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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by Masato

  1. 2 hours ago, cvltic said:

    the Kiryu/Royz/Codomo Dragon sales are nuts. i might be totally wrong, but i think their instore fanservice/skills are what leads to these sales? Kiryu and Royz in particular are associated with "extreme eigyou" -- the kind of fanservice where you get "kisses" and hugs/sit in each other's laps for your photos with the members. and even just looking at their schedules, they do like 2-3 instores a week and each requires at minimum a CD purchase for a ticket.


    the Raid. has also been coming up in sales while their reputation for doing basically anything you ask for photos spreads too, lmao.

    This is so crazy! Before I quit VK I will take the Kamasutra with me and request photo poses lol lol lol lol 

    Never to go to Japan again.

    But there are such strong differences between bands. Lol

  2. 7 hours ago, appl- said:

    I was expecting only fashion show or something like this. But they dropped some MUSIC. At first listen it confused me but now this song has grown on me and i can't wait to see what will happen!!! 


    By the way, people were buying merchandise before live like CRAZY even they didn't knew what 8P-SB actually is. 

    Does Koichi still play an instrument or are they a real boy-band now? 

    The song sounded like he stopped playing

  3. 19 hours ago, redaudrey said:


    Just about the bonus! You can still buy the physical copy of the cd from anywhere ^^ I just got mine yesterday from CDJapan

    Yes! It's mainly the bonuses. The CDs should still be available! ❤


    And awwwwwww.... Raika is so awkward cute! It is hard to describe otherwise. I just watched the bonus DVD from Edison and it's mostly them promoting their upcoming oneman lives and Raika being adorkable... This guy is so shy/cute/awkward! It's killing me!!!!!


    He is super shy, but then again, he is ok with doing funny stuff.... awwwwwwww


    Lol! Actually I fan all of the guys. They are all charming in their own way, so it is hard to pick a favourite member.... 


    Who do you like?


    I think Masato is pure evil with a sweet innocent smile. He is clever, but stupid when he wants to. So I think he's cool!


    Pton is the gag guy and exaggerating a lot, but he is kind and will take his time for the fans to reply and listen to my broken japanese... even encouraging me to take my time to speak.


    Jewly is just super talkative and seems like a nice guy, but he has the pervert image! 😏 So he made a good impression on me, too. He talked really a lot with me.... hahaha 


    And Raika is just too shy and cute..... adorkable.... awwwwwwwww.....


    Zowi was so adult and cool and cared so much about his fans! I love that! I also respect it a lot that he is still active on twitter.  I would have been sad if he disappeared without a trace....

  4. 7 hours ago, keilu said:

    btw, i saw this tweet and I just understand little hearts benefits? can I buy that cd in little hearts?


    and about Zowi's tweets, holyyyy
    I wanna tweet him ganbare, but maybe it doesn't help


    It's a comment DVD that contains a video of their drinking party. I only got the like an edison one.... have to watch it today! :D


    I think I was totally right with full blown Depression. That's sad, but I hope he got some support and he is online again, so that's good! Unfortunately it's chronic and japanese mental health care sucks big time. I hope he gets meds and psychotherapy. :(( 

    and I really hope he realizes that it's not him, but just biology and environmenatl influences. 


    tweet him ganbatte! He will be happy people still think of him!

  5. 7 hours ago, keilu said:

    when Masato tweeted about "the dead of tanuki" I could imagine that picture representing all the bandmen celebrating in secret about it. 

    with that tweet he got my respect hahahaha

    Hahaha, don't forget the "oh, it's back" announcement! 😂


    They are such shit noodles, but in a more easygoing way than e.g. Tensai! 

    But I also loved their twitter clip where Jewly was doing a parody on Tanu-kei band ZigZag!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. 1 hour ago, nekkichi said:

    lasering it off is always an option x


    matter of two weeks worth of mitsu checks.

    But they are sooooo artistic!!! He would never do that! Koichi will stick to his principles even when he is 80-90!!! So his children can ask him about his amazing English skills!


    PS: 99% of their fans who follow the above logic would not have given them a look, if they had started out with their current project.

  7. 1 hour ago, frayed said:

    I really wish we’d could just simply know what happened to Mejibray 

    Well, I guess Tsu and Koichi proposed a new direction for Mejibray,  what they "really" wanted to do (assuming 8p-sb is their love child) And their label/Mia/Meto were not really fans of that? 


    And they were bitter about it? And Koichi got his tattoo and they released this? And now they are happy? But their label hates them for it?

  8. 28 minutes ago, filth_y said:


    Always loved the rumors of the connection betwen Yakuza and VK

    Shall we open another rumor thread for these guys right next to Satsuki? 🤔


    Well, we will see how successful they are with this little stunt! Being banned from VK venues well... they will probably become irrelevant to the fandom as time progresses and they gain more K-Pop fans


    Ps: going through the first posts before this was released is hillarious! 😂

  9. 30 minutes ago, ricchubunny said:

    Actually yes. MEJIBRAY Company president is rumored to be from Yakuza and he's one of the big bosses of Visual Kei industry now.

    Since Koichi and Tzk apparently had some problems with him (remember Koichi stop playing the bass and showing his middle finger in direction of their boss in the end of their concert), yes, they're in blacklist and probably can't do a Visual Kei band anymore. That's what this song is about. 

    On yesterday concert they said that CreatO was the only live house that let they play. 

    Can't they become yoyogi park street performers? 

  10. Can someone explain the appeal of this bamd to me? I watched a live DVD and while I did like some PVs on Youtube,  the live sounded so generic... 

    But that's probably how you appeal to the masses.... 

    any live recommendations to convince me otherwise? I watched the dvd with the naked girl on it.

  11. I was a bit surprised by the Johnny's background, too. But Masato posted pictures of himself with Tegoshi and then some gya posted more "official" photos of him in the comments.  So I looked it up. Hahaha


    Then all the janiwota songs made sense!

    Masato does share some true personal data mixed in with made up data sometimes. Like all VK. I think he is actually self-confident enough to do so.  Which is for me, what this band is all about! 

    Confident in themselves, so that they don't have to care about others opinions and can do their own thing!


    Zowi sharded like lots and lots of personal things on twitter. Stuff about his family, even a video of his grandmother!


    They are different. 

  12. 25 minutes ago, keilu said:

    Pton has to be older than Masato... and how did you get more info? I just could find masato surname 


    You can get some basic data and again the kanji of his name here in french




    25 minutes ago, keilu said:


    But I really hope they don't grow up soon (?)

    They won't! Trust me! 😂😂😂😂😂

    They are idiots and they like being in a band. Plus there has been so many member changes already.... i think they can survive it.

    The only thing that could cause a problem in my opinion are the cease and desist orders.... if they spend too much money on awesome stuff, but have to trash it again. Here we have to have faith in their mitsu! 😚🧚‍♀️

    25 minutes ago, keilu said:


    I followed the band via YouTube. I didn't know how search them on twitter, so I missed zowi broadcastings. And google translate is trash


    Do you have their twitter now? Also try "papagao" as translation app. It is really good!


  13. 12 hours ago, anadentone said:

    yay more painted abs :D

    His voice is great, the music is great but together his voice seems to be much much louder than the music

    I heard these songs at his accoustic live. He does not even need a guitar, his voice is really loud. But at least he can sing, kinda rare in VK.


    Even though he is not with union entertainment anymore, he is still allowed to use these Promotion materials somehow.... 😏

    Finally released the full MV after a year......

  14. Ehhhhh? Really???? 

    How old are they supposed to be????

    3X matches Masato's Johnny's birthday at least. 


    But yeah, officially they are all enternally 19.... 🧛‍♂️



    Ps: Depression is just my guess... but if you are interested in Neurotransmitter you are likely either professionally involved (like me), or you are affected... 

    Nothing confirmed though. But a lot of hints point in that direction.

  15. 6 hours ago, keilu said:

    hoping he don't close his account and dissappear like every guy in vk!

    That'd be so sad 

    I don't think so. He is different. 

    He still likes your status and actually replied to my support DM, saying that he wants to do more, once he gets better. But if it is mental illness, that is unlikely to happen if it's already chronic. And he did talk about dopamin and serotonin at some point during the casts, so i highly suspect that he gets bouts of depression sometimes....



    Support drums mizuki was in ichiyon, so look up that band! Raika did session lives as hazuki before. I actually still follow his session account,  that is now locked, but he still tweets about pokemon go and an upcoming session live there... he actually replies DM and is very cute. But yeah, the cute young one of the band! He is so shy and akward! Really cute.


    Masato and Pton ~30 years

  16. 47 minutes ago, keilu said:



    HOOOLYYY that's sad.

    After masato, he's my favorite. 

    Japanese fans always surprising me with their shitty attitude...

    I guess that's why Zowi was so happy about all the messages and nice comments when he had to retire. It was unexpected! 


    Everyone is head over heels for Masato. But Masato is indeed awesome... so when you are a bit shy and leave the stage to the others that's what happens.


    I actually asked Zowi in a videocast why he was so quiet usually, when he onviously enjoyed talking with fans (but he did more sane/usual/interesting conversation), and he said that he likes to leave the stage to Masato and Pton and they talk enough for everyone. 😅


    Maybe Zowi will at some point, when he feels better do video casts again.  I want to watch it again then because it was honestly interesting!

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