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    kuyashii reacted to Tokage in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    PV looks absolutely amazing, probably their best one in ages. Like someone else already jokingly pointed out, it looks like Kyo's slowly transforming into Sopor Aeternus' Anna-Varney though 
    also it DEF feels as if some parts of the songs have been cut out
  2. Like
    kuyashii reacted to Kiryu999 in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    It's nice but way too short for this kind of song, 5+ minutes would have been better. Idk how much they cutted off from the album ver. but it feels like something is missing, would have loved a beautiful guitar solo and a longer outro for example 
  3. I feel ya..
    kuyashii reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    Pulling this quote out for emphasis.
    Something like what is described in this thread, as well as the various other ones mentioned above, are horrible and should be treated with the same amount of outrage regardless of who did it. It's unfortunate that a scene that could allow for so much creativity and expression, both visually and audibly, attracts all sorts of scummy people because the target audience is vulnerable and impressionable. 
  4. Like
    kuyashii reacted to StriderSubzero in dark and heavy vk bands   
    Big ones:
    D (especially 7th Rose), D'espairsRay of course, Aliene Ma'riage (especially 21st Century), Girugamesh, lynch,  Sadie (though their stuff is pretty spotty IMO),  Gullet, some Kuroyume, Madeth Gray'll, Merry Go Round, some of Beast of Blood-era Malice Mizer
    Other random ones that come to mind:
    Nega, Grieva, VellaDonna, L'yse:nore (to some extent), Syndrome, Vice+Risk, Velze Dieulawahl, Blam Honey (if you like industrial), Chaos System
  5. Like
    kuyashii reacted to Tokage in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    think about this: if this al  turns out to be legit, there -must- be some artists or people who have worked closely with Kisaki in some form who actually knew about this shit to some extent, i don't feel like it's the kind of thing that would just be easy to hide
  6. Like
    kuyashii reacted to sixblacknine in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    It's worrying to me that some peoples first thought is 'oh noh muh music!!!!!'
    do you not have any sympathy for this little girl?? or her mother? or any other people he's mistreated??
    I've always hated Kisaki, thought he was an overdramatic attention seeker; but knowing he does this is shocking
    he's disgusting and I hope he rots in prison. 
  7. Like
    kuyashii reacted to fitear1590 in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    Thanks for archiving and translating this, cvltic.
  8. I feel ya..
    kuyashii reacted to lichtlune in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    I used to be of the opinion that I wouldn't concern myself too much with rumors/scandals or things like that and just focus on the music. But now with all of the domestic and sexual abuse tanuki rumors I've read about the past few years it's become more difficult. Sometimes I wish I could read Japanese and better understand the scene so I could get some better insight on these types of situations. Kisaki's influence on visual kei goes far and beyond and this will be a big hit to the scene. I hope some of my favorite artists and bands disavow this man if he's convicted of crimes.
  9. I feel ya..
    kuyashii reacted to Hohchicano96 in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    When I opened this post about an hour ago, I expected a kettle of piping hot tea on Kisaki's recurring financial tomfoolery and musical misadventures. I was proven otherwise.
    If the allegations are proven to be true (with this much evidence and photographs, how could it not), there is no chance of redemption for this absolute scumbag of a person.

    I wonder if the recent cancellation of the upcoming Phantasmagoria compilation album was Kisaki's way of funding himself to hire a reputable defense attorney in case any information surfaces on the internet.
  10. Like
    kuyashii reacted to Naaaaani in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    Well, it's time for Kisaki to drop a soap in prison.
    I bought an objexxx CD from this fucktard a couple of years ago, lol.
  11. I feel ya..
    kuyashii reacted to saishuu in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    well, the authorities still have to take the word of a WOMAN and we all know how that goes in most cases, so I wouldn't be certain about that...
  12. Yikes
    kuyashii reacted to ricchubunny in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    Here's the deleted pictures. It's clear that's KISAKI.
  13. Like
    kuyashii reacted to Kiryu999 in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    Kisaki's drama was all fun when it was only some tax fraud and stolen pictures, now it's just too serious.
    If these allegations are true I will never support him again, ever
  14. Like
    kuyashii reacted to Saishu in THE BLACK SWAN will disband   
    Because Jin, at his best, sounds like that clip you just posted. 
    And isn’t the DEG thread full of comments about how shitty Kyo sounds most of the time? Who’s denying it?
  15. I feel ya..
    kuyashii reacted to Seelentau in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    So, like a Japanese Ian Watkins?
  16. Thanks
    kuyashii reacted to cvltic in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    (Thank you to @ricchubunny for posting about this in a status, which led to @Chi linking it to me!)
    An account on Twitter, @KISAKI54175241, has begun to make some fairly serious claims against Kisaki, so here we are in the rumors section yet again. At the time of this posting the account has 66 tweets and multiple images. I saved an archive of the page at it is at this moment in case anything happens to it, so please let me know and I will post that somewhere.

    Disclaimer: What follows is a translation of allegations made by twitter user KISAKI54175241. I neither endorse nor deny any of the claims made below, and I made a conscious effort to avoid sensationalizing anything in my translations... If you have any questions or feedback in that regard please let me know.

    More importantly some of the content below is disturbing. There are mentions of domestic violence and child sexual abuse. Please read at your own discretion or skip to the summary below if you would like to know what happened without getting into explicit detail.

    KISAKI54175241's posts (oldest to newest, although sometimes self-retweets that reordered her twitter timeline will cause discrepancies)
    The translation as the account stands at 2:28 PM -6:00 GMT is complete.

    This picture provided by @colorfuljinsei (originally from Kisaki's official twitter?) can serve as a tattoo placement/design reference if you would like to do any comparisons.

    In summary, Kisaki has been accused of:
    -Inappropriate sexual contact with a young child
    -Domestic violence
    -Being a habitual benzo seeker/user
    -Being suicidal and using this as a manipulation tactic
    -Astroturfing tanuki, working to have critical articles and twitters suspended
    Allegedly, these matters have been brought to police.
  17. Like
    kuyashii reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Satsuki drama   
    I’ve been thinking about this thread all day and can not fathom how bad things must have gotten to be kicked out of the Kisaki Project.
    Like, we have a whole thread of Kisaki bullshit, and someone with that much dirt on him said “yikes, you need to go” to Satsuki. Amazing / tragic because I really liked that incarnation of TKP
  18. LOLOL
    kuyashii reacted to nekkichi in THE BLACK SWAN will disband   
    why are dir en grey stans always feeling so confident dissing other vocalists while y'all stan this
    ? ? ?
    kuyashii reacted to Saishu in sukekiyo   
    I’d ignore that account to be honest. This is the first time I’ve seen them not post a “what’s [insert band here]’s heaviest album?”
  20. Like
    kuyashii got a reaction from Furik in Dir en grey   
    The softer songs from MoaB are definitely the best moments from the album.
    I hope the MoaB comparision don't included the mixing of the album as well.
  21. Like
    kuyashii reacted to EzraEroguro in THE BLACK SWAN will disband   
    Yep, more of those silly ass song comparisons comin' at ya --
    "Mushigoe" is literally System of a Down's "Chop Suey", and "B.Y.O.B.", just with 8 strings.
    It's kinda ridiculous how they managed to get away with all of that very blatant riff lifting...I know from previous experience with VK, that most bands have borrowed some riffs and and a bunch of bands just straight up take songs note for note.
  22. wow
    kuyashii reacted to EzraEroguro in THE BLACK SWAN will disband   
    I really hate this, but it's true. "Delta" is literally a drop E cover of "Headache Man" (the GazettE).
  23. Like
    kuyashii reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Recent DEG stuff sounds like a bunch of 128kbps files anyway
  24. Yikes
    kuyashii reacted to Kelrya in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I think Arche leaked like two days early or something like that. Btw Kaoru did an interview with Ongaku to Hito. I haven’t read it but I was reading the 2ch thread and it sounds like the album is gonna be a cross between Arche and TMOAB.
  25. Like
    kuyashii got a reaction from nullmoon in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I want a jumpscare teaser where there's just a screen with some japanese text and then out of nowhere some really heavy stuff and Kyo screeching at the top of his lungs (think of the "Reiketsu Nariseba" ending) starts playing with the album cover flashing on the screen (come on, it's pretty freaky, it could work well)
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