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Manji 卍

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Manji 卍 last won the day on April 4 2019

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  1. Please, stop with the MACABRE and DEUX reactions,for fucks sake 

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    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      All "youtubers" should die. I fucking hate this culture, I fucking hate 2018 

    3. platy


      What is there to react about deux? And macabre, that's nothing. We have free access to human centipede and a Serbian Film and people are still faking shock over macabre? Fuck's sake. 

    4. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      The way it works is thus: weeaboos have such a low-esteem and deeply repressed suspicions about their music being garbage that any recognition from an outsider is affirmation that maybe after all they are listening to real music™. If you doubt this for a second go and check out how baldman's non-vk videos have like 10 views while any vk video can go as high as the thousands. Are they fans of the person reacting and his hot takes, or just looking for the positive affirmation that they don't get in real life, from both their music and undoubtedly their appearance as well?


      Does anyone remember how when the big react video on vk hit youtube some people actually argued that it might, just might be good in the end on the faulty logic that it might bring a few converts from the normies? Nope, the Youtube culture just quickly consumed vk for the clicks, had a few laughs at its expense and shat it out for the future "who's watching this in 2028" comments that'll come from the three institutionalised 40 year old German women still listening to the gazette, as everyone else has probably moved on.  So in the end, 0 + 1 - 1 the patient had only turned on its side and it let out a foul smell.  Vk can't eat by itself no more, so it needs to be intravenously fed with midwestern idiots until the Japanese police finally cracks down on the yakuza and the industry dies completely broken after a long and a painful illness.

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