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Posts posted by secret_no_03

  1. On 8/9/2019 at 11:53 AM, Paraph said:

    They're still in the process of sending complete total and shipping out item. Seems to take quite a bit of time tbh haha.

    Any update? I emailed them while I was gone and they apologized for the delay in getting back, just said they do ship to USA, but shipping is higher. I just said I'm fine with that and asked how I should go about sending them my information, the wait begins again.

  2. Starting today I'm going to start three 30 day challenges, one, giving up soda for 30 days and, yes, go big or go home, giving up this place for 30 days. This'll be interesting to see if I can, I'm also tacking on baths no longer than 10 minutes as it's an overindulgence of mine and I end up spending thirty or forty minutes at a time. Wish me luck! 🤞

  3. Books on hold:

    Ray Bradbury

    The Illustrated Man

    Fahrenheit 451

    The Martian Chronicles

    Kobo Abe

    The Boxman

    Ryu Murakami

    Coin locker babies

    Yukio Mishima

    The temple of the golden pavilion

    Acts of worship : seven stories

    Posthumously published under Christopher Hitchens name.

    The four horsemen : the conversation that sparked an atheist revolution / Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, Dennett ; foreword by Stephen Fry.

  4. Video games in moderation is perfectly healthy, staying up for an entire day or longer playing them or neglecting your life and responsibilities for them is harmful, or at least it used to be. Now video game addiction has been turned into a lucrative business, it's called being a Twitch streamer. At least if it's your job it's doing something useful, and you're making a living, but those who will play for days and quit eating, bathing, ignoring what they need to do, that's legit addiction and why there has been a rise of video game addiction clinics in Korea, China and other places. I guess the long and the short of it is that escapism in small doses is fine in terms of entertainment which doesn't scue the world like drugs or alcohol does, but you should come back to reality at least once every few hours. Binging media has become a big thing with Netflix, so now you can work your way through an entire show and before you know, the day is gone and you've done nothing.


    Yeah, all things in moderation, especially this nut house. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Zeus said:

    but what if you abuse marijuana??

    It's the same thing as a drunkard, you're still numbing yourself to the realities of life because you either don't like or can't handle some aspect of your life. If you have seizures or something and you use it for that then that's fine, but being stoned out of your gourd all the time because you're unhappy with life is not the answer.


    "Life is suffering, and suffering can make you resentful, murderous, and then genocidal, if you take it far enough. So you need an antidote to suffering. And maybe you think that you can build walls of luxury around yourself, and that that will protect you from the suffering. Good luck with that. That isn't going to work. Maybe you think that you could build a delusion and live inside that. Well, that's going to fall apart. What is there, then, that's going to help you fight against suffering? That's easy: It's the Truth. The Truth is the antidote to suffering. The reason for that is because the Truth puts reality behind you, so that you can face the reality that's coming straight at you without becoming weak and degenerating and becoming resentful and wishing for the destruction of Being, because that's the final Hell. The final Hell is your soul wishing for the destruction of everything, because it's too painful, and you're too bitter. And that happens to people all the time."


    Jordan B. Peterson

  6. 8 hours ago, CAT5 said:


    nah, Griffith was a bitch-ass snake. Dude sold his soul and sacrificed his friends just to be king. That ain't no king shit. That's some hoe shit!

    True, but it gained him iconic villain status in anime history.

  7. I like that you can take a paperback everywhere, they're bendable, easy to pack, store and some you can even carry in your pocket, but on the other hand, nothing feels like a well made, hardcover book, some being literal art pieces besides being statement pieces. I usually buy paperbacks as they're cheaper, but if it were something I really cared about I'd probably get a hardcover or even two copies, one to display and one to travel with. 

    So, onto the question, what do you prefer and why? Do you prefer the stiff, glossy look and feel of a hardcover book or do you like a malleable, portable paperback that you can just throw in a bag or store in the glove compartment and go?

  8. 30 days is a long time to go without something you're either addicted to, accustomed to, or is just something you really like. I've been a fan of Matt D'Avella's videos this year where he's given up sugar for a 30 days, nothing but cold showers, meditating every day for 30 days, waking up at five am for 30 days, journaling every day for 30 days, giving up social media for 30 days and the latest one, no caffeine for 30 days. 


    So, my questions are, have you ever challenged yourself to give up something for a month, if so what was it, would you give up something for a month, if so, what, and why and if not, why not? 

  9. 16 minutes ago, Bear said:

    I think the problem here is that you just can't handle your alcohol.

    I'm saying that it tastes awful, not getting into some pissing contest about how well alcohol absorbs into the blood stream. 🙄


    You're free to burn the candle at both ends because it's your life, but don't complain when it's time to pay the piper.

  10. Alcohol and drugs, recreational or not are for the emotionally and mentally weak and are just a crutch and outside of the real medicinal benefits of marijuana, it's all just a way to desensitize yourself from the world and dull the experience that is living because people aren't happy with their lives for one reason or another. This is why I'm straight edge after having experienced both of them and opting out of the social trends of getting drunk and high as the means of having fun has helped me live a more fulfilling and genuine life.

  11. 8 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    May not sound unpopular but sort of an opinion of mine.


    People should stop hopping the bandwagon and actually try something out for once. Don’t just hate it cause millions of people hate it, actually give it a shot and heck maybe you’ll like it yourself

    "Life is too short to be sharing its precious moments with the crowd."

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