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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Masato

  1. I haven't even gotten around to listening to it yet.... 😭😭😭😭😭 So busy and travelling without earphoned.... noooo.... Tonight!!!! Finally!!!!
  2. The new look is super hot.... 🤤🤤🤤🤤 Does anyone know the new bassist???? Tsubasa???? Is he support or a real member???
  3. And bass "tsubasa" has joined! Does anyone know if he has been in bands before? He seems hot. 😂
  4. 明朝四時 薬漬けの君 妄想の中で泣き喚いてる 「私ばっかり」 「私ばっかり」 「私ばっかり!」 しつこい位に 見つけられない 生きる意味問い 明かりを灯してもそこには無い 垂れ流す道理 聞き流す条理 困った顔で 無口なまま 「愛してくれない」 「愛されてない」 口癖のようにお伝えなさい 繰り返す日々に「もう飽きた」って 変わる気も無い君が言う 自称「メンヘラ」 仮病癖 精神薬アピール 笑っちゃうね! 「友達ごっこ」と卑屈ぶっちゃって 痛い!痛い!痛い!痛い! 自称「マニア」 グロ画像耐性 マニュアル通り 笑っちゃうね! 「血を見てると落ち着くんだ」って 痛い!痛い!痛い!痛い! 着飾る病みメイク 協調拒否 繰り返す日々 ひとりぼっちを望んでいる 家族の話 いじめの話 人間関係 知らねぇよ 甘い物好き イケメンが好き お金大好き なのにメンヘラ 「上手くいかない」とすぐに諦め 知能はすでに二歳児以下 「友達がいない」 「信じられない」 口癖のようにお伝えなさい 世間は明るい美人がお好き くまだらけの目に 価値は無い 自称「メンヘラ」 虚言癖 夜行性のビッチは笑っちゃうね! 「理想のタイプはアニメのキャラ」って 痛い!痛い!痛い!痛い! 自業自得 クズの極み 流行の服ばっか 笑っちゃうね! 寂しいだけって言い聞かせて 知らない男に抱かれてる ファッション病み 心配されたい 孤独な君は可哀想ね! 今日もひとり 明日を願って マイスリーに頼る 期待 期待 期待 効きすぎた薬に笑っちゃって 痛い自分を慰めてる 玩具で済ます自慰は虚しい 痛い!痛い!痛い!痛い! 今日も君は 孤独 そろそろ時間だ
  5. Hi, I want to request the translation of ファッションマイスリー. Lyrics are below their youtube video:
  6. Masato

    Because of Yoshiatsu? 😂 He does blow jobs and masturbation on stage. It is slightly disturbing the first time you see it.
  7. Masato

    Lol I almost feel like going now due to that description. And it's not that much more than going to the movies.... 🤣
  8. When will they camp on a deserted island with just one bottle of water to fight over????? I am still waiting for this TENSAI!!!!!
  9. Masato

    After attending some Lack-co. lives with my boyfriend, Tenten tweeted about this "blonde foreign guy" and asked his fans if they knew his nationality. LoL Also I saw some bandmen doing shady trades and exchanging stuff with a gya before their gig and then running back to the live house.
  10. So... a best album.... will they kaisan now?
  11. Well.. he works part-time at a magical okama (transvestite) bar. (Mahokake in ikebukuro) Lol I actually went there, but he was not there at that time unfortunately, but it was fun as some staff actually speaks English. Lots of dick jokes... 🤣 An alternative to your maid cafe. So if you go to Japan.... drop by. Lol lol lol Actually it was way more fun than maid or vampire cafes that I also visited... Not all cutesy, but not host asshole-ish and really decent English.
  12. Masato

    Hmmm... Mia doing weird shit, koichi and tsu doing strange stuff.... They should have kicked Meto out and reformed as a youtube/pop band alltogether
  13. I love this ♡ If the delux version would be Kenji gravure only.... i might have bought it Does anyone try to get it?
  14. Masato

    Buying this.... That's like watching an accident... They also have new merch out with a sweating goldfish, also overpriced.
  15. Masato

    Does this do-do-do-do minor project with less than 400 twitter followers really warrant a topic in the rumor section? Well.... there certainly ARE similarities to Satsuki in terms of populairity....
  16. Masato

    I need the 0.1g no ojayi icon to react to these news
  17. Masato

    They needed some money to sponsor hyde solo
  18. Plus even nowadays a lot of bandomen can be quite abusive...
  19. Masato

    Will Kaya "come", too?
  20. Dad aroma .... :panic:

  21. Masato

    The whole band's name is hinting at their preference for older gay men to take them: Dad aroma
  22. Yeah, they did not tell a specific date or that it would be a CD yet.... They have become more cautious. While the goldfish was announced as CD from the start....
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