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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    So I tried my best with doing something unusual this time: non-single best-of for Kiyoharu ,considering that he has already shit-tons of solo singles (as you might guess already) and his non-single tracks need some respect too - there might be some live-limited singles here but they don't count as "actual singles" in my book this time, when it comes to him... KIYOHARU THE WINDS OF ETERNITY DISK 1 [ZEPHYRUS] 1. Eien no Kaze (imaginary new, "epic" song - considering that it's a trend to release "best-of only" songs too, lol) 2. ROOM [MELLOW] 3. Yesterday [uNDER THE SUN] 4. confusion [FOREVER LOVE] 5. Emerald [Vinnybeach ~kakuu no kaigan~] 6. my love -version2- [slow] 7. JUDIE [uNDER THE SUN] 8. Kagerou [Aibu] 9. arizona [Kimi no koto ga] 10. Allow [FOREVER LOVE] 11. REVOLVER [Poetry] 12. ALIEN MASKED CREATURE [Layra] 13. SLIDER [Mellow] DISK 2 [EURUS] 1. Hikari [Light ~saw the light and shade~] 2. CROW [Kurutta Kajitsu] 3. Tatta Hitori [madrigal of decadence] 4. Sora [Light ~saw the light and shade~] 5. MELANCHOLY (long version) [Carnation] 6. pledge [Light ~saw the light and shade~] 7. YOU [DARLENE] 8. ALICE [uNDER THE SUN] 9. Niigatsu [Poetry] 10. I KNOW [madrigal of decadence] 11. Innocent [madrigal of decadence] 12. Mado [Rinne] 13. Hikousen (imaginary, rerecorded version) the first disc - as the title might imply - has "warmer", more upbeat tracks; while the second disc lives up to its title too by having "colder", calmer tracks. I intentionally included some of his frequently played b-sides too - they are quite cool and need to be released together tbqh.
  2. Pretsy

    Sounds basically like a generic MELL song but with Atsushi's vocals plastered in Meh
  3. Pretsy

    Wow, it took a while lol.
  4. I've always wondered that why most *edgy* vk bands (especially old school bands) are fascinated with "Abortion" as a theme (for eg. Kuroyume's "Chuuzetsu", Dir's "Mazohyst of Decadence"...and basically most of Madeth Gray'll's songs) also, BDSM theme cannot be unseen in vk tbqh (you can imagine already some examples - like say, Malice Mizer's ILLUMINATI?) Also, I suggest that we should compile speech samples used by Vk acts, considering that there are tons of them (not only Nazi-like ones lol) like for eg. Dir en grey sampling Charles Augustus Lindbergh in MASK intro, Girugamesh sampling Lenin's ""Comrades, soldiers of Red army,- English, American and French capitalists are fighting Russia" -speech in Mouja no Koushin AND Baiser's yet questionable samples in "Mechanixx"
  5. Pretsy

    Their makeup will defo melt up if August manages to get quite hot in Kubana
  6. Pretsy

    ^thanks a lot bro, that cleared some things up I wonder if Kuchidzuke was any different back then... (like for eg. Tanmei no Yuritachi had almost completely different version of Ishi Hakujaku) So far from what I've seen on some pics (like this http://auctions.c.yimg.jp/img257.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/1/3/5/0/mothersixornine-img450x600-1397375207kqzfkj94578.jpg), it's their rerecorded version of "Rakushi Unmei" (you have listened to the teaser in their YT channel)
  7. Pretsy

    ^ LOL, what is COMICAL doing up there? (I always thought of it as some sort of "demo song" or so, it's quite great tho) Also, "Yuri no Hanataba" as a starter? Interesting
  8. Pretsy

    Legs, Boobs, or Ass?
  9. Pretsy

    At least what I could judge from those previews, my prediction was right: Takumi and Uta thankfully enough have quite audible input in Sukekiyo's work ("Hidden One" , "Vandal" and "Hemimetabolism" for instance sounding totally like 9Goats and "Zephyr" + "Latour" being very RES-y tracks) Looking forward to this! Especially new "Mama" (ps. it's just my hunch but I bet this might become superior to DEG's new November input)
  10. Kyouki looks like a crossover of Kool-Aid Ryoga and under-world '09 tour Gara...o_o
  11. Pretsy

    @kiddybombs: ummm, okay, I am not sure if you understood what I was even trying to ask but thanks! MISSING GLORY-狂人- seems to be "the complete title" to "Missing Glory", I guess...
  12. Pretsy

    I'm a lazy listener recent stuff-wise but hey: non-Japanese: Crosses - Crosses St. Vincent - St. Vincent Kylie Minogue - Kiss Me Once Japanese: Yasuha Kominami - Do Do Airaku Shiina Ringo - Toutaikai Heisei Nijuu Go Nen Kamiyama Chou Taikai (it's a live dvd but those arrangements asaidhaidh) Vampillia - The Divine Move Waiting for Ringo's self-cover album and Sukekiyo's IMMORTALIS ...
  13. Pretsy

    Any reports on them having ~special~ looks for that live set? Or did they just go casual with that one? did they just mix 2 songs together or what does this one mean btw?
  14. Pretsy

    Starting to miss his "Japanese Kool-Aid Man" outfit :/
  15. Pretsy

    ^ I know most bands (also, one of the best LS tracks ever up there!) 1. MEG - CONTINUE 2. PENICILLIN - Melody 3. LUNA SEA - RA-SE-N 4. ナイトメア - Over 5. The Smashing Pumpkins - 17 6. Culture Club - Stormkeeper 7. J.A.M - HE KNOWS Feat. 日野皓正 8. Beastie Boys - Get It Together 9. Dir en grey - 蛍火 10. Stewart Copeland - Rain and MEG song here is soooo adorable that...yeah, you guessed it.
  16. Pretsy

    So okay, the first night is basically comprised of 1991-1992-era songs? Kinda cool I guess? Also, interesting to see Kiyoharu's pre-Kuroyume songs here (MARIAS DESPAIR, G-BONDAGE, 麻薬)...
  17. Pretsy

    Omg this song Kaoru should take a note from his kouhais (aka Uta and Takumi). I like how there's some RES-iness in parts of "Zephyr"
  18. Pretsy

    Eww what did they do to Filth...Kyo and his sad impros
  19. I suppose I got most of you into Wagakki band through artists' section (if you didn't tho, check it out!) So, they will release their debut album / first major release on 23/4, and name of the release is "Vocalo Zanmai" (ボカロ三昧) tracklist: 01 天樂 02 セツナトリップ 03 吉原ラメント 04 カゲロウデイズ 05 虹色蝶々 06 いろは唄 07 六兆年と一夜物語 08 月・影・舞・華 09 Episode.0 10 深海少女 11 脳漿炸裂ガール 12 千本桜 note: most songs here were on "Joushou." Also, all of these songs are vocaloid covers previews for other songs (as in non-Joshou songs) Ps. it's not really mentioned in their OHP - but the male vocalist (you can hear him in "Episode.0" for instance) is band's guitarist Machiya (also known for being the frontman of m:a.ture) also, here's a live clip for "Kagerou Days" (カゲロウデイズ) Interesting previews!
  20. Pretsy

    Bear actually nailed it quite well - considering that "both sides" , as in (some prime examples) 1) hiring some Jedwards/Eurovision composer/writer to write your "renewed major" songs or 2) being the main composer with hasbeen-ish ideas, and not giving enough room for your bandmates writing-wise (*cough*Kuroyume and Gazette again sorry*cough*) can end up as equally bad, so it doesn't really matter who did your songs - credits are obviously imporant to mention, and arrangement is the key point of "good song" tbqh (well, at least it's a obvious choice for me) - you could make a good composition with decent lyrics, but with sloppy arrangement, you won't definitely please anyone... As a case in point (I apologize beforehand for straying off-topic): imagine if songs by lynch. were performed by a different band representing the same sound, but with more intact/less sloppy performance (+ good mixing). Big difference, huh?
  21. Pretsy

    so, more info about their "1994 revival" source: Kuroyume's official FB
  22. Pretsy

    The pv preview reminds me of deadman for some reason...
  23. Pretsy

    well no one cares I know eheahah /going overdramatic
  24. Pretsy

    Kinda weird that trombe didn't mention it but "Devilslug" is Jonathan Davis of Korn (aside of "JDevil", another one of his pseudonyms)
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