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Posts posted by riyusama

  1. Ohhh welcome and nice to meet cha!


    I see that you're a lover of classical music as well lolololol I play the violin, guitar, and piano but not as much as I did before ouo from the bands you posted, I only listen to Kamijo and Versailles tho XD makes me wonder if I should check out the ones you posted lol


    But anyways! Hope you have a nice stay here! The community is lovely and the people are really friendly ❤️

  2. On 3/15/2019 at 2:08 AM, itsukoii said:


    ao3 is the place


    i would know , i must confess i write the gay as well


    edit: tbh i also want to confess that i don't give two shits about today's vkei anymore. the current sound trends just don't appeal to me because i'm forever stuck in the 2000s shitkei i never actually got to experience when it happened lol. PLUS when my favourite bands (meji & lycaon) went normie i just. couldn't take it anymore lmao -- so i've found myself, embarrassingly enough, deep in the gazette fandom


    OMGEH YOU WRITE BOTTOM AOI FICS SO I AM DEF PUTTING YOUR FICS ON MY READ LIST NOW fnsijdnfdkjncsk I like Reituki but, when Kai is involved lolololol Basically Rukaita cuz I'm a piece of shit who loves drummers so much -cries- basically anyone in the band I ship them with Kai lololol it took me some time to read dom/top Kai tho, but slowly getting to it XD


    There are some VK bands today that I'm glad I ended up liking lol altho I agree that most sound like fucking normies sdbfbadsjk maybe it's because idols are so popular now that the VK scene/musicians are trying to garner more fans? But meh, if their music is shit it really doesn't matter how good they look althoican'tsaythesameforotherbandsandithinkweallknowwhichonesi'mtalkingaboutlol The Gazette fandom is so well-established and has so many fans that it's just THAT easy to get sucked into their fandom for the sake of staying into the VK fandom XD 



    On 3/15/2019 at 2:20 PM, jaymee said:


    I feel like every overseas obangya over 30 either read it or wrote it! I also remember when every group had fans here in Japan drawing and publishing doujin for established band ships. You can still find a number of these relics at Mandarake.


    I feel pretty squick about shipping real people now but I think VK is kinda in that grey zone where you’re shipping the personas they pretend to be.

    On 3/16/2019 at 6:46 AM, jaymee said:


    Ugh yes, I've never understood the point of self-insert or (person) x reader fanfic, in any fandom.


    I don't think I've met a lot of bangya that are over 30 ouo which reminds me! Early this year(or I think that was late last year) I met this really cool guy that was also into VK and he's in his 30's and he apparently knows so much about VK and even knows about MH lol but, he said he doesn't want to hang out here cuz he's such an elitist fucker that he'll just get in trouble XD like he says shit like if you don't listen to X Japan and stuff then, you ain't a true fan but lol, he said that to me in a nice and friendly way anyways so I can't get mad at him sbdfihbdsjk


    I wish drawing doujins was still popular today sdbfjndks I would fucking fangirl so much over them sbdcjbnsk but right now, I feel like I'm gonna be one of those bangyas now who will try to make doujins of their OTP XD when my drawing skills get better e.e


    Also last point, in wattpad the vk artist x reader is VERY popular there and idk why lol one of the many reasons I stay the fuck away from that site. But at the same time, some of them are nice so I feel bad about kink shaming them lolololol one was even nice enough to make a fanfic about me and my fave (to which I forgot to read so I think they didn't continue it lol) and another someone made a ReitaxKai fanifc for me cuz I'm a thirsty bitch but I still have difficulty reading it cuz it was top Kai ahahahha



  3. On 3/13/2019 at 10:45 PM, Komorebi said:

    Shadows of the World, Doll House something... I think Mahoutokoro, Elemental and Secret Hollow Hill were on forums before jumping on to social media, where I joined them... I move around the Spanish RP comminuty, never found RPers in English able to write something serious. Last offer I got was some chick who apparently wanted me to RP an artist to pretend to be her boyfriend/OC's boyfriend (same thing IMO) and... nope. 


    I keep my Japanese FC in the current community I'm in, never used a Korean FC. I'm mainly doing Harry Potter universe based RP and High Fantasy AU with my current character.


    I keep telling myself I'm old enough to quit already but I never do lol

    Ohhhhhh, I don't know these rp places ouo the only VK forums I remember were Seventh Sanctuary? I think that was the name of the forum? lol I can;t remember much, but lemme describe some of the forums I joined before cuz maybe we crossed paths before XD Like that Seventh Sanctum/Sanctuary thing was like inspired out of the anime Vampire Knight. Another was this fantasy forum that for the life of me, that's the only description about it I remember lol but they were affiliated with the seventh forum so I applied to that one but, it was already dead when I applied lol Another which was a bit recent was the Blood Trade rp forum, it wasn;t long lived sadly ;w; respectively, those rp's were like 6 years ago then, maybe 2 or 3 years ago for the Blood Trade one?


    Oh lol same, when I rp-ed around tumblr most of them wanted the usual love life with sparkles and marriage and all that shit. No shade to them though, I get wanting the happy vk gays with their kids XD but it just never really interested me enough ;w; also the fact that most of them are only singleship/taken so you don;t really know what to rp with them about XD


    Oh shit!! Your experience reminded me of my own lol I was searching up for rp partners through LJ and one person messaged me. It was years ago, but I was like, I just want someone to rp with and hopefully, I can have Jin (drummer of SCREW) as the uke. Someone messaged me that Jin looks like Uruha anyways so they want me to RP with them with their bottom Uruha and I was like in a very polite way "No thank you." and they literally messaged me shit like "You'll never find an rp partner yada yada when you're this picky and shit" and I was like okay??? Idk what I did to offend you but okay??? after that It was a few hit and miss rp's with other strangers on tumblr, rp-ing characters they want me to cuz I might like it but in the end, I lost interest lol


    HP and high fantasy! I'm a total sucker for those shits, but with the HP fandom I'm a bit scared of rp-ing with them since I only know the movies and never really read the books XD I always look for fantasy groups, may I ask for the link of that group if you're cool with it? XD


    And pfff dude same here, will we ever even out grow rp-ing though? lol tbh right now me and my friend just think of rp-ing now as writing fanfics together and shit XD

    On 3/14/2019 at 1:03 AM, God said:

    I may go back eventually.  I definitely miss doing it.  I used to get up every morning and check the forum I was on, then spend hours on there when I had some free time.  Those were for sure the days. 😂


    She wasn’t based on VK, but I did base her off of my favorite jpop idol, Koda Kumi (who is also her face claim).  When I first made her, she was a high school student (bc I was too, ha) who’s dad owned a record label.  She wanted to be a singer, but she wanted to rely on her own talent and not her dad’s connections.  The second version of her that I made when I got older, her dad died and she inherited the label, so she was always busy.  This time, she was more of a bad bitch than the high school version of her was.  The high school one was kind of standoffish and got into arguments a lot.  But as an adult, she didn’t really have time for stuff like that.

    Ohh shiittt, I love those days of activity and just waiting for someone to reply back to one of my threads ;w; ahhh the good'ol days dsbibcakjs


    Oh shit!! I love Koda Kumi's songs ❤️❤️❤️ And she sounds like a very interesting character!! ouo I feel like, I could see your OC as a character in movies nowadays XD Her background kinda sounds like a main heroine's in a movie sdbicbjkdsnk I love bitch characters cuz I used to have this OC of mine and I always imagined her as this soft grill who's cutesy pastel life but then she's bff's with this strong woman and I'm like sbdabcjh sorry got carried away with telling about my own OC lolololol but from what I remember, that OC's FC was Masuwaka Tsubasa cuz she was super adorbs sndcfndsk but now I think I changed her FC to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu lol

  4. 2 hours ago, Gesu said:

    Ehehe… I'm not telling. ;) I don't write it anymore, anyways.

    Awwwww, okai ;w; so you write for other fandoms instead now or just nah, you just don't feel like writing anymore???

    33 minutes ago, itsukoii said:


    ao3 is the place


    i would know , i must confess i write the gay as well


    edit: tbh i also want to confess that i don't give two shits about today's vkei anymore. the current sound trends just don't appeal to me because i'm forever stuck in the 2000s shitkei i never actually got to experience when it happened lol. PLUS when my favourite bands (meji & lycaon) went normie i just. couldn't take it anymore lmao -- so i've found myself, embarrassingly enough, deep in the gazette fandom

    OH THEY WRITE THE GAY AS WELL lolololololol What's your pen name??? I might have read some of your work or not XD depending on the pairings as per usual -headdesk- still have difficulty venturing out of my OTP's lol


    AND YAASSSS SAME BROOOOOOO I used to listen to a lot of VK bands and just all out download as many new artists as I could back then, but now I barely even like their music lol except for mathilda and jiluka tho, glad I could find some new bands whose music I actually like to listen to. When most of the PSC bands disbanded or their music (like SuG) turned more and more into mainstream pop I just ugh, didn't really feel like listening anymore. I support them in the shadows yeah but, not as much anymore lol


    The gazette is like, your mainstream vk lol is that a good term to describe them? XD I basically just use them a lot as characters for my fanfics now (especially Reita and Kai cuz otp yaaasss <3) and so far just more on SCREW/KHRYST+ fics since I love Jin and Byou XD hopefully I'll like more bandomen so I can add more characters to my fanfics lol or at least like man, have new otp's to write about wtf who even read byojin fics lol

  5. On 3/12/2019 at 11:53 PM, Gesu said:


    I, too, used to write gay fanfiction.


    3 minutes ago, suji said:

    I also write gay fanfiction (when I have the time anyway) and I'm proud.


    My people homaygash, where do/did you guys post your fics???? Nowadays, the popular places to post stories are either in AO3 or DW lol slightly want to refuse to believe that wattpad is famous for the vk fics as well lol 

  6. On 2/19/2019 at 4:17 AM, violetchain said:

    ^Great, now I have a mental image of Mana following potential singers around "You"-style, stalking them on social media, and keeping them in a fancy gothic birdcage in his basement lit only by a single candle, with classical music playing in the background to cover up the screams for help as he and his dinner guests drink tea...


    Thanks for that. 😟

    Why does this sound like a movie waiting to happen or smth??? ahahahaha I'd pay shit for a vk-inspired movie like this to come out.


    also another headline


    BTS x The GazettE collab to be released lol


    idk what to contribute so here, have my shit guys ahahaha

  7. OHHHH A DEBATE THREAD, I LOVE IT ❤️ *is a total sucker for debates*


    Altho the post is vague and idk, what would we debate about??? What's the biggest thing/issue/scandal right now tho that people feel conflicted about? There are so many weird shit here in vk idk where we would all even start man lol

  8. 10 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    I never understood how people managed to RP on tumblr (I never actually understood tumblr). I was more of a forum kinda RPer and I moved on to FB and VK when forums died out.


    I still RP, it's kinda sad LOL I do mostly AU and interact with lots of Korean RPers, they are nicer.


    Oh dude, which forums do you rp at? Most of the places I go to pretty much dead nowadays tbh... Altho, sometimes I get a bit scared of rp-ing with lots of Korean rp-ers since most of the FC's I use are still JRockers XD


    Tumblr rp has become more complex now and a lot of elitists are kinda there now too lol you have to have a good blog theme, know how to edit html and all that shebang nowadays... Altho some aren't like that but yeah, if the blog is too messy people will tend to ignore you lol


    10 hours ago, yomii said:

    i used to rp yomi like 10 years ago, but it was on russian social network, as far as i can remember tumblr became a thing in russia a bit later. it was fun! i found the whole band there and on april fools we changed our profiles to sendai kamotsu and posted something stupid w

    tbh i couldn't accept for a long time when the whole rp thing faded away, but now i understand that what i really couldn't embrace that the whole community i felt myself part of broke up, people moved on and changed their interests. rather then rp i miss times when vk was more popular〜


    " rather then rp i miss times when vk was more popular〜"


    Okay, that was so nicely put that, that's exactly how I feel lol I think one of the main reasons I miss tumblr rp so much is because I really got to connect with so many people there. I had loads of friends and we would just fangirl over them vk boys. So many people moved on from the fandom, I still even remember the LJ days of fanfic writing, I see the old authors move on to different fandoms now and it just... Well, I get it new interests but I love their writing style and get sad that I won't read new fanfics from them anymore lol


    I kinda wish vk rp would get popular again but, I somehow doubt that it would relive it's glory days in 2010 ;w;


    6 hours ago, God said:

    I tried to rp on tumblr, but coming from doing mainly forum based rp it was kinda hard to get used to, so I abandoned it.  I miss rping, but at the same time, I know I could never keep up with it properly right now.  Maybe I can again someday, but also maybe that time has passed.  I do have a dope af OC tho, and I still love her v much.  I put a lot into creating her and used to get a lot of compliments about how real she seemed.  Good times.


    Will you ever come back to rp-ing? ;w; I kept telling myself back then (literally just a few days ago) that I'll stop rp-ing but, eventually I always come back to it lol I guess it's just too addictive in it's own way. 


    And ohhhhh!! An OC! Was she vk inspired? I did love hearing about OC's before, they're getting rather popular nowadays with vk tumblr tho (since it's so smol now) others are just getting vk fc's then, oc them up. It's pretty cute tbh but idk, I don't interact with them much since I like to do paragraph style rp more and they're more into one-liners and such.



    5 hours ago, monkeybanana4 said:

    Mainly just rped  on places like forums, and then I stopped after forums more or less faded away. For some reason, I never really got into rping on websites like Tumblr or other social media sites. I guess I became too used to rping on forums. Nonetheless, it was a lot of fun! Creating characters and coming up with story ideas was a blast. I remember even creating detailed profiles for the characters I rped (like a dork lol xD) 





    No, u mainly rp with me only on skype LOL jk jk I shall give u a huge slap on the back me bro and tell u to rp with me on tumblr now lololololol I never really rp-ed on forums much, wish there were more vk themed forums here so I can interact with them fans more ;w; also wtf u never told me u rp-ed in forums before, I feel cheated my bro my dork my dude my idk what to say next but u get my point lol

  9. 10 hours ago, Lestat said:

    Everybody despised me and I bet they still do after more than five years of inactivity, fun times.

    Love, Kisaki.

    Ho shi man, spill the beans who were you on tumblr rp?!?! XD I think a fair amount of people despised me as well before but that was because my 12 year old ass before couldn't decipher the difference between ooc and ic lol


    If Kisaki(as per your love Kisaki signature lol), I don't think we have ever crossed paths yet XD

  10. Holy shit, I'm LATE TO THIS PARTY, I love confessions sdbfjbcdskjnk not that I have that many tho but, still love to participate...


    Hmmm... Idk what to confess, aside from maybe the fact I write gay fanfiction about them? Altho, I think that already sounds TOO OBVIOUS from my post signature lol my younger 12 year old self just used to cry about them a lot. Wow damn, I'm so boring I have nothing good to confess wtf other than, that I love reading Tanuki cuz that's where I get my inspiration to make fanfics about them sometimes? wow, a full circle to just fanfics lol

  11. Hey guys! Idk if this is even an appropriate thread to make lol but, I remember back then in my early days of being a Visual Kei fan, around 2010 was also the year I started to do rp-ing (since an old friend of mine dragged me into it). I remember back then, in tumblr I would see like 4 to 8 Ruki rp-ers in tumblr and they'd all be dating like Reita or smth because ya know, fangirls trying to make their OTP's come true. 


    I had my fair share of ups and downs in those days, met a couple of friends and lost some. If anyone still actually uses/follows a couple of VK rp-ers there, you'd notice that a couple of years ago there was someone moaning in jrp-confessions about missing the 'good ol'days', if ya'll wondering who the hell that person was... Look no more, it was me lol


    I guess in a way, I still feel nostalgic about it. I got into VK just 1 year earlier before coming to tumblr then, meeting with all sorts of different fans of VK there. It was fun and I kinda wish I could still re-connect with some of my old friends there since they're gone/can't be contacted now, and hey, maybe even apologize to the others that I've hurt (cut me some slack guys, I was 12 or smth at those years, so you can imagine how much of an asshole and dickhead I could've been in those days, no seriously I was the type of kid you'd love to MURDER back then).


    But yeah, all in all, tumblr and vk oddly enough became pretty much intertwined for me because of that. Maybe fb as well, but not so much lol 


    Sooooo, yeahhhhh... Idk how to end this post here lol anyone here have the same or at least close enough experiences like mine? ouo

  12. On 3/10/2019 at 7:57 AM, suji said:

    Ronda Rousey basically "exposed" the wrestling business, so this meme plays on her "exposing" visual kei. #RondaRouseyReveals

    Thank for that bro! XD


    Also on a side note, I am gonna post my shitty memes here guys cuz I think this is the only good-bad contribution I can ever give to the community lol









    Here I offer my contributions to the VK memes ahahahaha I will post more next time when my lame ass brain conjures up more lol or when I find some noteworthy memes from others then I shall share lol



  13. I got into VK thanks to the anime Red Garden lol their first ending song was Rock with the LM.C by LM.C it was hella good and tbh, LM.C was the one who made me venture more into the fandom. SCREW was the one who solidified my stay into VK though XD and even till now I follow the previous members of that band, like KHRYST+ and ARTiCLEAR (altho not big on this one).


    Sadly don't follow LM.C anymore but, will be eternally grateful to them for paving the way for me to enter the Visual Kei world XD

  14. 1 hour ago, TheZigzagoon said:

    Could this be the start of something? Unlikely. However it’d be great if it was the start of a criminal investigation into the piece of shit 

    If this could start a criminal investigation on Kisaki that would be great. 


    Altho on a side note, the father of the child is suing Kisaki seems kinda weird? idk why, shouldn't he be helping the mother sue over Kisaki over the crime over their child? Or is he in cahoots with the mother to milk more hush money out of Kisaki to get some help for their daughter since the experience obviously scarred the hell out of that child and she'll have to live with that trauma for the rest of her life.


    Seriously hoping they're suing him for their daughter because if it's about anything else (aside from the woman being abused by Kisaki as well of course) it's gonna get even more ugly and shit.

  15. Hiya guys, so my thread title seems weird and idk if this is an alright topic but lol do you guys listen to bands and wherein you sometimes use them when you're doing specific things? Like for example:


    UNSRAW - listen to them when I sleep or sometimes study

    Juliadoll - for daydreaming

    LM.C - when doing chores

    The GazettE - Songs are divided, I listen to some when I'm sad and others when I'm angry

    SCREW - all around band, I listen to them on any occasion though not recently since their disband since I cry whenever I listen to them lol

    ViViD - for when I'm in need of inspiration

    Satsuki - for studying, sometimes daydreaming (from his first songs up to Horizon only)


    So far, that's what I have for now. What about you guys? Are there specific bands that you listen to when you're doing specific things? I'd especially love some recommendations if you guys also listen to other VK bands whilst studying lol  

  16. Yeah! Like, the photobook has a hella lotta of pictures cuz like, they have more than 20 songs in their album right? Each picture from the photobook corresponds to a song in their album. So for example, if there's like 25 songs, we have 25 pictures of them there, some are solos others are group pics~ I'll try to scan them and post them here on MH ouo altho, idk where to post it here lol I'll prob try to make a new SCREW thread here if possible? I'll ask the admins about it to make sure so I can share the SCREW love ❤️


    I hope Iru knows how to do double bass! It would be awesome to see a bassist play the double bass again ❤️ Rui and Yuuto are both different and with them, SCREW had shifted from different styles but yes, they're both very talented! Altho, I have more love for Rui in a way ;w; ❤️ idk, prob because when I first got into Visual Kei and I was so in love with SCREW, that was the year Yuuto announced that he was leaving the band so I got super pissed off at him like how dare you leave the band lol I was an immature child back then, so I hated him a lot and ended up loving Rui way too much XD but Rui still hurt us the same e.e meh, they're adults and since I'm an adult now too I understand the changes in life lol


    About the updates of each member, I'll just message you there on DW about Manabu and Rui lol some of the news I got are from Tanuki whilst some are from translation from others from their instagrams and twitter. Idk if I should be posting information here on MH, cuz some of them are rumours and I'm not sure if the admins will take kindly to them XD altho I want to post them, just so if these news/rumours aren't know by other fans I'd want them to read about it too ;w; like news of how the band members are doing~ idk, I should also ask the admins about that too if making a thread of the well-being of the members are allowed even tho some of them aren't in the scene anymore ouo


    THEIR MAKING OF WAILING WALL IS DEF MY MOST FAVE MAKING OFF VIDEO OF ALL TIME buiaendqejdbqjn I'm so glad I have it saved or else idk what the fuck I'd do lolololol Jin is so adorable there and seriously, I wish he would wear short shorts again cuz I miss looking at those luscious thighs yum yum sdgbcihsbfjwgehgfbjkw gurl, don't stop being a perverted fan, nobody here is judging you for getting the lewds for them cutie bandomen dsfjkedbnfjk ❤️❤️❤️ 


    I think if you try to listen to almost all of SCREW's songs it'd take you at least half a day to finish them all. 


    Yaaaaassss, my bby Jin is good fucking talented and he's awesome shit dsbfijdsjk and yeah, he and Byou did say that before. Actually, Jin was planning on quitting the VK scene before, even though a lot of people were asking him to join their bands, Byou was the only exception because he was pushy as hell lol and apparently, that was all Jin needed to come back to the music scene XD (and thank fucking god for that omgeh, can ya'll imagine if Jin isn't here in the scene wtf, we'd be missing out on so many things and the whole fucking world-well my world at least- would be in fucking chaos sbfjnwkfmn) One of the people who asked him to be their drummer was Ryoga (Razor, ex. BORN), and seriously they're cute dsnfjknl dawsd I'm still mad at myself for losing that old smut fanfic I made of him and Jin lol fucking wild, i hate past me XD


    Oh dude! Don't worry! You don't pale in comparison! I bet you're just as talented as they are! All you lack is some practice is all~ just remember, practice makes perfect! To be a good writer, you gotta practice and practice and practice some fucking more. Don't bring yourself down like that dude! I believe in you and your skills! ouo 


    Oh! Don't worry dude! Sweetlolixo still writes and updates their fanfics! They only update through AO3 now tho ouo and I don't really read much of their fics anymore cuz they make Kai out to be a bad guy so much and no matter how much I like seme Uruha with uke Aoi, I will not stand for the fucked up way they writes Kai lol I still love them though and idolize them and they're one of my inspirations for being an amazing writer but fuck no, I don't wanna read anymore cuz Kai is my bby and I don't want him like that XD I aim to be as good as them! they wrote a fanfic that has a word count of 300k like holy shit, I've only gone as far as 50k as of now dsbucbsdjknc I am gonna do my best to be a good fucking writer like them dsucfnajksedfjkewk


    Also dude, I keep forgetting, do you have like somewhere we can chat instead? XD like, maybe a discord or skype or aim, wow I sound old with the aim and skype one lol idk, somewhere we can chat so it's not that hard to talk through messages XD

  17. On 9/10/2018 at 5:11 PM, monkeybanana4 said:

    Yeah, 2010 to 2013 were the golden years for the online VK community. I still remember checking so many websites for information or whatever on VK, and it was so fun to interact with people who shared the same interests. Oh, I had no idea about the issues with the communities. I unfortunately wasn't so active in the VK community after those golden years, but I still listened to the music.


    That's how most people view VK when they first see it. They either think it's gay guys or whatever, which is a shame since it's more than that. When you listen to the music, it's the lyrics and the musicality, which accompany the flamboyant costumes/fashion. There's no mistake to associate visual kei with clothes/fashion (since appearance is very closely tied to the genre - hence the "visual" in its name), but I think it's a mistake to solely judge the genre based on looks alone. I remembered when Yahoo News wrote a story about YOHIO, and I found it fascinating how they considered him to be considered "news" even though it's not really news, per say. If that were the case, the whole genre would be news, lol.


    Same here. Playing music is like having no future. It's so sad since there is lots of value in music. Wow! That's a lot of instruments! I wish I knew how to play so many especially the guitar. I was tempted to learn guitar but never had the time or money unfortunately ;w; I mainly play the piano, but like you, I haven't touched/practiced it in so many years, so I'm pretty bad sounding, haha.


    Haha, cool! *goes to check on DW*

    Ughhh, sometimes I wish I could go back to those years cuz seriously, even if the rest of the world was fucking going out of control cuz apparently 2012 was the end of the world, VK fandom was there in our their little corner minding their own business and making shit and being happy lol now, we can count with one hand how many vk websites are active lol And yeah man! Tbh, I still hear some issues and backstabbing happening in tumblr rp but that's like a related issue between vk-jpop-kpop thing since they now interact with one another lol


    After the golden years I drifted away from the fandom due to some issues of my own lol have to admit I did get into a fight with other vk fans before so I navigated away from tumblr for a while and here I am now XD


    Lol was Yohio even good shit? He was just inspired from the VK scene but I have no clue whatsoever if they were good at their music, never gave time to listen to his music tbh idk why, he didn't appeal to me much. 


    I came from a musical family hence why I was fortunate enough to learn more than, 1 instrument but sadly we always just reduce it to a hobby in favour of choosing jobs on the business or medical side. And that's cool! You played the piano! What pieces did you play before? At what age did you start playing? Is it your favourite instrument? Like your first love???? Cuz mine, the reason violin is my main because I fell in love with it at first sight ❤️

  18. Uhm... What... the fuck????? How did Satsuki transition to this music genre oh my god what the hell happened to him?!


    I mean, kpop maybe i kinda like it idk, i still really like his voice but, holy shit that is so far from what the heck he was producing before I'm not entirely sure what to fee; ya'll

  19. Yeah! They do! Well, mostly it's in the anime fandom of Japanese fans, but it isn't such a far fetch idea to think it wouldn't happen in VK lol I mean, if I were in Japan I'd do that lol Yeah, when I get the time this weekend I'll try to video it ouo and maybe show the photobook that came along the album as well lol they just look amazing in their last album ;w; ❤️❤️❤️ 


    I seriously do not understand why that's a thing even e.e I mean, they're rockstars that started out with heavy music in the first place, why change their tempo completely? I mean yeah, I get being experimental but sometimes bands make a total 180 degree change after debuting wtf well yeah it's subjective, but I think a whole lot would prefer their original heavier music lol


    Ho shi, I actually forgot that Gather Roses has a jazzy edge to it as well! Yuuto's double bass is amazing *q* seriously, I wish someone would use that again, double bass is awesome as fuck! Actually, now that we're talking about it, Screw prob experimented a lot with the Jazz genre into their rock music and we just haven't noticed much yet lol I feel like I might relisten to a whole lot of their songs just to see for myself ouo Oh oh, but in the end Byou's English is definitely turning for the better! In their last few releases, their really tearful song Remember Me had really good fucking lyrics like wtf yo, even tho some of them I didn't understand as Byou was singing when I saw the lyrics just holy fucking shit, this boi is so fucking talented and amazing that I am just so fucking relieved that he's back to making music because god damn it, the world may not deserve Byou and Jin but they sure as hell are very generous to the us and we're so fucking fortunate *gross sobbing crying*


    Sorry, I feel emotional today cuz yesterday whilst I was out shopping I thought I could handle listening to Screw in public and I swear to fuck, I nearly fell down to my knees crying when I listened to Death's Door yesterday QAQ


    Ohhhhhh, a Kazuki bias! Did you hear the news that Kazuki now opened up his own bar? I can't remember the name but Jin and Byou visited him on his bday as he opened his bar ouo But yes, I love all the members but, Jin is just too special for me sometimes QwQ ❤️❤️❤️ 


    Wailing Wall is just a fucking MASTERPIECE bruh! It's definitely one of my all time faves, same as most of Screw's songs that are my all time faves lol but it just hits you sometimes, like you find yourself singing or humming to that song and then, you remember the meaning of the lyrics and just fuck, Byou you fucking genius I love you man. When Byou makes lyrics he's just amazing. I think we can both agree that 90% of Screw's songs we absolutely adore and love lololololol I rarely have any Screw songs that I wanna skip when I listen to them... Well, except of course recently cuz I can;t bear to listen to them without crying still ;w;


    Yeah true Nov, 1 just can't come any sooner ahhhhhhh fbwejbfjk so for now we must satisfy ourselves with the samples first lol Don't be Silly reminds me of their X-Rays era whilst the Katakana one reminds me of their earlier years, like Virus era maybe? ouo


    Thanks! And yeah hopefully, I shall meet Jin and have him fall in love with me so he may marry me e.e jk jk lol he's better off with Byou .w. lololololol I say lol a lot so please do not get irritated by that XD Ahhhhhhh I feel jelly ckndcklndclaedq well, even if you didn't get to go to their last live at least you still got to support them live and have the time of your life to go to one of their concerts! That's awesome! Must cherish the memoryyyyyy~ ahhhh Jin's drum solos ❤️ truly a gift from the heaven's ❤️ he's just so amazing ❤️


    I've made some friends over commenting in their fics but it's not really that long lived XD but at least I got to chat with the author cuz most vk authors are superbly fucking talented and amazing ❤️❤️❤️ tbh, I only started out as a writer and got my inspirations and models from the VK fandom lol like heck, my most favourite author is a fanfic writer lol sweetlolixo to be exact ouo but recently I haven't been reading from them cuz my tastes in ships change lol


    nah, it's cool we can just start reading each other's fics from now on and critique on each other XD Just make sure to always archive and save fanfics for yourself just in case authors start deleting lol 


    And seriously, I feel like I always reply to you during my lunch break XD it's the most time i have to make long replies ❤️ currently replying during my lunch break lololololol

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