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karai · ebi

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Posts posted by karai · ebi

  1. Tonight's post is...different. It's my wendigo costume I've used for four years now. Although it didn't turn out exact exact as I wanted it, I am still happy with it since I'd never tried putting together something almost from scratch before.

    Initial concept





    janky ass gif




  2. Tonight's post iis...my only sculpture, from 2012.

    before I put the head on


    I ended up painting it gold (quelle surprise) and post processing the fuck out of it


    I take it  back I forgot I did 2 practice sculpts but I never finished or painted them.






  3. Tonight's post is, a semi complete mock panel from the abandoned comic commission.


    It only took one day of the thought of returning to 'normal' work and my nightmares and panic have reissued in full force lol, requiescat in pace I guess

  4. 2 hours ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    wow, awesome stuff dude!! i love your horroresque-surreal style, and expressive brush strokes. keep up the awesome work! ^^

    Thank you. ( :


    Tonight's post is, a wip from an abandoned commission project, and more eyes.



    Also now I have a new job interview on friday, it would allow me to make more personal stuff and not have to shell out all my energy on boring still-lives.

    I'm both excited and filled with fear lol.

  5. Tonight's post is...something different.

    Now it seems old lol, some from 09/10 when I hyper focused on using only ballpens and highlighters. I had a way shittier low res scanner then and blew most of them out with photoshop. (I've had a long love affair with worms and centipedes..haha long, get it, man I'm not funny.)




  6. I'd probably be happy with anything, but Mei with shamisen and some good bass weaved in...yes please.

    Even though I prefer 便所 2 just by a hair, I'd love to hear something like the first again.

    I'd shell out even for just one more amazing track, not gonna give up hope that it's a permanent end yet though.

  7. 17 hours ago, Mamo said:

    I love your art it's simply amazing. No one can call your latest work "traditional Japanese" lol

    Thank you, a lot :tw_face_cat: lol, yeeah. I'm all over the place anyway in style.

    16 hours ago, platy said:

    This looks like stitch work, or pixel work. Love the mood! 

    Right? I thought so too...but it wasn't intentional haha. I just used dry brush. Thank you


    Tonight's post is...something I'd like to redo on canvas one day. But I always think, you can't recreate the same feeling you had when you made it the first time.



  8. Sweet, just the chorus I'm not wild about, but I like everything else definitely gonna check their other releases if they're better than this.


    Just finished listening to all their songs, to my surprise only 2 got axed. These lads are getting put right up on my favs list. Gonna buy 調教 for sure.

    溺愛公園三丁目、Parasite、Asperger崩壊 are top tracks for me.

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