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Posts posted by riyusama

  1. 3 hours ago, Reiko said:

    I wanna know more about this so badly........

    Well, I was only like half serious about that, but it isn't really such a far fetch theory. I don't live in Japan nor do I understand Japanese to be able to read Tanuki or any other sources that can be more factual but..


    Take Taka from One Ok Rock as an example, even though he migrated from the Jpop industry (Johnny's Entertainment) of being an idol to being a JRocker, it is possible for VK artists themselves to think about migrating to Jpop/kpop/idol industry in general. (And also again, I don't know much about Kpop industry itself too but there have been more and more Japanese members in groups recently). 


    But, I would think Jpop is a little more lax with idol training than, in Korea. Japan's idols (that debut) is that you watch them grow from being meh to being good, like you're an inspirational shit because from shit to good/awesome you become. Whilst in Korea, to debut you have to be exceptionally good. These are talent-wise mind you and not face wise yet.


    So let's say, in the VK industry older bands like Malice Mizer, Dir En Grey, X Japan, and Luna Sea are slowly starting to retire and let's admit it, they will sooner or later or else age will catch up to them. We have their predecessors like The Gazette, Alice Nine,  and Nightmare. Bands that have been together for more than, 10 years but these people are also past their prime. 5 or so more years and they'll be like the first ones I mentioned. Where are their predecessors or roadies that became their kouhais? That they helped throughout?


    Most of them have disbanded and some are leaving the scene. I would take examples of bands like Screw, SuG, ViViD, and Born (note most of these are under the PSC labels because I tended to focus on them mostly before I left the VK fandom for a while a couple of years ago)


    Some of the members of those bands or other bands like them have left. Others are still continuing but, we're still seeing how they'll pull through. 


    Now, with that information at hand, added with recent dramas/crime allegations and real VK artists that have been jailed, we now have newbie younger artists that may want to be part of the VK industry but, would find it rather hard to do so as senpais and labels would be harder to find. Not to mention that they did say in the earlier posts that the vertical hierarchy has been slowly fading (Prob because the older artists are retiring and such whilst others are still trying to recover from their disbandments and are off worrying about how their new band will survive the industry). Although, there are label companies that are owned by VK artists as well, I'm not sure of delving into that topic yet as I haven't researched about it yet.


    So with this in mind, there would be two ways a person can go with this. 

    1. If they're serious about their musician career in VK (like Anfiel maybe), it'd be harder with people flocking over the older bands because nostalgia and fear of them disbanding because of the recent trend of dissolutions from 2016-2017 or it'd be harder to make a name and find fans who will be into VK because of recent issues (like that Egoist and 12012 dudes killing their girlfriends or with the recent issue of Kisaki being a pedophile). 


    2. If they're not serious and are just in it for the money and sex, they would think its easier to migrate into the idol industry that has been gaining more and more attention the recent years. Not to mention, Jpop has been slowly catering to Kpop culture as well of aesthetics and face value, the only problem they would encounter there would be the strict dating rule, but then again many idols can get away with that if they try hard enough. (Also, I'm not saying being an idol is easier, because seriously the idol industry is more cut-throat that in the event you don't sell or don't have fans you will starve.) with VK you can have Mitsu's and Tsunagari's but, who's to say that idols can't have them too? Not sure, so will have to research further on that part.


    That's my take/theory on VK boys migrating into the idol industry lol and seriously, they might as well try their luck whilst they're young. The moment you're 20 when it comes to their industry, it'd be a whole lot harder to debut since, they prefer younger ones and think 20 is too old already to be an idol debuting.


    Please take this reply in only a very small tiny bit grain of salt cuz I just love making theories and shit about things and analzying things but, please remember that I do not live in Japan or Korea, nor do I understand/can read their languages lol

  2. Okai, so this band sounds interesting as hell and their music is good but... Are those back-up dancers??? Do they have actual back-up dancers as members? XD I am now totes intrigued and gotta search about them lol


    Also, the vocalist's voice reminds me of Shin (ex. ViViD), brings back memories a little ;w;

  3. Damn... This is awesome... Well, I mean, not awesome in a good way, definitely in a bad way and well, seriously I did chuckle at some parts of the translation. But damn, I was not expecting to see that about Byou. I wonder if the other members of SCREW went through that as well?


    Oh but, you guys did talk about the hierarchy or like vertical society of bands hence why the recent well... Downgrade as I might say?


    Idk, I do kinda agree that the newer bands aren't really my style and I just thought meh, but after reading this damn... Is that why VK's music is going down or like slowly dying? lol well idolification is there as well lol most roadies just quitting then, becoming idols instead what a fucking theory man ahahahaha


    I want to take this thread at least a little more seriously, but I seriously cannot stop laughing lol  

  4. On 9/7/2018 at 6:47 PM, monkeybanana4 said:

    Thank you! I think that's one of the unique aspects about the fandom - the smallness of the community. I haven't been on tumblr for sometime, so I had no idea that they've gone quiet. I still remember when the VK tumblr community was super active and exploding with activity.


    That too! Most VK artists really put the "art" into everything they create whether that be the music, costumes/fashion, music videos, cover album/art, or the themes/thoughts behind the works they create. Visual kei is not just another music genre, but an artistic one. I'm not an expert musician, but as an amateur one, I deeply appreciate the artistry and thought that goes into visual kei. Wow, you're a musician? That's cool! What instrument do you play?


    Haha, yeah, it makes me feel old when I think about how long ago I've been in the fandom XD Cool~ Let's explore new bands together!

    It's small but, I did observe that there are a couple of tight-knit groups in the VK fandom. I'm still too intimidated to try and befriend them XD mostly I see them on tumblr or on LJ or DW ~ gawd, the years of 2010 to 2013 were like the golden ages for the VK community in tumblr lol RP-ers and personal blogs, spam, blogs, and all those galore for the VK fandom. I think it's because there were either toxicity or smth that caused an issue hence they either migrated again or just stayed quiet?


    And yes true! VK is just so artistic in so many aspects that I am still quite amazed that a lot of people don't appreciate it that much. Well, I understand that most would see it as gay or some shit so yeah, hopefully that'll change. And hopefully, there'll be more VK artists that'll be more focused on music rather than, their looks. Idk, that's just my opinion tho ;w;  I feel as though a lot of new bands are more on aesthetics and second on music ;w;


    And yeah, I'm a musician but, I hardly ever practice nowadays ;w; here in my country (Philippines) if you're a musician you have no future nor money as what every says and it's true lol hence why I'm instead pursuing either an office job (current job) or just be a doctor (still contemplating on this one) XD but for the instruments I play, my main is violin, second is guitar and I know some basic knowledge of the piano ~ but I'm really rusty tho and haven't practiced for years so I prob sound like an amateur now XD


    How about you? What instruments do you play? ouo


    and oh! oh! As for new bands, I will message you now on DW so we can fangirl there lolololol

  5. On 9/7/2018 at 6:33 PM, monkeybanana4 said:

    I totally know how you feel about not wanting to take it out. I always get so hesitant taking out my CDs because I don't want to ruin them, haha XD Whaaat? Their music box had Dearest Wish on it? That's so poignant and somewhat sad to have that song on the music box! T_T It makes me tear up a little~ But I do love that about SCREW. They always did create stuff with their fans in mind even if it make fans like us emotional.


    Ooh, yeah, I also vaguely remember reading that, too. I have to agree. His openness to music is what makes him a great composer ^^v I like all of SCREW's music, but I'm always fond of their heavier/darker songs. Haha, it's always so funny to hear Byou sing in broken English. Especially the songs where the lyrics are only in English, lol. The perverted shit the two of them pull off together is just so adorable and funny! I also love the crazy, stupid stuff Jin does on his own sometimes. He can look so silly, but I love that about him. He doesn't seem to be afraid to do whatever he feels like it. Do you have any particular songs/works created by the band?


    Yeah, I know! It's so uncool ;_; I read it somewhere on this forum, and I was so bummed when I found out about the live-limited work they were releasing. Haha, I completely understand! I only got to meet Byou and Jin once in person, and I would love to meet them again. They're just too loveable~


    Yep, that's me, lol ^///^; I was inactive for some time, but I just recently came back. Ahhh, wow? Really? Wah, thank you so much for your kind comment! I know~ There weren't too many SCREW stories back then, and I remember thinking that I wanted to spread the SCREW love, so I had to write something with them in it, haha. Yup, misfitmisfit came up with that crazy story because of her knack for comedy XD Jin is such a cool character to write in a story! I'm sad I never really got to write him too much before, but I hope to change that in my future stories.


    Oh gosh! I understand that so well. So much school responsibilities pile up and it gets so hard to think about any good stuff to write. But I'm glad to hear that story helped you write again! Awesome~ I'll add you back on DW and bother you on there so we can fangirl about them together XD

    I think all fans are like that when it comes to their favourite artist ;w; ❤️ It's just too precious to be ruined, hence must be protected at all costs XD sometimes, I wish I was rich enough to buy 2 or 3 CD's like what the Japanese do lol 1 is for keeps, 2 is for personal use, and 3 is for when it becomes rare and you can sell it lol I hear they do that a lot XD And yessss!!!! I swear to fuck, their music box is so fucking emotional I cry QAQ I should record it sometime so I can let you hear it ❤️ the design and everything of it is just superb! I absolutely love it ❤️❤️❤️ and now that you mention it, I didn't hear from any fans about the music box, I guess I thought sooner or later someone would post a video of it or something o.o I'll post it when I have time erjkdbcjdsnjck I'll make a pretty fucking video showing their music box in all its beauty and glory QAQ ❤️❤️❤️ 


    I'm gonna be honest with ya, I too prefer their heavier music. I feel like, when a VK band usually debuts their heavy music turns softer to appeal to the mass more. Which is just an opinionated guess of mine and which would suck if it's true cuz, I've had a couple of VK bands whom I love listening to at first but, eventually started to dislike or just not care aymore because of their music changes ;w; (exp. ViViD and LM.C) And yaaaasssssss Byou's English is just fucking hilarious sometimes! XD


    I remember in their Brainstorm release, I think the title was L'Oiseau Bleu was that? He said in the chorus "When I close my eyes, I can't see your face." AND I SWEAR TO FUCK I JUST CAN'T HELP BUT CRACK UP EVERY TIME I HEAR THAT PART AHAHHAHAHA I can't take that song seriously, for realz lol but I love it still cuz I think the band went a little experimental with this one for the jazz set-up. I wish they experimented a little more with that ouo


    Ughhh, Jin and Byou do the stupidest things together and i just love them together so much and they're just my OTP man QAQ ❤️❤️❤️ Who's your favourite member btw? cuz obviously, mine is Jin lol


    A song of theirs that really stuck to me till new is Wailing Wall. When I first heard the song, it just sounded so emotional even without the growling and shit, then I read the lyrics and I just fuck, what a fucking master piece. Like seriously, when I was in high school I planned on doing a cover both original and english version lol Aside form that, Death's Door, Thick-Skinned Contradiction, and just ahhhh, there's too many dude, I'd say like 90% of their songs I just absolutely adore ;w; I'll seriously just end up saying all of their songs at this point lol


    You prob read the live-limited album at the only KHRYST+ forum topic here lol I searched it and there was only one, I must've missed reading that part ;w; as of now btw, my most fave KHRYST+ song is Don't be Silly ouo 


    AND SHIT!!!!! YOU GOT TO MEET BYOU AND JIN IN PERSON!?!??! THAT IS SO AMAZING OMGEH SO HAPPY FOR YOU ❤️❤️❤️ you went to a live of theirs in Japan??? Ahhhhh, definitely wishing I could do that too someday, hopefully soon lololololol


    And yaaaasssss!!!! I saved your fanfics before, you gotta support every SCREW writer there is right? Well, for me that is lol when I was younger I didn't appreciate writers that much when it came to commenting their fanfics, looking back on it I think it made the community livelier and happier when authors comments on each other's fanfics. Nobody comments on mine much tho lol but, as much as possible I leave compliments or critics to fanfics XD most of them I've done to the gazette writers cuz theirs are in abundance ouo I have regrets in not saving some fanfics I loved before ;w; 💔


    I actually still have misfitmisfit's fanfic saved in word lol after the whole fad a couple of years ago of fanfic writer's deactivating their journals in LJ, I desperately started saving as many as I could. Which reminds me, I should prob start doing that now again e.e I should archive them at my Jin spam blog on tumblr lol


    Oohhhh!!! I am defnitely looking forward to any Jin fics you will write!! ❤️ I haven't had a chance to read your works yet, so I am def excited ❤️❤️❤️ 


    ahhhhh, I haven't checked DW yet sdjfbjkdnknw so busy, even till now I'm replying to you here at my lunch break lololololol I WANNA FANGIRL WITH YOU AHHHHH hcdhsubk and prob share fics and other bands we like huehuehuehuehue

  6. My god, I used to listen to some of their Phantasmagoria songs, like hell, I told my friend (who plays guitar) that an awesome person from VK is named Kisaki so she should have a nickname Kiseki and I'm just... I feel so disgusted... Honestly, I thought the worst thing he did was taking a drunken picture of his friend/bandmate with them laying on their vomit but, this....


    Dude, this is a whole new level of wtf is this a person or a monster??!!!??


    Hope the police solves this case quick and get some protection for the mother and child.

  7. Ohhh!! You have concert/live goods!! Jelly, I only have their CD's XD I only graduated college a couple of months ago and just now started working so I'm now only able to really buy their merch and shit. Back then, when I bought their CD's it was money I saved up from my allowance to school ahahahahhaha  Oh shit! Seriously!? Their best of album was superb! I'm sometimes still too afraid to bring it out cuz I don't want it to get dirty or anything ;w; but, I sometimes take out the golden music box player the album came with and just ugghhh, it's so beautiful man, it still makes me cry ❤️ Seriously, how can they make their fans so freaking emotional by having Dearest Wish be the song on the music box!??!?!?!


    Yeah!! I have no proof of what I said tho lol I'll probably go dig through old LJ communities again just to find that piece ouo I sometimes think that Jin's specialty is making heavier hard rock songs ~ his favourite foreign bands if my memory is correct is Slipknot I think? He said he's influenced by both Japanese and foreign music hence why I think he's a really great composer >w<


    Yes!! Whenever Byou writes the lyrics they're so poetic and beautiful, he's just so talented! I hope he learn to speak and write in English more, I think if he works a little more harder he could incorporate them better on his songs. I still remember some of their old songs with Byou's broken English lol And yup yup! That was for The Abyss PV! They were so adorable there! Seriously, both of them so the cutest things together! Both cute and perverted shit lolololololol


    What seriously!? THEY'RE RELEASING A LIVE-LIMITED ALBUM!??!?!? UGHHHH LIFE IS SO CRUEL SOMETIMES *cries* I wish someone would be nice enough to post a download of it ;w; ahhh yessss, praying that I do get to go to Japan ~~~~ I just want to meet them and hear their music live, and hopefully not just once cuz I'm a selfish greedy bitch like that lol


    AND OMGEH YOU'RE THAT AUTHOR, I SAW YOUR FANFICS BEFORE fbwejfnjkewnjkw I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE STILL ACTIVE AHHHHHHHH fdhewjndfjkw I didn't actually read your fic yet, cuz not much of a Kazumana fan, but I did think it was interesting! And seriously, it's one of the few SCREW fics there was back then, so I was like damnnnnn, gotta save this just in case I would love to read it in the future sdhbjsbjsdjkf and I saw in your post there, that you had a fic beta by misfitmisfit! I use to read their one fanfic that was a Kazujin lol as you can see, I am a total Jin fan girl who remembers almost every fanfic about him lol AND OMGEEEEEHHHHHH YOU DID!?!??!? I"M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️ seriously, I was in a total writer's block/slump the past couple of months cuz before graduation it was thesis, internship, and school work for me and I seriously had no time to write at all and I'm just glad Byojin gave me the strength to write again lololololol I'm adding you on DW btw cuz I really want to have more friends who are SCREW fans and prob fangirl with ❤️❤️❤️ 

  8. Welcome back to the community! And true, the VK fandom is so small that sometimes it's hard to find someone with the same tastes, but luckily there are forums like MH! Back then tho, the VK tumblr community was enormous (well mostly for rp-ers I guess) but, now they're barely there in my opinion lol hopefully it'll recover soon ouo


    I like VK because of well, firstly their music and secondly the aesthetics lol they make sure to style not only their music video but, themselves as well to the music they make and I think that's so unique and artistic. Musician in the VK scene are really artistic.


    Also maybe because it appealed to me because that's the type of musician I want to become as well, not only to be able to make beautiful music, to look aesthetically beautiful physically as well. Art meets Art in a way of my definition.


    And woah! You got into VK like 4 or 5 years earlier than, me! XD


    And same here, I was out of the fandom for a while so there are so many new faces and music that came about! Let's explore them together! They have a topic here wherein they introduce new bands and such ouo

  9. 40 minutes ago, monkeybanana4 said:

    SCREW was also a favorite band of mine, and one of the first bands I ever bought stuff from, so they hold a special place in my heart. I was so sad when they disbanded because they were such a hilarious band who created cool music. (Even now I love watching their behind the scenes/comment videos. The comedic antics are pristine.) But I'm glad to hear that Byou and Jin came back together to create a new band. I can't wait to hear more of the band's music. It sounds promising! I wish I could go to that cool live they'll have in November.


    I feel the same way about fanfics. I loved reading and writing them. Such a shame they aren't around as much anymore.


    Same!! The first band merch I ever had was from SCREW too!! I bought their Deep Six CD (limited edition A, B, and regular) I said to myself that I really love and want to support them so I had to get CD's no matter what ;w; and of course, the last I bought was thier 10th anniversary best of album... ;w; I swear to fuck, at that time it was all or nothing for me, I literally emptied my bank account so I could buy the last CD they were going to release. I was so heart brokened at that time. I'm still a little bitter, I only started listening to them again like late last year lol because back then whenever i would listen to their songs I would cry ;w;


    But now I'm fine! I'm even trying to revive my old Jin spam blog on tumblr lol


    And yessss!!!!  I'm really happy for Byou and Jin as well ❤️❤️❤️ not just because they're my otp lol, but because I think they're a really good duo/match that can make great music together ~ I think I read this somewhere at LJ in an old screw group, where in the past when they released their CD's the composer and lyricist were put there at the songs and most songs were made by Byou and composed by Jin. Not sure if this were true tho, I didn't really get much evidence in seeing their old CD's lol I think it was from a translation group??? That was in their old releases tho, they said that in the newer ones they made it that lyrics and composition by SCREW instead, of just putting on a specific member's name.


    Hence why I think they're perfect to be in a band together lol 


    Ugh, their first live in November! I definitely want to go too! I'm still trying to find way if I can fly over to Japan just for their concert e.e seeing if I can save up for it still lol I'll be damned if I don't try and support them on this! ❤️❤️❤️ 


    Oh oh! Fanfics! Where do you usually read? Nowadays, most authors flock over to either AO3 or Dreamwidth, LJ is slowly dying but I see some people still update there ouo I personally update on AO3 mostly lol but, I'm trying to be active of DW since a lot of them have migrated there XD What's your author anme/link to your fics btw???? ouo

  10. 12 hours ago, Crimson Gates said:

    SCREW was the 3rd VK band I discovered after the GazettE and D'espairsRay so they'll always hold a special place in my heart as part of what I refer to now as 'the first wave'. Many, many more have followed since then, it's just so easy to pick up new bands when you hear something you like and there's plenty to look into so I'm sure you'll find some good stuff.


    Welcome 😁


    Also I do love good fics but sadly there aren't nearly as many around these days as there used to be.


    I found out about SCREW in the old Japanese music downloading site I always visited lol if I remember correctly, it was something like japanesemusicdream.blogspot.com I think it was lol they had a whole variety of musicians, stemming from Jpop to Visual Kei. It was awesome, their discography was almost so complete. I'm still sad to this day that it got deleted lol


    Hmm, after my initial love for SCREW, the rest of the bands that I found were pretty old, like juliadoll, core the child, or gaudie. The recent bands were a little meh for me, around the years 2014 to 2017 lol but now, hopefully I'll get to explore and find more bands that I like ouo hopeicandownloadtheirmusicit'shardtofinddownloadingsitesnowadays ah, but don't get me wrong tho, when I start to really love the band I buy their CD's XD


    And yessssss, I'm glad that I can to be involved in LJ around the years 2010 to 2013, those were like the flourishing years of VK fics for me XD it's sad that a lot of authors have either left or deleted their works completely ;w; but, some are moving over to either dreamwidth or AO3 so, there's still some light at the end of the tunnel ❤️ 

  11. Thanks!


    And awesome! Those two were the first ever bands I listened to in VK. Well, LM.C first technically lol never would have found out about them if they didn't play their music at the anime Red Garden ~


    And yeah, I was sad af when they disbanded. I literally cried lol But, right now I'm happy that Byo and Jin are still together in a band, I think they can make good music together ouo and their music is coming back to the heavier side so, I have high hopes that it's going to be great! And yup, let's continue!


    Yeah yeah, I've been exploring the forum for a while now, hoping to find new bands that'll become my favourites as well ❤️ 

  12. Oh wow, I've never read someone write like this before! I mean, in their perspective towards VK and all that. And tbh, I relate to you in a sense that when I introduced VK music to my own family and friends, a lot of them said they look gay and shit. So, most of the time I let people hear the music first before seeing what the musicians looks like lol altho, others will be assholes and say it's not good music because they can;t understand the lyrics bleh


    let bygones be bygones and just enjoy the music and find people who appreciates your tastes as well ❤️ 


    Welcome to Monochrome! I'm a newbie as well, although my knowledge of bands are a little more of the recent ones, probably since when I came to the scene, it was more of The GazettE era and etc XD

  13. Lol, hi everyone! I needed a title that was witty but also incorporated my love for KHRYST+ and me being new... As you can all see, that doesn't look witty and eye catching at all lol working on that


    But anyways! I've slowly been coming back to the VK fandom ouo was wayward a couple of years ago and went back to listening to some american rock (even ventured out into the kpop genre lol) but, home is home and Visual Kei is still my favourite genre... Well, that and they look too aesthetically pleasing to just leave behind so yeah ouo


    For the old bands, I like LM.C (their older songs at least), ScReW, and UNSRAW~


    But, now am a fan of KHRYST+ and I heard from here that Yuuki's new band is Kallistie?? So, guess imma be a fan of that now too ouo


    (tbh, I only found out about this forum thanks to me searching if Yuuki has a new band and stuff lol)


    Nice to meet you all! Hope we can all be friends! And share music togetherrrr, because seriously I am so outdated with the new bands lol ifanyoneisintofanfictionandshippingandshitplsbefriendswithmethanks

  14. Old Scew fan here and I'm just really ecstatic to find out that Byou and Jin are back in the music scene ❤️ in all honesty, I thought back then that they were the sort of like power duo of the band lol I love their new music! Altho, I agree with some that it'll hopefully improve more~ Byo's voice is definitely more fit for heavier music and he should start growling more.


    But anyways, their music reminds me a bit of their releases from Screw lol (I don't know much about Nihilizm, but since two members make up of the band are from them, imma start listening to them too)


    Like, idk why but Ring of Changes reminds of Kairos era, Freaking out is more like a Virus era, whilst the rest have an X-Rays more of feel to it.


    Don't be Silly is by far my most favourite out of all the songs ❤️ 



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