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Posts posted by chocobuzz

  1. I liked killaneth a lot and I still like Kai's voice and he's the reason I'm sort of following this band, but I don't think I could ever seriously listen to this song lol. His rapping sounds rather awkward and that English... well, um, it's quite questionable. Gravity was kinda ok but this... what is this. Sigh.

    bring back killaneth plz

  2. 9 hours ago, TheZigzagoon said:

    God I remember in my good old weeaboo days when I made Hitsugi from Nightmare in Sims 4 and made him a professional musicians good lord take me back xD 

    I think we've all done some weird stuff in Sims at some point haha. I remember when I got Sims 3 and created my favorite boybands in it and made them do some questionable stuff with each other lol. Ah, good times...

  3. 13 minutes ago, rvrgf said:

    Well R.I.P. Virge I guess, Shin was their main (sole?) composer so they're more or less screwed without him. This really, really sucks.

    I wouldn't say they're necessarily in danger of disbanding, at least according to their lyric booklets Shin has only composed "蓮華". "夜明け、灰色の呼吸", "凶夢" and "ワイセツCandy" were composed by Sizuki and all the rest by Ryo. ^^

  4. ヴァージュ (Virge) bassist 沁 (Shin) will depart after their oneman live on 11.11.





    comment from Shin:






    Seems that he will also be retiring from the whole music scene (?).

  5. Just as my new earlobe piercing that I've been having a bit of trouble with was starting to look better I accidentally punched it with my hand and it started bleeding and being sore again lol. Good job me. I'm so incredibly clumsy, I'm constantly causing trouble for myself... I should probably just wrap myself in bubble wrap to protect me from myself.

  6. I usually try to listen to a few songs from every band I come across that seem at least slightly interesting. If none of those few songs sound good enough on the first listen, though, I kinda lose my interest and don't bother trying to get into that band. A band's sound has to just click with me immediately for me to start following them actively.

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