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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. LOLOL
    Miku70 reacted to nomemorial in New band "GREED" has formed   
    yes, stream it on Crunchyroll starting Summer 2019 😼
  2. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Gesu in New band "GREED" has formed   
    iT's CaLlEd ViSuAl KeI
  3. Like
    Miku70 reacted to nekkichi in Vocalists who sound different from when they started   
    p much all of them provided they hit a five year career milestone?.. 🤔
  4. Like
    Miku70 reacted to suji in Vocalists who sound different from when they started   
    or maybe his balls just dropped, as in the case with most vocalists xD
  5. I feel ya..
    Miku70 reacted to raspberrynilla in Vocalists who sound different from when they started   
    Shou from A9. During his time in Givuss and the indie days of A9, his voice was much deeper. Now he sounds high pitched most of the time and tries too hard to reach those high notes, and in my opinion, just sounds awful 😕
  6. Like
    Miku70 reacted to secret_no_03 in Vocalists who sound different from when they started   
    MORRIE has changed over the years especially since Hardcore Reverie and his latest album and speaking of Kyo; Kyo from D'erlanger's voice has changed over time, I guess you could say MORRIE and Kyo's voices get better with age. Ruki's vocal style has changed and HYDE's been refining his vocals since he started VAMPS. 
    On the non-Japanese front I'd definitely have to say Marilyn Manson.
  7. Like
    Miku70 reacted to yurameki24 in Disbanded bands that you wish were still together?   
    old school Vk,All resurrection 
  8. I feel ya..
    Miku70 reacted to suji in てんさい。(tensai.) Vo.カルト (Cult)'s parents attacked   
    The trial of the attacker has ended and he was given 18 months in prison plus a 4 yr suspended sentence - basically 4 years of probation and he can walk free due to good behavior. Outrageous.
    Hawaiian news article here:
  9. 悲しい
    Miku70 got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in Disbanded bands that you wish were still together?   
    An Cafe, but it's not possible because takuya left music. And I love their music.
    Lc5 because Miku forget this band 😭. Their sound are nice. They not disband but they not active since many years.
  10. Like
    Miku70 got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    I like B.A.P because their voices and visual. I like their solos. I like BLACKPINK and many old songs from SHINee, Super Junior, TVXQ, Junsu, BIGBANG, 2NE1 and new MV from ITZY, CLC , Stray Kids and ATEEZ.
    The fans of KPOP or visual kei are same behaviour. 
  11. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Komorebi in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    I see no much difference in the Kpop and VK scenes besides the musical genre.
    They both have a similar marketing, cater to a similar demographic, both scenes have some sort of sexual exploitation behind a pretty facade, similar arguably repetitive sounds (even choreo) and both have performers posing as musicians playing/singing and dancing to songs they didn't write, although VK does have a lot more performers actually writing their music.
  12. I feel ya..
    Miku70 reacted to akiko in Disbanded bands that you wish were still together?   
    PIERROT, SIAM SHADE, SuG, LUCHe., i.Rias, BORN, SCREW, lolita 23q (with soshi), MoNoLith, marblehead,  AN CAFE, ViViD, Sadie, girugamesh, -OZ-, Hi:BRiD, ValettA...

    (I know Sadie is on hiatus but ;___;)
  13. I feel ya..
    Miku70 reacted to monkeybanana4 in Disbanded bands that you wish were still together?   
    As others have mentioned, D'espairsRays for sure. Also, Moran would be lovely to see again. Miss Sadie as well.
    I would say Kagrra, but as @saishuu already brought up just really wish Isshi was still around...
  14. Like
    Miku70 reacted to suji in closet child Yokohama & Ikebukuro to stop accepting items   
    closet child Ikebukuro will also stop accepting items on May 31, same day as Yokohama...
    Both stores will still be open in June.
  15. Like
    Miku70 reacted to nekkichi in Mejibray: Terrible or Overhated?   
  16. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Zeus in Why do western fans get more shit than Japanese fans?   
    We get more shit than Japanese fans because we do dumb shit in English. 

    As far as "no pictures at the concert goes", I turned off my flash and took several dozen pictures over the course of the show. I didn't have flash on and I was near the back, so they didn't see me at all. I think they say no pictures because they don't want people recording the show on their phones, and it's unreasonable to expect anyone to identify what someone is doing with their phone in the middle of a concert. A blanket rule like that to stop piracy makes sense, but I think piracy is a distant second to presentation. Visual kei bands are all about looks and presentation and they always want to look their best. I really think the band didn't want anyone recording or taking pictures of the concert because they want to publish the pictures they like best. My hunch is supported by what one of the announcers said before the NYC show; paraphrasing here but it was "no need to record this show tonight because we are recording it for you". A band that is all about visuals relies heavily on the first impression, and that impression is ruined if the first recordings of THE NINTH WORLD TOUR is a scratchy home made tereko recorded from someone's phone, or blurry pictures taken from the center of the mosh pit.
  17. Like
    Miku70 reacted to GreatNorthernVK in Why do western fans get more shit than Japanese fans?   
    Japanese fans don’t care, because they see their favourite band so often that they wouldn’t even remember which concert each individual photo would be from.
    If a particular concert is a “one and done” for any given foreign fan, you’ll have to forgive them for wanting a full concert experience according to the concert norms of where they are.
  18. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Why do western fans get more shit than Japanese fans?   
    No pictures is a stupid policy, and everyone shilling it like their honmei will see their posts and give them some fucc as a "thank you" are dumb x
  19. I feel ya..
    Miku70 reacted to chemicalpictures in Why do western fans get more shit than Japanese fans?   
    no pictures is bullshit and fuck any band who tries to enforce that in foreign lands.
    take those mothefuckers out of the damn pedestal. In japan they can do as they please, it's their culture and any tourist should follow the locals. Now the snowflakes expect people from another country, a whole another concert culture to abide by their arbitrary rules on a concert they paid some expensive AF ticket to be there, just to not be able to take a picture, or record a personal video, because the band said so? yeah, right.
    This is business. They do overseas concerts because they have something to gain, not because they like our pretty faces or are doing us some favor or smh
  20. Like
    Miku70 reacted to suji in Why do western fans get more shit than Japanese fans?   
    cuz we dumb
  21. Like
    Miku70 reacted to redaudrey in Why do western fans get more shit than Japanese fans?   
    Also, a lot of western visual kei fans don’t speak/read Japanese, so they don’t know what’s happening in the Japanese part of the fandom at all. So if all these fans are only interacting with other western fans, then you’re only going to hear about problems with western fans.
  22. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Gesu in Why do western fans get more shit than Japanese fans?   
    Japanese fans get hate too, but for different reasons. There's a lot of elitism in the west about who's a "real" fan and who ain't which leads to a lot of silly arguments that make us all look bad, whereas in Japan, it tends to be more about "hE's MiNe AnD hE cAn'T gEt MaRrIeD bEcAuSe I sAiD sO rEeEeE". Granted, that does happen sometimes in the west too, but to a much lesser extent. You're right about following the rules, and that is one of the other big reasons western fans get hate.
  23. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Zeus in Monochrome Heaven's 2019 Banner Contest: VOTING   
    Monochrome Heaven's 2019 Banner Contest
    The window for banner submissions has closed, so I present to you now all of the banners our lovely members have submitted for consideration. I will be giving them all a number and please vote for the ones you like in the poll. You can vote for as many as you want. The poll will be open until June 1st at noon, so you have some time to get your votes in.









  24. I feel ya..
    Miku70 got a reaction from Rica34rica in Hi guys~ :3   
    Welcome here 😊  .  
    It's the same things for bands who was in PS COMPANY, it's not surprising  ans it's not new or any labels.
  25. wow
    Miku70 reacted to Arkady in Very first VK band you got into and how did you get into them?   
    I'm not sure if it was Lareine in 2000/01 after I found on an anime fanzine a very short section (with a little photo) about their Bara wa Utsukushikuchiru cover and fallen immediately in love with the visual part (and few months later using my 56k pay-for-the-minute internet to download the whole 6/7 songs I was able to find and confirming my first positive reaction), or if I started to listen to X-Japan a short time before them, after I liked their Forever Love used as a final theme song in X-1999.
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