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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by chocobuzz

  1. Played Darksiders 3 for 40 minutes and refunded it lol. I knew the game was a bit different from the previous Darksiders games but it ended up bugging me more than I had expected. I'll probably just watch a let's play of it on youtube at some point if I'm bored...

    Well, gonna just replay Darksiders 1 & 2 once again. I love them so much.

  2. I've been playing Spyro Reignited Trilogy for a few hours now and I love it. I logically started playing the third game first because that's the one that has a special place in my heart and is the most meaningful one to me. I was a bit worried if the remastered version would still have the same kind of a feel as the original one did but I think they've managed to do it really well. Sheila's character design looks a bit funny to me though, I think it's mainly because of the funny hair haha.

    All in all, I'm enjoying the game a lot so far.

  3. I think Virge's Akai dress is my biggest treasure so far. It was a live distributed single from Virge's first oneman in October of last year and it took me months of active hunting to finally find and get it. People really don't seem to like reselling their copies I guess, even until now I've only seen like three other ones being sold on yahoo auctions or mercari.  I'd actually kinda wanna know how many copies of it exactly were even produced, none of Virge's other live distributed singles seem this hard to find. Hmm.

    It's also my most expensive cd, I paid 15,000 yen for it... And that's not even the highest price I've seen it being sold for lol

  4. I can't say that any of these are 100% surely true since my sources are just guesses and speculations found on some tanuki threads haha

    But I'm pretty sure Ryo (Virge, ex-Mediena) is 27 (born on 1991)

    As for the other ex-mediena members, I think Rei is the same age as Ryo, Keito and Mizuki were born either 1992 or 1993 and Tooka 1994.

    As for the other Virge members, I think Aru is around 24 (1993 or 1994?). About Shin and Sizuki I'm not sure, but I think they once mentioned that Shin is older than Sizuki and that Ryo would be younger than them (though the way they said it was quite questionable so I can't be too sure about that)

  5. I listened to the album a couple times today and I must say I enjoyed it more than I expected. Mephisto and Petrichor were the only ones I found a bit meh but otherwise I really liked the songs. I'll be listening to this album a lot, that's for sure.

  6. I finally got this mediena towel and I thought it'd be nice to hang it on my wall above the little table on which I have all my mediena cd's and other stuffs on display but I realized I have no idea how I could hang it there... So I ended up hanging it on this ethernet cable that I've hung across my ceiling lol. Probably not the most optimal solution but it's the best I could come up with... It looks quite nice there though. pls don't mind that orange piece of tape there it's uhhh a fashion point



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