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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by Masato

  1. 7 hours ago, redaudrey said:

    Omg I just read the post about the drama!!! This is JUICY!!! I’m so glad Kaitou exposed this to us xD can words even express all the ways I love kaitou??

    They caaaaaaannnnn't!!!!!!!!


    Well, Masato sided a bit with Gosan in stating that it is rude to eat someone else's picture when they mostly paid for the venue. Lol. I agree in principle, but with the "shi-ne mathilda!" Well... that's anything but adult.


    But I guess since the other gosan guys were in Ptons previous band and they were allowed to do a parody... he can't say: oh, what jackasses!


    He also said once that he won't do rankings of VK that's bad, cause that would be rude

  2. Well, just hand me my popcorn and I will watch this unfold together with Masato! 





    They puposely invite "shitty bands" to their sponsored live to look good.... and then act like that.... wtf....


  3. So apparently Gosan sponsored this live on 28/6. 

    And Mathilda was a guest band. 

    Then Mathilda went up on stage, tore up the flyers and ate them in front of Gosans fans. "Itadakimasu" like their song.... 🤣


    Is it for flame-wars? Or just WTF "any news is good news" promotions or do the guys really hate each others guts? 

    But then why perform together?


    Common opinion seems to be that people should not act like that. I agree. But Gosan is not a super nice band either asking fans to scream "die mathilda". 


    I mean, I am all for the entertainment when they piss each other and the fans off publically on stage, but I also miss the old times where they would just get into a fight outside the live house. LMFAO


    Well... I still love Kaitou for commenting/digging up these scandals, so I just have to follow them to know if something major happened. 😁😘

  4. On 7/4/2018 at 9:15 PM, redaudrey said:

    I think it's okay! You can't really see any information with Pokemon....but he'll get so many gifts xD he'll be happy, i'm sure

    And you should make a furi video for them!!!

    But the Pokestop location is shown! 😂

    Dangerous! Bangya sneaking up on him playing Pokemon Go! Wwwwwww



    And I also love Kaitou for entertaining us with the best  tanuki/band drama without us having to browse tanuki. 

    The guys do that for us. Hahaha 



  5. Ok, so I want to know which band was tearing up other bands flyers and eating them.... 😂

    Dick move! But interesting! 

     Kaitou are posting about it and making fun of it, so please enlighten me, who it was!



    And the response to Raika's "what did you eat today" tweet was also "flyer" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣





    M band is probably Mathilda, what I read from the comments.... and G band is probably Gosan!


    Fans commented though that Gosan was making fans scream "Die Mathilda" during the live.


    More Infos on this drama anyone?

  6. Look at their twitter & insta... there are still so many English supportive comments.... 

    I mean someone helped Koichi get his tattoo 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. When will they start milking their Western fanbase? And do international tours?  🤭

    With a couple more releases and this funky "we did it" vibe.... I predict them trying overseas activities.....

    To show their success even though they are banned

  8. 12 minutes ago, Wakarimashita said:

    I don't know... I feel like after JUBILEE any Hizaki/Teru's composition has sounded the same to me, like it's the same track rehashed over and over, in either Versailles or Jupiter.

    And this track's the same.

    When I skipped through the video, I ended up at the 1min+ instrumental sections and wondered why they even go all the way to find a vocalist, when all they really want to do is wank to their instrument.....

  9. Ok, I am having a tough day, but your oneliner jokes always make my day (e.g. in the Satsuki thread, your mama style)


    So please lift my mood!


    My band is so popular, that Maria Cross has asked them to feature in his porn. 



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