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Posts posted by echo

  1. They said they did it on purpose. Like a lot of people were like 'wtf is this' to their usagi thing but they did it with the new single in mind. rebirth?? or something like that. I forget the word/kanji they used (I wasn't 100% paying attention lol), but they def talked about it tonight and it was definitely planned. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, madygrain said:


    Don't get too happy, it's because I think Yusa sucks and ruined LSN lol 

    lololol its okay, I'm literally focused on the drummer and bassist for now. as long as you don't super, super hate them I'm pretty happy lololol

  3. 4 minutes ago, madygrain said:


    LSN is Ruka's solo project. The thing is that Ruka plays mostly drums. The other members including the vocalist, are support members. He had 3 vocalists come and go from LSN by now. They project won't suffer from it because people don't come from the vo, they come for Ruka. Having a vo. they are familiar with is icing on the cake. 


    In fact Ruka is having the most intense fanclub activities compared to his Nightmare bandmates, who actually sing on their new projects (except for the bassist, ni-ya). This is not a regular band. This is a solo project around the most prolific Nightmare composer doing his own thing with the musicians he sees fit for what he wants to sound like. 

    Thanks for the info! I don't really keep tabs on Nightbare (I literally don't know anything about them lolol), so idk the details, but I'm pretty impressed that a drummer can maintain such a loyal fanbase! Drummers usually have like NO fans lol 

  4. 7 minutes ago, madygrain said:

    OMG! Looks like the LSN is really changing their lineup for their first album and some of the support members decided to keep the ball rolling. 


    This is great news all around. 


    Did Guts and Death ever actually take off? They had tha phone app gimmick to sell their music but did they actually held regular lives all this time? I thought they faded away as LSN activistes ended up being pretty intense actually.

    yay! I'm glad you think this band is good news!


    I don't know anything about Guts and Death or LSN >< 

    I did a quick search and it seems like there's not much info about them on MH? I did a quick search and it seems even the GnD OHP doesn't offer much info lol if anyone has a source, I can try my hand at translating!

  5. 6 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    god yusa's vocals are unsufferable, it could be p good otherwise

    lol I've only ever heard him live (literally heard him for the first time tonight) and he seemed okay! I think a lot of VK vocalists actually sound much better live. Maybe you'll like him more in future, more polished releases of their songs! If not, hopefully you can get past his vocals and enjoy the music for what is ><


    Just now, nekkichi said:

    jsyk they started with hakuei and some no1curr rapper, I lost interest once banshee-pitched chanteuse joined.

    no clue what you're talking about (nor do I really care lolol) but thanks for the info! I'll go do some research b(^▽^)d

  6. 11 minutes ago, Shaolan974 said:

    LSN is a side-project of the dude from NIGHTMARE. LSN will not stop because of Yusa or the other musicians. The musicians change everytime.

    and I don't thing GUTS and DEATH was a serious thing tho...

    Musicians change all the time, yes, but it's a different story if said musician is the vocalist (literally the face of the band). It's a lot more difficult to keep a band going once you lose a vocalist (but again, not sure if he's actually leaving LSN... I have literally never heard of them. Can anyone shed some light? Perhaps a different topic is necessary for this discussion?)


    In any case, this is borderline becoming off-topic lol.


    Anyone else have thoughts on this new band? Personally, I am pretty excited, despite their apparent copy/classic-rock style XD

  7. New band, アゲハ-AGEHA-, has had their first (unofficial) live tonight at Shibuya REX for Mokichi's birthday event.


    Their first official live will be held on October 19 (Fri.) at Shibuya Rex



    Vocals: Yusa (ex. THE KIDDIE) [ twitter // instagram // blog ]

    Guitar: Saito Shinichiro (aka mokichi) (ex-12012) [ twitter // blog ]

    Bass: Yukia  (ex-As If in the darkness-->てい☆おん (Teeon)-->Keith-->DOPES.(support)-->LINCS(support)-->BANSHEE:, TRA TRA TRA (support)) [ twitter // instagram ]

    Drums: Hiroki (ex. TRA TRA TRA) [ twitter // instagram ]







    Official Homepage:  http://a-ge-ha.tokyo/

    Official YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClyznDlPwyq4O32OGlGu63Q

    Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/ageha_official

    Official Soundcloud: 



    They will be releasing their first mini-album at their first live on 10/19



    The Beginning Single 「AGEHA-UPPER SCHOOL-」

    2,000 yen


    Additional demo tracks (total of 6 tracks)

    ※ sold only at live houses

    ※ comes with cheki

  8. 21 hours ago, colorfuljinsei said:

    Personally, I prefer the demo version of sakura. rather than this latest version, but it sounds just as impactful/amazing live. 

    Keiya is a phenomenal live singer. (Also, I love that setlist ^^) That sounded like a great time!

    oh! was there a demo version of the song? I didn't know that!

    but yeah, Keiya is definitely amazing live!! and idk how he sings like that while he dances like wtf?? lol

  9. I'm actually a little disappointed that he became an official member. I've seen them a few times with him as support and his vocals don't really match their music and he can't quite hit the notes like their original vocalist could.  I wonder if this will also mark a shift in their sound ><

  10. Today was Purple Stone's fanmeeting oneman for Keiya's bday at Shinjuku Ruido K4!!!





    1. ポイズンチョコレート

    2. デサバ

    3. Scar

    4. 嘘つきピエロ

    5. パニックパニック!

    6. sakura.

    7. River

    8. 甘酸っぱいマンゴー

    9. ミラーボール

    10. キャットウォーク

    11. 歌舞伎町バタフライ

    12. ブラスターボルテージ

    13. BLAME

    14. 素晴らしきこの世界へ


    They let us record two of the songs during the live! It was originally just gonna be one, I think, but Keiya let us do two!! Someone uploaded the full thing to youtube! (they said to have fun uploading on twitter/instagram/sharing with friends and stuff so it wasn't meant to be a "only for the people who came here" kind of thing) you can find a bunch of pics/clips on twitter if you search 'purple stone' as well. people have been posting all night ^^


    Panic panic


    It was super weird to have panic panic w/o anyone doing the furi lol in the MC after this song, Keiya said it felt lonely to do all the furi by himself and fuma commented how even on the clapping parts no one clapped lol some ppl who were recording would tap their wrist softly, but carefully so that they wouldn't make their phones shake too much haha all three of them were like 'this is the first time to see something like this during panic panic' and keiya and fuma kept imitating us staring through our phones to make sure we have a good video lol




    I love this song <3333 I could stand there listening to Keiya sing all day <3333333


    Keiya looked like he was enjoying the fuck out of himself all night <333 during one of the songs Gak altered the guitar solo to sound like a fancy happy bday melody and we sang happy birthday again... we sang happy bday to Keiya like three times tonight haha. once was a surprise from the fans. the drummer accidentally fucked up so we all started singing and popped our little poppers. the 2nd time was when Gak brought out the cake during the MC for the encore and the 3rd was the guitar solo part... except I can't remember which song that was so maybe it was before the encore... I can't remember T_T


    usually after a Purple Stone live, Keiya will go off stage first and Gak will death voice yell something in the mic and Fuma will copy him and we all yell and they leave, but since it's his bday, Keiya came back on stage and asked if he could do it too haha so the three of them did it and Gak said it was kinda embarrassing with all three of them haha I guess cos he had to stand there and watch Keiya and Fuma be idiots and realized he prob also looks like that lolol and then Fuma and Gak decided to leave Keiya on stage last since it's an event for him and we all screamed his name some more haha then on the count of three we all yelled 'omedetou' and he shouted back 'arigatou' and he left the stage. I love how much he smiles and waves at us as he's leaving haha <33333 KEIYAAAAAA <33333


    These are the costumes they wore only one time for the 5th anniversary live, but it'll be their new look starting from today! 



    Though they have a new look, they haven't said anything about any new releases yet, but it seems like they're working on something and will maybe have some kind of announcement soonish? They've mentioned vague stuff like that the past few times I've seen them. I'm excited for whatever they're working on!! o(*^▽^*)o~♪

  11. I went to EVERSSIC's shidou live this past Saturday!




    They were AMAZING!!! I was surprised that they opened with DAYBREAK and SAIL AWAY cos they aren't the typical high energy, meant-to-get-the-crowd-going kind of songs, but omg they are amazing songs <333 DAYBREAK is so pretty!!!! I'm typically the type who likes to jump around and go crazy and w/e during lives, but I honestly wouldn't mind just standing there listening to EVERSSIC play songs like this for an entire oneman haha and masaya hitting those high notes in SAIL AWAY??? wtf. It was RIDICULOUS. when he finished the last note, I literally said "holy shit" out loud. could not help myself lolol he's insane. like what the actual fuck. haha. oh and later in their set, for one of the songs (I forget which one) he wanted us to do the repeat "whoa oh oh" type of thing, but seriously masaya?? we cannot hit those notes you want us to sing lolol and as much as I loved DAYBREAK and SAIL AWAY, I also super enjoyed their more high energy songs! they have a nice variety of sounds and it was a really fun live!! i'm super excited to see them again!


    also, not related, but I was surprised cos there was a group of large men in shimote haha. not something i'm used to seeing at a vk live lolol 


    anyway, I hope more people support them! go buy their mini-album!! lol

  12. There are three things that come to mind right away. The first is the first time I saw TRA TRA TRA. I wasn't even there to see them, I was actually there to see LOUD GRAPE before they disbanded lol. TRA happened to be the first band to play and the first song they played was Melt. Within the first few beats of the song my friend and I had exchanged looks like "omg yes." I liked them so much that I literally went up to some guy who was in saizen and asked him the name of the band cos I couldn't understand wtf Ryo said when he said their band name lol TRA changed EVERYTHING. They were the first band that I followed super closely, went to almost every live, my first satsuei, my first ensei... not to sound over-dramatic, but without them, I'm not sure I'd be living the way I do now. Hell, I might not even be in Japan still haha. I mean, I literally joined MH so that I could have a place to spazz about them cos I couldn't talk about them enough ahaha


    Another moment I'll never forget is when I saw 弾丸NO LIMIT (Dangan NO LIMIT) for the first time in a long time. I didn't have a very positive memory of them from the last time I saw them and wasn't expecting much tbh. But as their set continued I realized I really fucking liked them and had no idea why I remember disliking them the last time I saw them haha so I downed my beer so I could join in their set lol and during Sono Uso Honto, Miyuu got too excited and accidentally threw his towel into the crowd and I was lucky enough to catch it and I remember how fucking excited I was haha the whole experience of their set and my reaction and people I met after kind of had a huge affect on my going to lives experience lol


    And maybe the most special moment was when I saw FoLLoW for the first time. I almost didn't even go to that live for whatever reason I can't remember anymore. But @hiroki had recommended them to me and I must've had the ticket already cos I remember it being a very "I might as well go" kind of feeling and I was all the way in the back and didn't bother switching out with people to get closer or anything. Before the live I thought I'd be Maki gya cos he's hot af lolol but during the live I was super drawn to Masashi. Anyway, the special moment for me was when Masashi started singing Ningyo hime. Never before had I EVER been so affected by a song or live performance. It was insane. I've never felt so emotional at a live up till that point. And that one performance, that one moment, Masashi singing さよなら right before the last 「さよなら」さえ言えなくて line at the end of the song pretty much changed my VK experience. It's kind of impossible to explain what I felt that night haha I still don't quite understand it myself. It wasn't even like I had a strong connection with Masashi before or during that live. In fact, I could have just as well not been there at all and Masashi would have been none the wiser haha but it was definitely one of the most special moments I've experienced in all the lives I've been to.


    There are a lot of other really special and/or memorable moments I've had, but those three have had an especially huge impact on me and stand out really clearly in my memory. 

  13. I saw 零[Hz] (Zero Hertz) first live at Shinjuku Ruido K4!! IT WAS SO GOOD!





    3.JOKER+28 (this is pronounced as "Joker." you don't say the "+28" part

    4.パラフィリア (Paraphilia)



    6.トリップランド (Trip Land)

    7.Velli SISTEM


    8.勿忘草 (Wasurenagusa)





    12.skeles me dop HEADz



    13.モノクロ (Monochrome)





    I wrote a super long thing about it for people who are interested!! lolol but I realize I may have used some terms that not everyone is familiar with, but I can't be fucked to go back and edit out some of the terminology that I used lol, so for those who don't know:


    kamite: right side of the stage (from the audience's POV)

    shimote: left side of the sage (from the audience's POV)

    saku: what gya do when their favorite member is playing a solo.. you sort of raise both arms up in the air, palms facing up-ish like you're trying to reach up to hug someone much taller than you

    gya: short for 'bangya.' to put it simply, vk fans

    furi: the 'dance' movements you do for certain parts of the song. youtube 振り付け and you'll know what i mean

    saizen: front row

    oritatami: that really slow headbang? everyone does in unison. not really headbanging I guess... it looks more like you're bowing to a beat lolol

    teiban: used to refer a band's "main" song that they always/almost always play at every live. 



    My experience/thoughts:


    I had been looking forward to seeing zero hz for a LONG time. I fucking love the music that Leo composed for Dangan so I was excited to see how he'd mix with the remaining Londboy guys. I was also half terrified that I'd hate them >< I didn't actually listen to the album before the live cos I like to hear songs live first when at all possible so I was even more apprehensive...


    But they definitely did not disappoint.


    First of all, I was surprised that I could get into the third row with a B ticket haha. PERFECT VIEW OF LEOOOOO <33333 it was nice to be able to focus on him for the entire live haha usually with Dangan I was conflicted cos I didn't know whether to look at Leo or Miyuu >< but I was third row and had a perfect view between the heads of the girls in the first and second row. Fuck I love Leo <333333 but it was super weird to be on shimote for him. I've only ever seen him on kamite lol but that's okay. LEOOOOOO <333333 


    Okay before I start talking about the live, one thing: WHY would they have members named Leo and Rio?? when we're calling their names, they sound SO similar haha and if you pronounce it with the English pronunciation, it's basically the same lolol (Leo is pronounced "lay-oh" in Japanese) and for a second I was worried that maybe he had changed his name to something stupid like Colo or Gaga (seriously wtf are those names?? lolol) cos I thought ppl were shouting only for Rio lolol


    When the curtains opened and they walked out on stage all I could think was LEOLEOLEOLEO lolol omg I'm so glad his injury didn't like permanently damage him. He played his solos flawlessly! He actually had most of the solos! I was a bit surprised cos my impression is that kamite usually has most of the solos even if shimote guitar has some of them, but I think most of Rio's solos were together with Leo? so more like duos? haha Rio did have a couple solo solos though lol


    anyway, so I REALLY liked them live. ZIHARD was a really good first song... like it was upbeat enough to get everyone going, but not like sudden headbanging, which might be good for some lives, but when no one really knows the songs well or the furi then it would be a bit joltingI think. And Leo's guitar solo <3333333333333


    also, not really related lol but I love how much Leo and Gaga get along. Apparently they've known each other since they were 14 haha and even though Leo is the only non-ex-LONDBOY member, he meshes so well with them! I'm so happy!!


    anyway, so the second song they played was Mr.SWAGMAN. It's SO FUCKING GOOD live!!!! and so much fun!! I was actually in a terrible af mood before the live started haha, and by the end of ZIHARD I was feeling better and then this song got me more out of it and brought me more into their world. the only thing is, because there are a few different parts to this song, it was a bit distracting live cos we weren't sure if we're supposed to jump, fist pump, or headbang on some parts. i mean sure it's not a you're 'supposed to do blah' kind of thing, but there is kind of that type of feeling if that makes sense... those of you who have gone to lives in Japan will prob know what I mean lol


    and omg JOKER+28. maybe it's just me, but this had a VERY Dangan feel to me on some parts... or maybe it was just the intro lol but I felt SO conflicted. (turns out this song was written by Colo though lol) Maybe it was just cos the intro has that slow build and Roy's voice sounds all soft and nice but then hits really hard with the guitars (I suck at describing music)... actually maybe it was more the feel of the music part of the intro than how Roy sang it... I'm not sure, but that beginning bit REALLY reminded me of the intro of Dangan's I'll Sing when he sings "fly all the way up to the top" (or something like that?) and then the guitars come in strong like in Joker. haha It was a bit weird for me cos I was getting super into the Zero Hz feel and then this started and I was like...Leo? Dangan? wait where's Miyuu??? kind of feeling and I felt like jumping and crying and smiling all at once and it was the weirdest thing ever lol but Leo looked at me and I looked at him and idk if he recognized me or not haha, but we def made eye contact and I tried to stop thinking so much and just feel the music and watch him play guitar. he's fucking amazing <333 I went back and forth between loving Zero Hz and missing Dangan like crazy during this entire live haha


    Paraphilia was next and continued the Dangan feel for me and I super could not. some parts of the song felt kind of Londboy... actually I don't know the Londboy discog very well, but from the handful of times I saw them live, that's the feel I got haha or maybe it was just the parts of the song that sounded less Dangan I assumed were Londboy bits haha LEO SOLOS ARE THE BEST <333 (I saw Roy's blog after writing this, and turns out, Leo had the base composition of this song from its demo stages, so no wonder it has such a Dangan feel to it lol)


    how perfect that the name of the next song was CONFLICT! omg all of the conflict this live haha I actually really like this song. this was another one that was a little distracting at first cos the furi wasn't really decided (tbh none of the furi was super decided other than a few parts that was posted before the live lol), but everyone must've felt the same beats cos we all got in sync somehow ❤️ I think Roy might not be as used to directing furi... or maybe he also didn't really know what furi to do where... or maybe I was too busy looking at Leo to notice of Roy was signalling furi haha


    Trip Land and Velli SISTEM were really good too! They really got the energy going in the crowd with moshing and jumping and headbanging and omg LEO'S GUITAR SOLOS (getting repetitive by now, I know, but I fucking love watching him play guitar. he's fucking amazing. sorry, not sorry.) and all the members looked like they were having so much fun!! they all glance at each other a lot and smile and joke around and I love it ❤️


    In the MC before Wasurenagusa Roy explained that it's a really important song to him. He said that he won't explain the lyrics just yet and hopes that when they become a bigger band he'll be able to tell us about the lyrics and look back on the memory (though it seems he's been blogging about the meanings of some of the other songs!) but omg for this song, they actually brought out an acoustic guitar!!! I LOVE it when they ACTUALLY play the acoustic that you can hear. I hate when it's on the background track thing. ESPECIALLY when you actually have two guitarists on stage. like why not have one play it? so, THANK YOU LEO <3333 he played both electric and acoustic in this song <33333 and his acoustic was on point. like it's super noticeable if you fuck up on acoustic haha but every note was super clean. LEO'S THE BEST <3333333 and omg Roy started getting choked up during the song T_T <33 and in an MC later on, Rio said that he heard Roy starting to cry and then he started crying too <333 


    Roy was still a bit emotional from Wasurenagusa as they went into REAL. but omg REAL is also a really nice song <333 I'm glad they didn't go from a ballad to a super fast song suddenly like how some bands do. It's a bit too jarring. REAL was a happy medium I think to slowly bring us out of that mood of Wasurenagusa. In the MC after Roy was really embarrassed that he had gotten choked up during Wasurenagusa haha and he said that he couldn't say it in the first MC, but thank you to everyone who came to the live <333 omg he was so emotional the entire live <333


    AGUL felt more londboy to me... actually i don't know londboy enough to make that call haha but personally, it reminded me of the londboy lives i've been to haha i'm actually not super into the synth sound... or i wasn't super into the synth sound? but now i kinda like it more depending


    DarthHerz!!!! BASS. I love me some good bass haha 99% of the time if the song starts with a good bass solo I will like that song haha. not because of the bass solo, but songs that start with bass tend to have a certain something to them that I like haha and DarthHerz definitely has that. I fucking love this song. In this song each member has a solo and omg all the gya are so nice! so usually you saku for your favorite member right? but for these gya, if it's not their favorite member, they will all squat down so the people in back can see better. so there's this like wave like feel going through the crowd as the different solos are playing in turn. It reminded me of how it was at the Londboy last live when Roy was walking through the crowd and all the gya closest to him were crouching down as he came closer and slowly standing as he walked away lol the gya are so nice!!! and omg in this song those three? notes that play when there's a moment of silence SUPER remind me of that one Londboy song that they all had solos and Kanade's solo was like those three notes... I think it sounded similar to that and I wondered if it was like a shout out to him in this song haha


    skeles me dop HEADz (wtf does this title mean??) is SUPER fun live! and sounds fucking amazing live too <333 Also, I love the arm wave thing Roy does when he wants us to oritatami haha I noticed the Gaga gya in saizen will do it too sometimes to signal everyone lolol I guess that's something he's done since Londboy? lol I love that it's so fast and builds up, but has that quieter/slower part near the end and goes back into it. like. it's just so good haha It was a super good song to end the set with. Like, it just felt right.


    Monochrome (モノクロ) is so nice!! it was a bit weird for me though that they did the whole getting the crowd pumped and then went into this song haha it's not the typical type of song you'd play after making everyone yell and all that lolol BUT, I really really like this song. And Roy looked so happy going around the stage singing this song. I love the connection all the members share!! Honestly, I haven't looked at the lyrics closely, so I'm not sure what it's about haha, but I love how this song makes me feel. Like it makes me feel so light and I couldn't help buy smile during this song <333 


    I'm so glad they played Mr.SWAGMAN and DarthHerz again for the encore!! Leo does the yelling bits during the chorus on Mr.SWAGMAN! haha <3333 LEOOOOO!!! and I really really like DarthHerz! I hope it becomes their teiban! haha


    Ophelia was a good song to go out on. At the risk of being repetitive, this was a really good song!!! haha <333 I love how Leo is SO into his guitar, but he'll also like look out at the crowd from time to time and make eye contact with people or acknowledge them, but then also look back at Gaga or some other member and engage with them. There was one song, I don't remember if it was Ophelia or not, but everyone else but Gaga was at the front of the stage and Leo looked back at him and waved him forward like 'wtf are you still doing back there?' and Gaga kinda laughed and and came forward with the rest of them <333


    idk maybe I'm just easy to please, or maybe it's cos I experienced it all live first, but I really do love all their music so far <333




    Roy was SO glad that so many people came even though their first live was a oneman. He was like, obviously it's not sold out, but I'm glad everyone came!! kind of thing. And he said he wants to show their growth like if we go to the last live at O-West, he wants us to be like "yeah they're totally different from that first live." Which, I hope I can say! since I'll be going to O-West haha I wish I could go to their other lives in between too! 


    In one of the MCs they did a member introduction and they each said a few words. Colo asked if he could do the thing that he did when they were Londboy like he'll do a thing on the drums and we all yell. we repeat that three times and on the last time we all raise both hands and shake them around and jump and go WOOOOOOO all crazy stupid like haha but Roy said that everyone did the woooo part but kamite and he made fun of them like maybe Rio gya didn't want Rio to see them looking so stupid ahaha so he asked Colo to do it again and was like EVERYONE do it!!! and then he asked Rio to do it too so that his gya would do it LOL and so Rio did but he went a bit too crazy and ran around on stage like an idiot and ended up falling in the center of the stage lololol


    When it was Gaga's turn, no one yelled for him LOL (usually the gya will yell for them once their name is introduced). Roy or whoever introduced him like "ON BASS, GAGA!" and then silence. ahaha so Colo said he'd hit the cymbals like "kan kan kan" (the sound effect like 'clang clang') while we all say gagagaga and Roy was laughing like omg it sounds like they're shooting us with machine guns and gestured shooting a machine gun while he was like GAGAGAGAGA ahaha 


    For Leo EVERYONE was yelling like crazy for him. Idk if he just had that many gya for him or if the old londboy gya were just trying to make him feel super welcomed or what, but everyone definitely called his name really loudly lol and then he awkwardly stepped to the mic and motioned for us to stop and was like "thank you" haha and Gaga was like omg he's so cute despite looking all buff and manly lolol he started saying something about him being the only one that wasn't part of the former band and they interrupted him and were all like "omg what are you saying shut up that doesn't matter" kind of thing. I fucking love when the members are close with each other <333333  Gaga's the only one he knew before joining, but they all made him feel super welcomed <333


    When it was Rio's turn he was saying how they've all kinda been through a lot and thank you for everyone supporting him (they all kinda had that feeling) and he said he'd write a blog later haha it seems like he's not really good with MCs.. I think at the londboy live too he was like "I cannot right now. I'll write a blog and properly say my feelings later" lol <3333 He got a bit choked up and said that they aren't sad tears, but happy tears and that (I think?) that it's the first time to have happy tears <3333 RIOOOOOOOO <3333 I'm so glad he came back despite all that drama from before. <3333


    During Roy's turn... or maybe it was still during Leo's turn I forget haha Leo was saying how like you know how sometimes you wake up and you're like "omg what's today? what time is it??" like how you're not fully awake yet and can't process things properly. So there was one time that I guess him and Roy were sharing a bed or something (I didn't really catch the situation other than Roy was sleeping next to him lol) and Leo woke up in that sleepy state and saw Roy's head and was like "who the fuck is this guy???" lololol 


    But yeah so when Roy was talking, he got really emotional. Like throughout the live. He's always SUPER thankful to the fans and he's SO happy that so many people turned up to the first live. Like it wasn't insanely packed, but it also wasn't  pathetically empty. I was actually a bit surprised at how full it was haha but yeah, Roy's like SUPER determined to grow even more as a band and he really appreciates everyone so much T_T ❤️ like he's so earnest. oh, maybe it was during these introductions that Roy was saying the bit about wanting to show improvement through this tour and show how far they've come by the time they reach the final at O-West. I can't remember when people said what T_T


    Final thoughts: how can a group of guys so fucking hot act and talk so fucking adorably??? @_@ <333 (okay maybe that didn't come across at all from how I wrote about it, but for real. wtf haha) haha no but seriously, this band is super good. I hope more people will support them!!!! (but really, they're ALL fucking hot and fucking cute at the same time like how?? PLUS super good music! THEY'RE AMAZING <333)


    If you haven't yet, you should definitely go buy their album!!! It's super worth it!! I really hope this band does well!!


    Picspam!!! (from the members's twitter/official twitter/official blog):












    lol fucking Rio:











  14. On 4/27/2018 at 9:34 AM, Alsdead14 said:

    No prob, my pleasure. These guys deserve more love :) I'm glad that you came back on the forum! Yeah I remember you telling me that their tickets are expensive af.

    Haha, poor Yosuke. Loved what he did in the live dvd haha, I bet he's way more awesome live. Maybe one day, I'll finally see them live. Did you heard anything about a new single or album? I know it's only been like 6 months or so, but I want new material :D.

    And indeed, Maki's english is way better :) Maybe he did that haha.



    i haven't heard anything about a new album yet. i doubt they'd have another one so soon haha

  15. Thanks for making this thread!! I haven't seen them too many times since they've become AllS. They don't really play with VK bands anymore and I don't really care for the bands they play with now T_T plus the tickets are stupid expensive for a taiban sometimes T_T I've seen a couple of their onemans though! And the are just as amazing as I remember them <3


    Maki's English has improved A LOT. it's almost as if he took the time during their hiatus to learn proper English or something haha maybe he did a study abroad program??? lolol


    I FUCKING LOVE YOSUKE!!!!! I love how he's still derpy af and they're still playing PEGGY-O!!! That's like the ultimate Yosuke song haha last time I saw them though, he totally fucked up the bass solo and he was so sad hahaha I haven't seen them recently though T_T I hope I can see them again soon!


    And I'm REALLY glad that they're all together and that they didn't go in a completely different direction musically :DDDD I noticed on their HP that they have a song called ゼロの戯愛 (idk how to read 戯愛 T_T). I wonder if it'll be a remake/rerecording of zero? they distributed that one for free at lives, so maybe???

    But omg I just wish mio didn't change his name to miyavi... i can only think of miyavi miyavi when i think miyavi... as in MYV miyavi. lol and idk why yuno thought ei was a good idea for a name... miyavi and ei will be weird to yell for me haha i like that kaede is using the same kanji for his name that he used before though! i hope i can remember all their new names and don't accidentally call them by their old names ><


    On 4/13/2018 at 1:30 PM, colorfuljinsei said:

    Only downside is they took everything down on the Lux channel on YT... I hoped someone saved the Mosaic Disco MV because I didn't T_T.


    omg they took down all the lux stuff on youtube??? I forgot to download everything T___T all of the sadness T____T

  17. I'm so excited to hear the rest of their music!!! Ryo is the first one to come back in an actual band since Tra T_________T My friend is def going to their shidou live! I might not be able to go, but I really hope I can!

    And I hope Hiroki and Omi form new bands soon too! <3 I really miss Tra, but I'm glad at least Ryo has joined a new band!

    In any case, I really like the sound of this song!! <3 can't wait to hear more!!!

  18. 14 hours ago, Mihi said:


    haha yes we met! <3


    13 hours ago, The Reverend said:

    Re: the instore.... what is 'satsuei'?

    satsuei is the word for when you get to take pictures with the bandmen! Usually you have to buy something or spend X amount of money to do it.

  19. I went to Lux's last one-man last week, and I'm so glad I did <3

    I also went to their instore! I wrote a bit about it for whoever's interested!




    The instore was super short. I think it was just to try and sell the rest of their CDs. By the time I got there they only had a few copies of Loveless left in the store. They just did a short talk, no game, but had satsuei after. The talk was mostly just a Q&A and then random rambling to fill up time lolol one question was "what's your favorite Lux song" I think they get asked that every time lolol Yuno said his favorite is 'the ballad song' cos, one, it's just a super good song, but also that it's very setsunai. Unfortunately it's not recorded and it doesn’t even have a proper name. Haruka and Yuno were talking about how it's hard to come up with a name and since it wasn't being a recorded they didn't bother since if they said 'the ballad' they'd all know what they were talking about. Yuno said it's a song that they would only really play at like a shusai or oneman.  Mio said his favorite is Zero. It's super special to him because it's the first song he participated in as Lux for the recording. <333 Kaoru likes Color. He didn't explain this time cos I guess he always explains lolol but from the last instore I went to I remember he said he liked it cos of the bass part like it's a bass solo but not or something <3 Kaede  likes Gokusaishiki Refrain cos he said it's fun live. It really is!! Haruka didn't really answer and Yuno(?) was like Dear?? And hew as like hmmmmmmmm maybeeeeeee haha I think at the last instore he said Dear, but I think he changed his mine haha


    Another question they were asked was what their favorite McDonald's menu item was. Yuno said his was the triple cheese burger (I think?) It's a time-limited item that they've had here recently. And then Haruka started saying how he used to order 2 cheeseburgers and then put the patty of one into the other one so it'd essentially be a double cheeseburger, but then he's left with extra buns so he'd get a shaka chicken and make it into a chicken sandwich lol. And like the way he explained it was a bit confusing so the other members were all like wait wtf? So he had to explain it again and they were kinda just like shaking their heads at him haha and Kaoru said he liked the 15-piece chicken nuggets and that they're super good lol and Haruka was like, but the taste doesn't change if it's 5 pieces or 15??? And Kaoru was like… oh yeah. Lololol they're so dumb <3


    Kaoru got surprisingly emotional suddenly and it seemed like he was trying not to cry. Haruka whispered something to him and made him laugh <3 they were all trying to make it not a sad thing. It was really short though, i think only like half an hour? They didn't really talk about much. Just some dumb questions that i can't really remember haha and then they asked each other what they did for new  years and Mio was like I SLEPT. Haahah <3


    When they were saying their last comments before ending, Mio said that he wanted to take in and remember every single fan, regardless of which member's fan they were. Mio seems super grateful for the experience and like he wants to remember every single part of everything. And they were all like omg how do we follow after you say something like that??? Lolol they all said kinda the same generic stuff. "enjoy as always," "have fun until the very end," "let's burn this night into our memories" kind of stuff. Haruka said something like 'we won't make it better than usual, cos we always go all out. we'll be the same as usual!' kinda thing. Most ppl for last lives are like 'let's make this the best one ever' but yeah Haruka's point was like 'we always go all out, there's nothing more than what we always do so we promise to be as good as we always are' kind of thing.


    Anyway so after the instore it was satsuei and we got a tokuten DVD if we showed that we had a ticket for the live! The DVD was of some live clips!! One song is Break Free and the second is Gokusaishiki Refrain!!! <333 and they show the songs in their entirety <3


    the live


    Okay this is going to be super out of order except the first and last songs cos they didn't post a set list so I can only go by random memory T_T


    First song was Mosaic Disco. I really like this song! It's super fun live! We all hold hands and do two step and jump together! And the chorus you spin your towel around and jump in time to the "Hey! Hey! Hey!" part (as in you jump three times, once for each 'hey'). Mio's said before that he really likes watching us do the two step even though he can't see our feet from the drums haha we just look cute hopping around in the way that two step makes you bounce i guess lolol <3 Mio always looks like he's really enjoying himself during this song <3333333


    They did a part change for 3rd(?) song, Dear. The way they got into it was so abrupt haha like they stopped the previous song, there might've been some MC? I'm not sure, but at one point there was a silence and then suddenly Haruka shouted CHANGE! And they all switched instruments lololol it was very... them. haha


    Mio stepped out from behind his drums and I was like OMG NO WAY but... YES WAY!! He grabbed the mic and came to the front-ish (not quite all the way to the front lol) of the stage to be the vocalist <333333

    Haruka was on kamite guitar, Kaede went on drums and Yuno and Kaoru switched so Yuno played bass and Kaoru was shimote guitar <3


    Before they started, Mio was like pacing around stage trying to do an MC and honestly, I couldn't really hear cos fucking Haruka was in kamite fiddling around with the guitar. He was practicing the notes like the entire time and finally Mio was like URUSAI!!! And then he was like 'oh are you practicing?' lolol and Haruka kinda nodded and Mio was like 'fine' kinda feeling lolol I forget if it was before or after, but they said that they decided to do the part change super last minute lol which is why they weren't so good lolol and Haruka didn't even play the guitar during the chorus. He kinda just danced around like an idiot making faces at the gya in saizen lolol it was fucking hilarious. And Mio couldn't stand still. He didn't come up to the vocalist box once I think. He paced from far shimote to kamite like an expecting father at the hospital lolol and after the song he was 'omg i didn't know what to do!!!' kinda thing cos he's used to just sitting at his drums haha <33333 he's not the best singer lolol but he's not the worst either <3 He lost the lyrics a few times, but that's okay looll  I'm glad they did that though!!!! and that I could see him clearly!! <3333 it was a bit difficult at times to see him during the live sometimes because of where I was standing. The woes of being a drummer's gya T_T


    Loveless. Idk which order they played it, but I really love this song! It's always a bit weird for me live even though I really like it live haha like it's always weird to me when there are rough/harsh/yelling vocals and no one on stage is actually doing those vocals haha I think Haruka is just there during those parts haha I'm not sure what he does cos I always look at Mio, but sometimes I glance over just to see if he's doing the death voice and he never is haha that being said, it def sounds 32470327 times better live (also, Haruka is actually capable of those kinda vocals? cos I'm pretty sure he did it ish on a song or two). The recording drums aren't the best haha, but live you can really hear the weight of the song and it has a fuller feel to it. I really like it live!! I'm so glad I got to hear it so many times before they disbanded T_T


    Omg and I'm really really glad I got to hear the ballad song that they were talking about live. Sadly I can't remember it all that clearly T_T but I do remember thinking "I understand why Yuno loves this song" and Haruka was really giving it his all <3 and I remember the feeling I had like idk how to describe it… but I could definitely FEEL the song <3333 I wish they had a live clip or a recording of it somewhere T___T


    I really really fucking love Color. It's also Kaoru's favorite song <3 he's said in the two instores I've been to. Idk what it is about this song like I really like how Haruka sings it and it has that solid bassline right before the guitar solor and just something about the melody of the song really hits me hard. Like it's difficult how to describe how it makes me feel. It's like the way the guitar sounds between verses and just how Haruka sounds during the chorus. It's weird for me cos usually I listen closely to the bass and drums, but for this song it's really the melody of the chorus and the sound of the guitar that pulls me in. like it feels like I'm being pulled up, not in some super uplifting, motivational kind of way, but like something grabbing me in the chest and holding me there. There's like a suspense to the song in the way Haruka sings it that make me like feel like I'm holding my breath or something. Just, I really fucking love this song haha.


    Exist is so powerful live like. Idk like it's super dramatic and super everything? I was sad I couldn't really see Yuno from where I was cos he plays the guitar part I really like but I mean even if I could see him well maybe I'd just be staring at Mio @_@ There is so much I want to say about this song, but everything is inadequate T____T I wish everyone could hear this song live at least once ><


    one thing that's weird for me is like idk what was on what part cos I mean drummers can't exactly move around the stage like everyone else can, and I'm not as familiar with Lux's songs as other bands I follow, but I really fucking love watching Mio drum. The expressions he makes are the best like he's having so much fun and then he makes expressions like 'okay here comes the hard part' and sometimes he fucks up a little, but he keeps going, but then sometimes he's successful and he's so happy and omg <3 he has the best smile? Like he's shy, but not. Haha ugh. I'm so glad Mio's going to continue with music <333


    Oh, on one song Haruka bumped into Kaede while he was singing and made an "oops!" faced and him and Kaede kinda lol'd and Haruka half bowed, hands together like 'sorryyyyy' while singing lolol


    Omg and there like almost wasn't an encore. After the set ended everyone kind of sat down except for saizen and like two? Girls were calling for encore. I think only some of saizen joined in the call and it finally picked up a few more voices after a while, but I was really worried there wouldn't even be one >< when they finally came out for encore, even Haruka was like 'omg I thought there might not be an encore' T_T I hope they weren't too sad about how pathetic the encore call was ><


    For the encore MC, Haruka was crying SO much omg honestly, I can't remember most of the MCs anymore T_T but Haruka was literally on the floor sobbing into the mic at one point T____T and he was saying how Lux really are like family. Like they get along, but they fight like any other family, but that every single member is like a super good person. Like they all really fucking love each other T____T


    And after all that crying and intense sobbing, he introduced the next song, Smiley Days.


    And ironically, it's the one song that made me cry. Which felt ridiculous cos the furi is a bit ridiculous so I'm doing this complicated furi with tears streaming down my face. haha


    They ended with Gokusaishiki Refrain. I really really really love this song. I think they usually play it at lives. It's really fun! You jump around in a half circle and jump back. Haha i think i just like jumping around. But the members always look like they're having fun during it too. I'm really sad that I'll never hear it or experience it live again T_T


    I didn't follow them as long or as closely as some other bands, but I fucking love them <3 I'm super glad Mio joined too like, they were fun the first time I saw them, but I like had a fever that day so I couldn't get as into it since I was feeling pretty terrible. But despite how I felt I really enjoyed them so I knew I'd def love them when I was healthy. The only thing that bothered me was that they didn't have a drummer. Like when a band doesn't have an actual drummer or bassist, it feels weird to me, unless they have a long-term support or something. So it felt a bit off to me. But the second time I saw them was after Mio joined and like everything clicked into place and fit so perfectly!! And then disbandment T_T It was really fucking sad cos like I had JUST fallen super in love with them and then they announced their disbandment and there were only a few lives left and even fewer I could go to since they're an Osaka band T_T I'm glad I was able to go to Osaka to see their last live though <3 it was definitely fucking worth everything.


    Thank you, @hiroki, for sharing this band with me <3



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