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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Masato

  1. Yes, they just said that due to reasons they are not doing the MV and the parody. Even though some members have endorsed it.... but well, there is still management....
  2. Masato

    Well, depends on how serious/active you are? Are you just playing locally on the weekends? Do you tour? Festivals? Instores? Promotions? It can get hard time-wise and your job has to give you enough days off to do this in a flexible enough manner to coordinate with the other members. Do you have ambitions in your job? Wanna make a career?
  3. Masato

    Real life kicks in and they realize they can not do bands indefinetely. They decide to get a real job.
  4. Masato

    Together with Yoshiki
  5. Koichi and Genki are the cutest couple of vocaloid-VK! Kamijo with his solo act must be jealous...

  6. Masato

    No, it's Koichi and Tsu. Check out their new band and their lyrics and videos. Meto and Mia could not accept their new lifestyle, so to pursue their dreams and relationship they quit Mejibray to be together. Tsu is lovingly encouraging Koichi to be more open and develop as a vocal, too. It's the cutest story of VK! After they got together Tsu even overcame his depression and renamed himself Genki because of his relationship with Koichi. You should fully support their new project, too. It is so positive and lovely!
  7. Masato

    He lives with Maria Cross and had his AV debut together with him. Though at the time Yoshiatsu was still wearing a mask.
  8. Well, I think it's nothing special, BUT they sound WAY better than some japanese VK bands and have decent looks and invested in a MV. They will probably end up a anime convention band, and for that it's perfect! So good job.
  9. I think they endorsed it. Lol There was like one tweet from them when the CD was released. It isn't really insulting in anyway to the band. Also some of the Gosan guys were Ptons former bandmates.... lol There were more threats and insults from other bands fans. They KNOW this is always coming, but issued a statement, that they will continue to do parodies and that they are themselves VK fans. I was super surprised they announced an R-shitei parody. I know they are all really hughe fans and want to do a parody, but the Mamogya are something different. Lol. And the predicted death-threats came. R-shitei and The Raid. Have also officially posted that there are funny parodies of their songs... so I guess Kaitou is mostly save from the bandoman perspective. (The labels act differently....) The Hitler video is kind of discussing this. Summary: "I want to do parodies! It's fun! Even bands agree with what we do, but their labels suck! We should stick to self-published song parodies... but I looooove oboreru sakana!"
  10. Masato

    I guess they will announce that from now onward they will join Koichi and Genki to form a real vocaloid group! Possibly with the usage of instruments, but probably not....
  11. Masato

    Well, he can sing and that's what sets him appart from other vocals. I went to his accoustic live and it was great! But yeah, he should have stayed with BFN.... And he will probably take on a more heavy direction again, too.
  12. Masato

    Vamps loved the US.... ? Satsuki spares you!!!! Kamijo loves Europe, and otherwise VK abroad is dead....
  13. Masato

    I want him to come to Europe..... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 He IS a good vocal, even though is solo stuff is not so amazing.... But he will play Zodiack and BFN stuff, too. So that's cool!
  14. He just announced it on twitter:
  15. Masato

    I also think Genki's smiles look EXTREMELY FORCED on all their promo materials! Koichi looks akward, too. Nothing at all like the "self-empowering" message they try to convey... Where is the cool artsy bunny head???? And the ocean????
  16. Damn, Kaitou are sure different! Zowi is still active on twitter and invites everyone who wants to join him for a fireworks show... No payment or anything, just to hang out! I want to goooooooo...... T○T Also I asked pton if he will ever do a song about "gyaku nerai session men" (session band guys, that try to pick up girls) and he laughed and said "no" .... 🤣
  17. Masato

    Sorry to dig up this topic, but what the heck????
  18. Masato

    So my theory is, that not only all rights and instruments were taken from them, but they were banned from recording studios, too.... and they were left with a cell phone song composition app..... And Koichi could not even lend a friend's instrument to record stuff. Or perhaps Mejibray was a playback band!!!! 😱
  19. Masato

    Don't worry. Keep listening! This is the reverse Mejibray 😂 Their music is reasonably good, but their behaviour sucks. Koichi and Genki's music sucks, but people go there for the artist. 🤣🤣🤣
  20. Reverse aim session noodle ♡♡♡

    I am wondering... is there a PV where a bandomen does pole dance?

    1. platy



    2. Masato


      @platy Thanks a lot! ♡

      Even though the song is super aweful..... 🤕 My ears hurt now.....

  21. Sorry to disappoint you all, but honestly, Golden Bomber belongs here
  22. Masato

    When "Boku wa gomi janai" plays there..... it says a lot about the quality of Gosan Events.... Says Oyaji Edit: This Dodododododododo minor band does not even have a mention here on MH 🧐 Gosan must feel so high and mighty
  23. Who the heck even lets Maria Cross perform at a taiban event?

  24. I saw them live and they are fun! But they are not good/interesting enough for me to seriously follow them. 😩 But if you catch them at a taiban, stay for them.
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