Like
    riyusama reacted to Nighttime Jae in Unproblematic bandomen   
    You do have a point, but technically so are we then🤔
  25. Like
    riyusama reacted to Lestat in The bad bandmen of VK bands   
    So what you are saying is that once someone loses the image of 'perfection', they deserve to be treated like less than that? I suppose that is what is wrong with this world, it actually does not surprise me that Visual Kei followers (because I cannot call most of them fans) think they have the right to make attempts on someone's personal life. Of course they dress up to gain attention; that is what this whole scene is about. Dragqueens look the way they do because it is a business, circus artists look the way they do because it is a business. Does them removing their makeup or shedding their extreme attire so they can live their personal life after their job call out for an attack? No, it does not.
    The Visual Kei scene is revolting in where it thinks it needs to make the lives of musicians a living hell. I do not understand what goes on in the minds of Japanese girls (and some Western ones who participate in this nonsense), or what drives them to believe that uncovering every single negative truth about someone who they do not personally know and have no business with, is okay.
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