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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Srash Notes Garden
  2. Pretsy

    Terrible production/mixing tbqh also, did I just hear a whiplash? Lmao.
  3. Pretsy

    Anyways, did you guys like CAPS LOCK? Or was it a bit too "minimalist" for your tastes? Out of all those tracks, I liked HOME, CONTROL, SHIFT and RETURN very much (the latter sounds alot like some Ghibli song to me tbqh)
  4. Pretsy

    So yeah, a "bilingual's small rant" post here: Yay, our country has passed to the semi-finals in hockey (olympics), I guess - but at the same time I feel so sorry for Russia's poor teamplay (and I actually kinda wanted them to score more tbh) Also, dear Yle (our broadcasting company): your hockey commentators SUCK - they are tasteless dweebs with no sense of empathy, tolerance or acceptance. If you call that as your "traditional/cultural trait", you can surely just eff off and bury yourselves out of "our" sights (by "our" I meant us, "the other minority", the "other bilinguals" ("Fennorussians", Fennoslavic people, etc. etc.)). You are even daring to go below the NBC-level of awful in terms of sports by commenting the efforts of our "arch-rivals" ignorantly and make tasteless jokes about them as so-called "fanservice for racist-like dweebs"? Think about "image" you give about yourselves to the audience before doing "pressured commentary slips". Many good reasons not to watch hockey off TV, btw (well no shit, who even watches TV in our generation these days?) Anyways, looking forward to other countries' efforts too (like US and ESPECIALLY Canada (the powerhouse of hockey, pretty much?)) ps. might belong to "bad day/rant" thread but there's more than just ranting tbqh.
  5. Pretsy

    Wish I could fit all of those Rupaul reaction gifs with negative response but that would equal spam (in which you specialize tbqh, blackdoll ) I am quite surprised too that no one went for "Strawberry" either ( I mean, "ACME", really?)
  6. Pretsy

    Well, considering that this is Jrock-based forum, I can see people ignoring this thread : / Either way, my favorite era off Capsule's repertoire might be lying in between SF and MORE!MORE!MORE! (I am more into that housey stuff Nakata did in the past /still does with Perfume and Kyary) my current jams btw: (check the ghibli PV for that off Vimeo!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dU8_8fDDxk and JUMPER of course /// pardon for my overexcited post...
  7. Pretsy

    THIS SO MUCH I hope that OBSCURE remake will be sent into the fields of oblivion, or something For real.
  8. - Kpop - Most of Nakata's tracks (especially most rave-y Capsule ones) - DEG's "The Marrow of a Bone" (good boost for lifting, srsly) - Deftones (anything after White Pony) - Dead or Alive and anything similar - Crystal Castles (for possible jogs) I haven't been exercising that much lately, unlike earlier right after army (aka the rest of the summer), so I am not really reminiscing my playlists that well.
  9. I got my close friend pretty fast into some of L'arc's repertoire after him getting quite warmed with "Driver's High" (GTO anime OP). Also, my mom has some BT/L'arc albums in her mp4 player (I didn't acknowledge it until at some point when I was jamming to DTD and Heavenly), but that's what you call "unintentional conversion", haha. Also: it's quite easy to get pop diva/Daft Punk-appreciating people into Yasutaka Nakata's music (Perfume, Capsule, Meg...and prolly some of Kyary), due to certain similarities . Also, I have converted many school buddies of mine into DEG fans in the past too (quite easy as well)
  10. Pretsy

    Before I run out of ideas in the later phase (I promise that I won't spam this any further), I will spew out my "last" effort in making sensible tributes, and that's ofc: DEG tribute. I am not the one to knock on Cat's tribute though - it's my "vision" on their possible lineup in possible tribute(s). I might have been influenced by Cat5 (at least based on certain picks), and that is why he deserves my thanks IN NOMINE - DIR EN GREY respect album- 1. Joe Hisaishi - THE FINAL (overture) A short, orchestral snippet of DEG's ”all-time hit” - pretty warm welcome for such a big tribute like this. Honorable one, too! With its majestic presence, it's very reminiscent to Final's unplugged version off ”THE UNRAVELING”. 2. Downy – Rinkaku By refining this to non-chuggy version with more complexity, this will find its way quite easily into Downy's comfort zone. (Side-note: should be tuned up to A# for the sake of segueing from ”THE FINAL”-prelude) Falsetto vocals shouldn't be the problem either. 3. AA= - Child Prey With those ”Wooh oooh oooh”-ing BG vocals, underlying electro influence (those weird effects during riffs) and downtuned guitars, I can expect Takeshi Ueda and folks to pull out even punkier performance than Kyo's own. The original in fact starts to remind me of Mad Caps for some reason. 4. Coldrain – Agitated Screams of Maggots Lyrics completely in English? Check. Lots of metalcore-y riffs? Check. Really fitting for Coldrain guys? Well, by judging their earlier covering efforts, I can see them having some potential to do this sweetly too. 5. kamomekamome – Clever Sleazoid After trying out some kamomekamome, I came to the realization that Kyo's performance in CS (both versions) is somewhat similar to what KK's vocalist was doing in most of their songs. I apologize to Cat beforehand for clinging onto same-ish ideas 6. Kannivalism - Higeki ha Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiku Utsu Sincere ballads like this are Kannivalism's specialty (knowing that their best songs like ”mum.” are like this), and so is underlying melancholy in Kyo's lyrics. Won't be a random number at all 7. THE NOVEMBERS - Toguro Atmospheric, riffy number – might be pretty much NOVEMBERS' specialty (tagging along with Cat in this case). Knowing what they've done in their latest album, potential of this being a good cover is pretty high. Oh, and let's not forget the bass too 8. Lynch. - AMBER Simple half-ballad with emphasis on low singing → goes well for Hazuki's range (falsettos too) and band's performance. Also, the guitars here are very reminiscent to what lynch. Started to do with ligher songs at their latest records. Nothing really else to explain in terms of obvious artist choice. 9. Boris – Mazohyst of Decadence (2011 ver. cover) Imagine if this was their lo-fi take on DEG's ”revamped” live version of MoD. I might see Takeshi using more of monotonous vocal take (with Imogen Heap-ish filtering) on Kyo's lyrics (can skip some parts), along with improvised take on Toshiya's VERY audible and varied bassline (lots of fuzz). Wata in the meanwhile can give those ””sludgy”” (have to use double quotation marks for the sake of it) riffs a bit more dynamics. Creepy pro-life songs definitely deserve a deeper take, and Boris are able to pull it off well. 10. DAISHI DANCE feat. Chieko Kinbara – Hotarubi (a LIGHT mix) Basically an instrumental House mix/cover of Dir's original. Having Kinbara appearing again in this piece (she played violins in the original), and DAISHI DANCE pulling out a Ghibli Set-like performance (vibraphones, soothing piano, some stock falsettos/vocals some strings + etc.). To live up to its mix title, it should be have more of hope-giving aura unlike the original with its ”all hope is gone”-vibes. 11. Michiro Endo/M.J.Q – 304 Goushitsu, Hakushi no Sakura Assuming that Michiro might ”thank” DEG for covering STALIN's ”Warsaw no Gensou”. With its acoustic-friendly performance, Endo might find himself even at his old age pretty comfortable with this. Some anti-folk-kind of vibe will be sweet for this track (should also be shorter than the original imho) 12. Heaven In Her Arms – DIABOLOS Some of Kyo's clean parts can be somewhat discarded here, for the sake of post-ish performance here. Atmosphere might be pretty fitting for them, and Kyo's growling/screaming can replaced with their ”signature” screaming without ruining the flow. I might even like their effort more than original. 13. HOLLOWGRAM – Inconvenient Ideal Falsetto-heavy number? Ryo's top-notch specialty. Also, by listening partly to their ”Qualia”-record, I admit that this wouldn't be an out-of-place number for them. In addition to the first statement of mine, Ryo can pull this off much better – methinks. 14. MERRY – Rasetsukoku Let's say it briefly: you know how this will end up – no? Imagine this in their ”Under-world” style, with a bit crunchier guitars 15. Takumi (RES) – Vanitas (new instrumental mix) Instrumental coda. Do you guys remember the PA song DEG used to play during DSS promo tour (music box-ish song). Expect this to be a remake but made by ”semi-DEG member” this time. Nice finish for a tribute ps. I tried to make this less random and "biased" ,heh.
  11. Pretsy

    Shouldn't you add Plastic Tree in too? Considering that they were/are still indie-influenced much longer than all those guys above. (they are still considered to be "vk") /justsaying.
  12. Pretsy

    Mushi? Jessica in the middle of Hageshisa and Zan? OOHMYGOOOOOOD
  13. Pretsy

    Well, my first "Finn appreciation post" here: So basically, this is the cover of Kotiteollisuus' (Finnish hard rock/heavy metal band) song, and unlike most Finns out there, I dig the cover much more (to the point where I actually despise the original). Why though? First of all, lyrics (one of the certain elements I pay attention to in the first place whenever I listen to Finnish music) - I find it quite tacky that some nasty, "macho" Finnish metalhead sings about crying a river on his "hem/skirt" and some sort of underlying "sad romance" (especially during the last line of chorus - "the birches of hell whisper the names of us two"). Also, cover's gospellish aura fits lyrics' atmosphere pretty well - and to support my previous opinion, I say that this is definitely a "female" song. Sorry, Kotiteollisuus. On-topic: I hummed and sung this at some point while returning from the campus, so I felt like listening to this nice piece /overanalyzingmuch
  14. Pretsy

    BYE BYE MISS JELY Goddamn, where are those live report sketches already
  15. According to last.fm 1) Perfume 2) Capsule 3) Ringo Shiina 4) Tokyo Jihen 5) Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (lol) 6) T.M. Revolution 7) SOIL&"PIMP" SESSIONS 8 ) ROUND TABLE featuring Nino 9) The Novembers 10) Pizzicato Five I tried my best to take out ex-vk/vk-ish acts too...
  16. Pretsy

    L'Arc~en~Ciel Tribute ~REBOOT!~ (because the *actual* tribute sucked - yeah, just because you can desperately pay some western hasbeens to play your songs =/= "tribute") Main tracks: 1. BUCK-TICK - Get out from the Shell (Japanese version) Seeing as that Tetsu and Hyde usually handled/crossed their vocal parts, I can see Imai and Sakurai doing the same thing, but in more sympathetic way. Also, those synth/guitar lines definitely ask some handling from Hoshino (who can do synth and rhythm guitars) and Imai (guitar messing lol). Also: a good starter. 2. ONE OK ROCK - Killing Me The original is very teen rock-ish - with a big T. Also, it's kinda natural (and financially more productive) to put new generation blockbusters in the tribute album for "old generation blockbusters". 3. Zigzo - And She Said "And She Said" has sort of underlying indie-ness (or okay, I just pretend that I hear some Smiths' in that riff) - and it'd be interesting to hear ex-vk guys (well, look up to their bio) doing ex-vk-ish song...with certain ex-member (Sakura)! Fun fact: this song was used in "Jeepers Creepers" (international/US version). You don't believe me? Look it up! 4. The HIATUS - HONEY This is one of those L'arc songs where I feel certain, harmonic "balance" in between its teen rock-ish riffs and sweet, poppy melody. Hosomi doing his stellar performance while Ueno and Izawa handling the bass melody in a whole new way. I can see them working some good magic with that one 5. Maaya Sakamoto x SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS x Jin Oki - Wind of Gold I had some intentions in throwing in lecca for this, but then I realized that WoG is not the same without "calm tones" - and that is where I thought that Maaya would show some potential, and S&P doing their "almost close to Blurry Eyes' version but less messy" arrangement in the background (I really want to see female performers doing Hyde's sensual L'arc songs tbqh). Also, Jin Oki (that flamenco guy who did a song with Miyavi too) gets the vibe heating with his cool guitar(s). 6. B'z - Shi no Hai Okay, yes, they were L'arc's "marketing rivals" back in the 90s but it'd be nice to see Inaba singing and Tak playing Ken's "Santana-ish" guitar lines in a different fashion (or okay, I just imagine myself in some South American suburb whenever I play this song, ok...) - this just SCREAMS some definite guitar makeover. 7. SID - Blurry Eyes They covered "Shout at the Devil" in actual tribute - and that in fact didn't really fit in Mao's way of singing nor his range at all. So I decided to find more fitting piece - okay, BE is pretty "fast" too but the singing pace here is quite okay for Mao to follow. Also - they are obviously one of the candidates to perform their idols' "biggest hits ever". 8. Acid Black Cherry - Flower Knowing that JDA covered this already but in live only, I assure that Yasu will find his comfort zone pretty quickly with this easy-going song - and hopefully add something more to original's "autumn-y" vibe. 9. MUCC - Floods of Tears (single ver. with album ver. -ish vocals) The band, minus Yukke, actually played Shinshoku in one of JITB events - and dear god what a mindblow (especially in Tatsurou's part). FoT is much more dramatic though, and I expect this to be a good challenge for Tats' and Miya to show up their efforts (in doing great covers). Might be a short comeback to their angstier past Also, the bassline yearns for Yukke tbh. 10. Gackt x Neko Saito Orchestra - Hitomi ni Utsuru Mono Instead of doing stuff with his "higher" voice, he should do more sensual/honest stuff - like this cover for instance. Definitely fitting for Gackt's "if-it-were-possible-to-delve-back-to-his-new-prog-past"-range. Also, I expect this to be a grandiose number with Neko Saito doing some magical arrangements (especially with that "sinister" ending) . The pv for original song can be found in jpopsuki tv. 11. Alice Nine feat. NHK Tokyo Children's Choir - MY HEART DRAWS A DREAM (live rendition) Includes Ken's live solo impro too in the beginning. A9 is basically "the master" at doing songs like this (thanks to Shou's underlying "Hydeness" for eg.)- but at the same time, this whole "make peace no war"-kind of anthem thing will be quite new to them get your bass magic ready, Saga. Also: children's choir necessary for that climax part (also, some plus for grandiose orchestral parts). 12. Mono - Mirai Sekai I am really expecting a grandiose, sincere over-10 min version out of this - this lil' ditty of a lullaby definitely asks to be covered by such artists as Mono for instance . Bonus tracks (for limited edition or w/e - hey, it's L'arc, so of course we have to make some "not-so-cool" marketing tricks!): 13. Gain(가인) - X X X (Korean ver.?) Hyde's obnoxious, a bit embarrassing effort on being "erotic" with song like this can be turned into something "smartly sexy" by Gain 14. Kiyoharu x Miyavi - READY STEADY GO Kiyoharu basically responding to L'arc's "For Dear" in my imaginary tribute universe, lol. 15. DAIGO feat. Yasutaka Nakata & Seiji Kameda - NEO UNIVERSE Daigo can show his Hyde worship here and it's pretty easy for ystk to adapt this synth-poppy piece into something off his "Sugarless Girl"-era . Also, Seiji doing magic with Tetsuya's 6-string bassline. 16. GLAY x KAT-TUN - Coming Closer The original is very boyband-ish - in a good way...and a bad way too xD So it's kinda expected to have this kind of number in. Glay has done rock band x boyband-kind of number before, and Kat-Tun has done "New World" cover in TV...but let's say that this will be their least embarrassing effort. 17. Mika Nakashima feat. D'ERLANGER - Blurry Eyes (anniversary rendition) Anniversary rendition is very carousel-themed (check it out in YT). Kyo's raspy vocals fit the song pretty well, and Mika Nakashima has a chance in showing that she's still able to perform in the level of Hyde (despite them both being weak nowadays due to smoking) - AND the idea of "new generation x old generation" doing the all-time hit is just gorgeous! / crazy collab ideas / also, expecting Cipher to do Ken's riffs in his trademark way. 18. H ZETT M x GREAT SAKAEDA x CHIEKO KINBARA - Niji A good tribute deserves a good ending - and A BIG ONE. Great Sakaeda is the concert master mostly known for partaking in Ringo Shiina's latest orchestral efforts (since Sanmon Gossip I guess?), Chieko Kinbara is the violinist mostly known for collabing with such artists as Ringo Shiina (again) and DEG too (in "Hotarubi"). I might be taking this too far but come to think of it, the original tribute was a pure ripoff...(inb4 opposition).
  17. Pretsy

    ^demo leak much? But yeah, nothing different from DESPAIR IN THE WOMB version (both are from mid-2006-ish too)
  18. I thought "...Yoshiki?" for a second. (inb4 Yoshiki reincarnation) I really wonder what did that Finnish mitsu see in him. As Wonrei said, he's getting old pretty fast (okay, wonders of makeup, but if we compare him to his fellows of the same age, they look definitely better than him)
  19. Pretsy

    Sooo curlyyyy edit: forgot to read that it's a wig, dawwwww
  20. Pretsy

    "Three Nights of Hell" ? Also, "The second coming of 1994" ? Is this supposed to be LS-like old school revival thing? I am not sure whether to believe in Kiyoharu's gimmicks or not.
  21. So, the point of this topic is that you'll bring up a few (let's limit it to ~2 RELEASES PER PERSON*) titles that have affected the sound in later generations. AND THIS TIME you don't need to rely on "facts" - unless you are willing to cause shitstorm here: before you post your title, discard the whole "influence fact" mess out of your head - and think how that certain title has influenced IN YOUR OPINION (I am not really looking forward to "opinions are for the weak"-ideology, btw). I am not really sure whether this kind of idea has been cultivated much earlier here (as in topics with same ideas), but it's still interesting to see that what kind of titles pop up here. You can format your posts your own way, BUT MAKE SURE it includes following details: 1) artist title - album title (obviously) 2) album cover 3) release date (or release year) 4) Explanation to your choice (Why? How?) 5) Youtube link for certain song off the album, if possible (as a showcase/supporting element for your explanation, you can add a small description if you wish) And definite rule of thumb here is of course: NO SPAM, NO SHITSTORM *yup, I am quite harsh here. Thank you. As a "firestarter", I will do this first: AND THIS IS NOT LIMITED TO VK ONLY, GO AHEAD AND POST NON-VK TITLES TOO (that's actually something I'd appreciate too).
  22. OHP: http://www.wagakkiband.jp/ (quoting because I am too lazy to write an introduction of my own, but hey, let the videos guide your decisions!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-Ae6spVDqs members + previous bands/side-projects (some of them) Vocals: Yuko Suzuhana Shakuhachi: Daisuke Kaminaga (SUPER JOHN BROTHERS, KAO=S) Koto: Kiyoshi Ibukuro Shamisen: Beni Ninagawa Taiko drums, BG vocals: Kurona (Crow×Class〜黒鴉組〜) Guitar, BG vocals: Machiya (m:a.ture) Bass: Asa (various vocaloid acts) Drums: Wasabi (Yugen Elechord) They will have a major debut album (consisting of vocaloid covers) out 2013/4/23, and it's called "ボカロ三昧" (Bokaro Zanmai (?)). In the meanwhile though, you can digest their mini-album here !!!
  23. Pretsy

    I mistook this for Plasticzooms' art...
  24. Pretsy

    and The Domestic Fucker Family This is almost becoming a Blitz 5days-like thing tho, except without album -related themes and so on.
  25. Pretsy

    Not in particular order, and going along with violetchain's way (a.k.a citing those bands who have been involved with VK earlier): Kuroyume Buck-Tick Dir en grey L'Arc~en~Ciel La'cryma Christi Alice Nine Luna Sea Mucc Malice Mizer Merry Runners-up ( ~5): SuG 9Goats Black Out Kagerou Penicillin Rentrer en Soi
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