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karai · ebi

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Posts posted by karai · ebi

  1. Loove that look a lot,  way better than the last one.

    I wasn't crazy about their last release, but I got some high hopes for bleach milk on the shortcake lol.


    btw did anyone ever find /buy/ get a download for 僕等の曲天烈大百科3?

    I couldn't find a copy to buy anywhere except one that sold on closetchild, and no downloads either.

  2. 「人」と「形」is my favorite song on the album...I don't think that surprises me since it almost sounds like a new Sukekiyo song, and even reminds me of old Muse in some spots.

    But the soft operatic voice he does at the end is really beautiful I hope he'll do more of and less of DEG pterodactyl screeching.

    Also liked GROTESQUE, and Mad [K]...no intrusive thoughts are getting through listening to that song lol. 2:58~end of Mad [K] I love the sound of a lot too.

    Only deleted one track, pretty sure it was Vanitas.


    I didn't get as hyped beforehand cause I thought it'd just be more DEG sound which I've gotten bored of,  I kinda hope he'll ease more into his own style of screaming and screeching cause I definitely like his growls.

  3. This time seems wise to wait for the collection album, I don't have 150-200 to drop on fees, shipping and taxes(again) that the band only sees 15% of.

    Unless the tracks just blow me away and the cover art is killer, then maybe I'll go for one.

    I just hope for no more だるまさん


    I think Karu looks great, and Mirai from the neck up but man I hate that purple.

    Think neutral toned hair looked coolest on Batsu, Halloween store witch doctor doesn't meld with him to me lol.

  4. I'll just force myself to be interested in other stuff for the meantime.

    Sad about Kuro and K but at least they left something worth remembering.

    Just hope whoever Mei teams with can do justice, but I'll follow either way.


    (Unless there was some 8psb8bm8sturbate shit then I'll just die.)


  5. For me I know upon a first listen if I will try more, unless it's a band with a lot of variation then I will also try the other type of songs.

    Number one requirement though is that I love the vocalist's voice, if I don't then no good for me. I'm really sensitive to different pitches and certain tones in the high range irrationally irritate me like listening to someone chew food.

    Good quality bass is also required, I need to feel it in my head with EQ to keep me focused.

  6. I don't mind it, think I'll like it more with proper bass EQ. I think for sure the other songs will be more heavy, if not, I'll eat a hat.

    Never bothered me they sounded like Dezert cause I liked Dezert's acoustics but not their vocalist's voice at all. But I like Ryo's voice.


  7. I'd been outta county in bumfuck no videos wifi town, but now I've been catching up-


    だるまさん is still just 'fine' for me, but definitely repetitive / a bit too close to prev songs.

    This new song though I like, sure it's still 'their' sound which probably sounds like more of the same to others. But I guess that's what I want, just with at least SOME variation. It's kind of how I feel about modern DEG vs listening to Sukekiyo. At this point all DEG sounds the same to me, but with those few variations.

    I don't really see a problem with the lyrics either...if I expected them anywhere it'd be here.


    Of course I'd fight someone for something new like お邪魔します...but will we ever see it again, like filth_y said I don't think so.

    -insert niche gay Oh, Hole? meme here-

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