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About heresytrash

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    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday April 11

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    Jrock, anime, reading

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  1. Who knew that Animal Crossing NH would have discourse at all? People pressed about people time travelling, and for how their towns look even. 

    Let people play how they want, if you're competitive at Animal Crossing then it's probably not the best game for you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Are there seriously people out there who think that Animal Crossing can and should be speed runned? Wild.


      For real though, 𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝑔𝒶𝓂𝑒𝓇, I always found any kind of cheating discourse involving single player games to be strange. If it doesn't effect anyone but you, why should you care? Casual games are meant for self-satisfaction without measure to your gaming peers. If you are satisfied by your efforts to achieve some extrinsically meaningful digital object, then so be it. If you are satisfied by merely having the extrinsically meaningful digital object, then so be it. Enjoy that aspect of self satisfaction; I personally like a breather every now and then. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

    3. Ikna


      @heresytrash didn't nintendo say you can't play the events via time travel? As far as I understood it, events are supplied via the updates and atm the updates only gave us bunny day and earth day. Plus  there's something bout having to connect to the internet to activate the event... nintendo has put this in place to prevent people from experiencing the events earlier than others. Also I imagine there will be new features in future updates as well, since the game still looks kinda unfinished.

    4. heresytrash


      @IknaI haven't heard, but honestly I don't really care for the events. I only care about making my town look nice. I also doubt some of the other time travelers care either since most of the intention of time travelling is to get something sooner (house expansion etc) and I only skip ahead a day then play naturally. 

      As I said, I time travel when my time is busy and hectic and I got other things going on. Nintendo may be doing stuff like that for events, but I still doubt they care.

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