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Posts posted by BrenGun

  1. エラー。から重要なお知らせ 












    その為、2月12日のライブより エラー。











    Support Guitar ーしょーちゃん has left the band.

    2/12 scheduled live will be performed by 4 members. 


    虹彩☆RaveL will disband this March after playing one more live in Tokyo and Osaka.
    More details will follow soon.



    I will update all details later on vk.gy.

    Please wait a little bit more until I receive more details officially! thanks : 3 




    Own comment; I already expected this happen since last year; almost no lives; no design requests etc. 
    Also fans suggested that they will disband soon since September or so.. 

    So for me it doesn't come as a shock to.. I was waiting for it... 

  3. Yes those "Edgy face reveals"

    I would say, just don't announce your new band until the day you gonna announce everything.


    I also dislike like the "My age is secret", "It's secret in which previous bands I played"  kinda of crap shit.




    But I don't mind the Engrish part.

    Engrish is a known common thing in Japanese bands. not only visual bands are doing it.... no it's a daily thing in Japanese language anyway.  

    Even if it's in the common language spoken in the Japanese way and written in Katakana, English is something which just flew in the language.

    Only we Gaijins can often only hard get what that Japanese human is actually saying. 

    Which remembers me of a Dragon ball song, which they sing "ANGEL ANGEL ANGEL" and I misunderstood it for ears as ENJEM ENJEM ENJEM:D 

    So for me Engrish is simply amusing :3 Give me more of wrong English. Whenever they know what they are singing or not it's fun!

    But I still must say, if a band decide to write a lyric in complete English; then please sit down with a English/Japanese speaker to form a bit of correct English sentences which you 100% understand the meaning off. But even so... It's fun to read such "not corrected google translated" lyrics. 







  4. Spoiler



      1月26日(日)に池袋BlackHoleを舞台に、結成2周年を祝うワンマン公演「2nd ANNIVERSARY ONE MAN LIVE【THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS】」を行なったSARIGIA。ライブは、メンバーとファンたちとが感情と感情をぶつけあう熱い内容だった。メンバーたちは、「3周年も一緒に迎えよう」と約束。

      その言葉を示すように、SARIGIAが最新ビジュアルの公開に合わせ、新しい動きを示してくれた。それが、「5ヶ月6連続2MAN「SARIGIA Vs.」in東高円寺二万電圧」と題し、3月より2MAN LIVEを行なうことだった。

      さらに、7月26日には池袋BlackHoleを舞台にワンマン公演「ONE MAN LIVE『終わりと未来』〜Revenge of THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS〜」を実施。とても意味深なタイトルだ。その言葉が示すのは、SARIGIAとしての活動を終えるということ?でも、彼らはワンマン公演の舞台上で「3周年も一緒に迎えよう」とファンたちと約束を交わしていた。むしろ、2周年公演で会場を満杯にするまでには至らなかったことから、そこへのリベンジとして再度池袋BlackHoleでワンマンへ挑戦。そのうえで、新たな未来図を示すということなのか…。その真意は、これからのSARIGIAの活動を追いかけながら紐解こうではないか。






    SARIGIA twitter





    SARIGIA presents

    5ヶ月6連続2MAN「SARIGIA Vs.」in東高円寺二万電圧

    Vs.1  2020.03.12(Thu)


    Vs.2  2020.04.14(Tue)


    Vs.3  2020.05.11(Mon)

    SARIGIA vs リブラヴェル

    Vs.4  2020.05.25(Mon)

    SARIGIA vs 仮病

    Vs.5  2020.06.05(Fri)

    SARIGIA vs ジグソウ

    Vs.6  2020.07.07(Tue)

    SARIGIA vs マチルダ

    OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00

    ADV \3,500 / DAY \4,000(+D)




    SARIGIA presents

    ONE MAN LIVE『終わりと未来』〜 Revenge of THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS 〜

    OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00

    ADV \3,500 / DAY \4,000(+D)

    To share a short summary. 

    SARIGIA will hold  TWO-MAN  live shows for 5 consecutive months starting this March.

    followed by a one-man performance with a meaningful title will be hold on July 26!!


    The tour but also the ONE-MAN is an revenge act to have a full venue of fans at July 26.

    Their 2nd anniversary live wasn't filled up with enough fans. 





    SARIGIA presents

    5ヶ月6連続2MAN「SARIGIA Vs.」in 東高円寺二万電圧


    Vs.1  2020.03.12(Thu)



    Vs.2  2020.04.14(Tue)



    Vs.3  2020.05.11(Mon)

    SARIGIA vs リブラヴェル


    Vs.4  2020.05.25(Mon)

    SARIGIA vs 仮病


    Vs.5  2020.06.05(Fri)

    SARIGIA vs ジグソウ


    Vs.6  2020.07.07(Tue)

    SARIGIA vs マチルダ



    2020.07.26(Sun) 池袋BlackHole

    SARIGIA presents

    ONE MAN LIVE『終わりと未来』〜 Revenge of THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS 〜


  5. 1 hour ago, suji said:

    sooo they're a continuous session then?

    I guess so.....


    Their next 2 lives still have only cover songs



    But since they took band photos and also member photos I guess that they maybe turn into a formal band soon?
    They also will hold their own sponsored event this March...



    @suji They are already around since last year... so I wonder if the topic title is still correct?



  6. 32 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    I can’t believe it still needs to be said that visual kei IS NOT a music genre in 2020.

    Eh, excuse me... "Looks" makes a band Visual KEI. 


    And I still do think that many visual bands have a TYPICAL vkei sound even in 2020.. but I guess that's just me thinking that... so I guess I'm stupid aff.  

    If the looks of DIMLIM isn't Visual Kei, then what the hell are they?



  7. 14 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    It is still unprecedented since Retsu has stated they are no longer VK.

    He did??


    Well the video and the sound is still Visual Kei pretty much aff tho. 



    If he doesn't want to be visual kei anymore...

    Then he truly should change his whole image...

    Also then what kind of gerne band is it, when it's not VK? o.o

  8. 7 minutes ago, CAT5 said:


    It's sho's voice and singing style.


    I was being half-facetious in what I said, because if they say they're aren't VK anymore, then who am to say otherwise? But that doesn't change the fact that that singing style is endemic to VK.


    What about you? Why do they no longer fit the criteria in your eyes?

    They are 100% visual kei, even the melody is vk lol

    but it's perfect vk.


    perfect melody and perfect vocal.

    because melody and vocal it fits 100%. 100% in harmony.



    non visual kei bands truly play different melody and also different vocal. 

  9. I also will react to this topic.


    I've listened to more songs on their youtube.. and all their previous songs are just  bad, shit visual kei music.. not even amazing rock quality, just typical boring visual kei, with no heart with no feelings just.... no.



    but the new song...

    The beat, the melody, the kinda vocal sound...

    It all mix nicely together as a perfect mix.... it really though your heart.

    Truly 10/10 song.

    And believe me it is. 


    Lately I only listen to masterclass rock music. music who is played by bandguys who are longer in the music world as those young dudes. music of people who know what music is.  I follow lot's of "legend Japanese rock stars (which most of you never did hear off tho lol)"  

    So because of that I became very picky of what GOOD music is. 



    However, I call this song really a master piece. it's a perfect song, easy to like, it touch your heart.

    vocal fits perfectly to the melody....



    But by listening to their previous songs,, I kinda doubt their their album will only contain this masterclass songs. 



    If they will release more music like this... then I surely will support them.

    I'm looking for this kind of visual kei bands, who really put everything into music.



    if you dislike this kind of sound,

    well then. you really don't have a good taste for music. 

  10. Good new for some of you.


    Since today, Double River Record band i.D.A started to sell some of their music also digitally. (Their first 2 singles)

    You can buy their music on itunes, google play etc.
    Of course it's also available on spotify free to listen. 


    So if anybody is still curious about them, then please check them out!


    Their 3rd single will be out this APRIL! 







    Hopefully NETH PRIERE CAIN will follow soon!!

  11. 10 hours ago, inartistic said:

    Apparently DAISUKE was in a band called DEVi before that. I didn't know!


    DEVi? Never heard of that band... o.o


    8 hours ago, robkun said:

    Whoa, so the singer of Revival Judith is the singer of this session band?? Huh... pretty cool! I remember loving RJ’s visual style lol.

    Oh, just looked at VK.gy seems you guys already know pretty much of that band~ 



    Well time to interview DAISUKE's new band then :3 

  12. 13 minutes ago, robkun said:


    Apparently, they are a session band. Here's a video of them performing a LUNA SEA cover I found.

    That was recently,

    (I believe that night was just one day return as cover band on  luna sea cover night)


    However I believe it was a formal band in the past.




    I remember seeing this ↑flyer on his twitter.


    But it says Session yes.



    『水戸産業廃棄物』← Is the Japanese name.



    So I guess we can confirm it's and was always a luna sea session band?



    @Biopanda   @Valicious

  13. NEiN's interview was coordinated originally by me with help of John @inartistic we both made this interview our first interview together. 
    Since NEiN is a band who fits also to less visual bands, we decided later on to cross post it also on JAPANESE ROCK'N'ROLL.

    Full interview in English can be read here.



    Also the original Japanese version has been shared for those who can understand Japanese







  14. It's really not that bad song...

    the melody is pretty well played.

    Misaki surly grows in singing due time. 

    But melody really fits Misaki's voice.

    There is much potential inside.

    Guys did do a great job!


    Looking forward to more, just please do NOT disband within 1 year.






    But yes those mistry announcements, band people only should do that when they are a little better known. 

    But... we overseas people can't even really judge how popular someone really is, since we don't go to every damn live lol. 


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