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karai · ebi

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Posts posted by karai · ebi

  1. 4 hours ago, platy said:

    They fight to the death hunger games style until there is ONE MAN left to live. 

    This is a good title for another topic...All your faves gotta fight it out battle royale style...who's gonna make it and who gets it first hmm

  2. I already said pretty much all I have to say about it in the old topic. But I will both continue to download, and continue to try to purchase cds from my favorite bands.

    However it's simply not feasible for me to be able to buy 3+ 30$ CDs with 3 songs on them constantly. So when necessary I will make do with low / med quality rips until I can buy.


    I think it really is the idea between digital / physical goods, I'd never steal a CD, but an mp3 can be copied infinitely and passed around just as easy as a photo of an art piece. No one is charged for the latter despite both taking time, money, and the creators own energy to make, so I always thought that was interesting.

    Do people place more value on audible art than visual? I don't know.

  3. 1 hour ago, colorfuljinsei said:

    R.I.P Anthony Bourdain you magnificent bastard.

    I loved No Reservations and Parts Unknown T_T.

    Me too...I've never had a true sadness about a "celeb" death before, and definitely had never had tears over one.
    Although I guess I don't think he really counts for celebrity since he spoke his mind 95% of the time and especially in his books.
    I just wish he'd left some sort of reason why, we all can easily speculate but now we'll never really know. Really depressing, I guess it's the only way he could find peace. RIP man.

  4. 7 hours ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    don't know if anybody noticed but i think the midi-sounding piano is supposed to be the vocals, so at least we know what the vocal melody will sound like.

    not sure why they decide not to include the vocalist though when they do have one? probably just another shitty vocalist who needs more practice.... (i really hope not tho)

    Yeah that's what I was thinking too, at least now after hearing this last vid. When I had heard the first one I thought the midi was actually a part of the song and was like, naaah lol 😬

    Be a shame if it blows, they had a cool look

  5. 5 hours ago, lstknt3b said:

    So excited about that DVD, DAMY seems to be great on stage !

    Apparently, it will only be sold on their online shop ? I hope other shops will also sell it, because i guess they do not ship abroad...

    I have a feeling it'll get listed up on closetchild or mercari by a few folks after awhile...at least that's what I'm hoping for lol

  6. 21 hours ago, lstknt3b said:

    Very good news ! I hope overseas fans could also purchase it... CdJapan would be convenient but it seems like there was trouble ??

    Yea quite a few people pre-ordered 1-2 months in advanced, myself included and none of us got the CD just sudden refund and long message that basically said nothing, but between the lines came across as pre-ordering means nothing and physical copies sold in Japan are gonna come first.
    Wouldn't have been that big of a deal for me if they hadn't sat on my money for 2 months while the CD sold out everywhere else lol.


    Now I buy from ftfym65 on ebay, but I recommend sending a message to make sure it's in stock before ordering.

  7. They're both used and were bought secondhand, so they had some wear before I got them. I'm pretty much only selling since I've been buying so many higher price cd lately and need to compensate for it, that and I am really running out of space lol.

    Here's a photo album https://imgur.com/a/2Kax6GR

    I have played and ripped both of them with no issue.


    I can only ship within the US, as I use 1-3 day priority mail bubble packs and international shipping price has gone way up.
    I'd prefer if someone bought both together but individual is fine too.

    Shipping is 4$, solo or together. (it's really 7.50 but I always eat the price out of sales.)

    Schwarzschild 14$

    或いはアナーキー 20$


    I will send you an invoice, you don't have to cover pp fees.

    Thanks 🤗

  8. 15 minutes ago, colorfuljinsei said:

    Ever since they renamed the green tea latte at Starbucks to "matcha green tea latte" (w/ pre-sweetened powder) every single one comes out looking like some poor-ass lookin' algae nesquik concoction.  I know they can't use the shakers w/ it b/c sanitary/allergy reasons but damn, I'm sad. 

    I used to work there...and I'd be more worried about all the crusty rotten milk residue that I saw left in mixers / cans / pitchers, and dust / skin particles left on the dried fruits and powders when I wasn't the one on cleaning duty. That and the mystery stinky glop from the back that goes into all the fraps, that's supposedly the 'magic' ingredient. Really nasty stuff I'll never drink or eat from there again lol.
    Sorry it's probably some unwarranted input, but anytime I see things about Sfux I go a little bananas. 😔

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