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Posts posted by secret_no_03

  1. R-Shitei have announced a new single titled CLIMAX that will be released in two formats on September 18th.


    1. CLIMAX

    CD & DVD is ¥2100 and CD is ¥1500.


    -Their site makes it very hard for people to take their pictures or I'd add them.




  2. Minimalism has become a bit of a trend in the United States with the rise of Marie Kondo's Netflix series about helping Americans tidy up their homes, several years after she took off in Japan with her two books and Fumio Sasaki's hit book Goodbye Things as well as the Minimalists documentary on Netflix as well. I've watched Marie's shows, watched the documentary, listened to the audio book and read Goodbye Things as well as the two Minimalists books, their podcast, Matt D'Avella' s YouTube channel and podcast (he directed the minimalist documentary and their sequel that's coming out next year.) as well as several Japanese youtubers like Shibu, TakeruSHOPPINMIYOSHI and more.


    Along the way I've gotten rid of hundreds of DVDs, CDs, at least fifty items of clothing, a few game consoles and all kinds of games and more and I've begun to read a lot more, listen to a lot more podcasts, movies and other things that I used to not have the patience for, so I suppose you could say to take a phrase from Jordan Peterson, I "cleaned my room" and my mind cleaned up with it. It makes sense because it's a proven fact that clutter can make you depressed, and over the course of several months my girlfriend and I have gotten rid of plenty of things we don't need, constructed a whole new cleaning routine and are enjoying each other's company and appreciating it more. I still have hiccups from time to time, but I haven't purchased a video game in probably six months, only splurged once on CDs, but I have had a few impulse buys; but it's a process. Over time I've also learned that you don't have to throw everything away because the point is to get rid of what doesn't have any meaning or value to life and replacing it with things you actually care about and bring joy and meaning to your life. Minimalism isn't the solution, it's a game plan and a template to becoming a happier, more fulfilled, and content version of yourself. Minimalist isn't your identity, just like your objects are not your identity either. The whole point is to find out who you really are when things are stripped bare and you remove all of these things that you THINK make you who you are. 😊


    -I've attached a talk that Fumio Sasaki did for the New York City Japan Society in 2017 where he talked about his journey and his book.




  3. 9 minutes ago, Bear said:

    Dissing Superman, man. Such a silly thing to do. I personally like Batman better, just to name one of very, very many. But Superman is such a beautifully written character, especially in modern time. Such a fascinating, complex and incredibly well-written character.


    Of course, if you're 14 years old and your first and only meeting with Superman was Zack Snyder's Man of Steel I can understand why you'd think so. But there's not fucking way anyone who actually invested time in the character feel like any of you do.

    I've read the comics, seen the old and modern animated series, the latest movies and the old movies with Christopher Reeve.

  4. Just now, Gesu said:

    None, I was just commenting on how funny the Bat Ladder was. It was just a plain old rope ladder with a sign on it.

    Oh, okay, I thought maybe there was an instance of Superman being weakened by kryptonite that he fell into the ocean and nearly drowned and was saved by Batman's Bat Ladder.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Batman had a Bat Ladder and it was the greatest, most superheroic invention ever. Look it up.

    I mean, in what situation did Superman need to use a ladder?


    15 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Batman had a Bat Ladder and it was the greatest, most superheroic invention ever. Look it up.

    I remember the ladder from the og series with Adam West.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    Is that an unpopular opinion or inevitable outcome? Some friends and I joked between the release of IW and Endgame that all the B-list heroes are out to play because the A-list heroes got Thanos'd...but there's a bit of truth to it surely? Short of adapting all the comic books arcs for every hero into their own separate movies (and even this I would argue works better in an HBO-style format) how many soft and hard reboots can you do? How many hero movies is too many? And how does one even top Endgame, the movie that's gonna be used as the yard stick for measuring all hero movies going forward? I think we are closer to this pop than it appears.

    The MCU and Star Wars need to go away for a while or we'll have over-saturation akin to Transformers.

  7. Superman is the most boring, dull, white bread, overpowered super hero ever and Batman is better in pretty much every way, same goes with Ironman. The thing those two have in common is they don't have super powers, they're built on "reality" and are just humans who happen to be very smart and rich.

  8. I hate to say it, but all of SUGIZO's music sounds the same, at least his guitar riffs do on everything he releases, everything he's a guest on, etc. 


    1 hour ago, platy said:

    Maria Cross is actually not a legend. 


  9. A little discussion on the unpopular opinion thread spawned this one. Things have changed so much since the 90's and even since 2010, with the rise of hyper sexualization in the YouTube age when the FCC are of no concern as long as you have an age advisory which is in part why so many music videos these days are literally just twerking. The Russian neo-feminist movement has given rise to free the nipple and a crusade against what's referred to as "man spreading" and mansplaining" and even going as far as to pour bleach in men's laps. Go to places like the middle east and things haven't changed much sadly, everything is pretty much the same, but go to Japan and there's an empowerment movement that has been on the rise; women turning to sex for pay for a living, something that would be frowned upon in the west where prostitution is very much illegal (note that it may be illegal in Japan, but if it is there's a very different view on it societally) where things have ratcheted up to a new level with the rise of girls using their sex appeal to intise horny young men and boys on places like YouTube and Twitter. The only other thing that I can think of is the rise of a female PM in South Korea and the subsequent scandal that ended her term and the rise and sharp fall of Theresa May as examples of the revenge follies of women in positions of power.

  10. 1 minute ago, platy said:


    This isn't a thread for in depth discussion of women's sexual freedom, nor is it a psychotherapy session thread. That's my view on it and maybe other mods see it differently but it was clear where it was heading. 

    I actually agree with you there.

  11. How is sexuality and social trends in regards of sexuality in any way political? I'd understand if I said there need to be laws or something, I'm just pointing out the rise in sexuality in western society, I suppose the feminist part could have excluded, but since no one has made reference of it, I don't see why it matters.

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