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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. I want a pair of those large, round lense vintage glasses, but IDK if they'd make me look like a vintage cutie, or an Emo Chinaman xD

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, basically

    3. IGM_Oficial


      Hm. I think it's cute on girls.

  2. So I was reading around the forum post about AvelCain's disbandment, and I noticed a lot of people saying if they reformed, they should sign to Ains. 

    While Ains definitely is better than Shimizuya, knowing Yukika's history with controlling bands and all, I don't think Ains would be the best for Karma and Zen. 

    I mean, Grieva's early years were pretty much under 75% Yukika's control, a lot of their early discography being Diru covers. Of course, they seem to have more creative freedom now. 

    But Karma and Zen (And any band for that matter) deserve as much creative freedom as they can get. 

    They also deserve what I call "band security" (kind of like job security, if you know what I mean) that Ains definitely can't provide. Yukika is known for abandoning his less successful bands. 

    I'd recommend the ex AvelCain members either form their own label, join a label owned by a band who knows the struggle with limited creativity, or be completely indie

  3. Why can't Tanuki do something useful, like leak samples of songs before they're released? Like, I want to see a preview of Kuroyuri's new single, I don't care about Kisaki's damn chode! xD

    1. Komorebi


      Does that make it less entretaining?

      Shows on Netflix are fake, but I still like to watch them XD

    2. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, but a lot of people think it's real, like how a lot of people think the stuff on Fox News is real. 

    3. Komorebi


      And stuff on blogs and social media is real... the stupidity of the readers is not the responsability of the ones who post XD

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  4. Imagine if Scarce did VisualKei news.

    "Hey guys, scarce here, so let's get into the news. This bass player, Kisaki, you may have seen him in photos with AvelCain, really famous, used to play in what would become Dir En Grey. Apparently, his twitter has been taken over, again, and nudes and DMs have been leaked, along with pictures of him and other Phantasmagoria at Hot Topic of all places. Next, Tanuki rumours that [Insert Vkei musician here] is married, and is gay. We reached out to him... and got no reply."

  5. Meme idea: Big Smoke's order, but Kyo is ordering

    1. Aferni
    2. Himeaimichu


      "I'll have ONE SAD SEXUALLY, TWO SAD SEXUALLY, ONE with cheese, HAYAKU!! with extra dip, and a large *Scream*" 

  6. Currently making one of those world replacement memes, but with a Dir En Grey video. It's gonna be "Tsumi to Batsu, but every time Kyo screams, the pitch shifts and the sound distorts"

  7. Anyone know why on Memento Mori's first album, Mosiac Jishukisei appears on some tracklistings but not the album?

    Is it a hidden track? 

  8. You know how there are Dir En Grey bootlegs floating around? 

    I wonder if there are some pretty crazy and cringey bootlegs out there xD

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      fake t-shirts? you bet there is lmao.

    2. Himeaimichu


      For some reason, the idea of a fake T shirt with horribly photo shopped pictures of members of Diru, GazettE and An Cafe with "Shamate Muisc Brigade" on it just crossed my mind xD

      (Note: Shamate is the Chinese version of VisualKei people)

    3. Biopanda


      bootleg dir en grey toilet brush

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  9. If there was a VisualKei awards show, we all know which 4 bands would win all the awards. 

    Yes, I'm salty about the Crunchyroll Anime Awards xD

  10. Was Karma drunk during AvelCain's last lives? It seems as if the concerts went on, he got progressively more wasted xD

    1. emmny


      nope, just talented .

  11. Was a full PV ever released for GossiP's "Aa, Chuunigakusei", or just a PV spot?

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Just a PV spot.

  12. Has anyone heard from Inugami Circus Dan recently? Are they still active? 

    1. anakuro


      Saw them in march & have seen their name in a few lineups for shows

    2. robkun


      Inugami is immortal. Those crazy bastards aren't going anywhere anytime soon lol.

    3. nick


      Usually, you can check the official site for their recent activities. :)

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  13. That really embarassing moment when you realise you accidentally posted in the wrong section and anxiety just starts going crazy

    1. suji


      I understand completely how you're feeling, but it's not a big deal once you've been here as long as I have xD it happens more often than you think, so don't think you did anything bad xD

    2. beni


      Just let us mods know when you've made a mistake! It's no problem at all, it happens to everyone.

  14. I finally found a cheap peaked cap (old school cap that military generals used to wear) that wasn't Soviet or Nazi. Soviet Ones generally don't come in black, and my parents will refuse to buy a Nazi one, even if I tell them I will take the swastika off. 

    I'm going to use it with a Gakuran (Japanese male school uniform that was once a military outfit) for a Vkei look I'm making

  15. Anyone know what happened to that CrowXClass "2nd album" that was supposed to be live distributed, according to an interview, but yet any official source of CrowXClass says there is only one album?

    Also, anyone know what really happened to CrowXClass in general? xD

    Like, did they ever officially disband? Or did Kurona just forget about them because Wagakki Band?

    1. Zeus


      its entirely possible they chose never to release it. its rare but bands do that.

    2. Himeaimichu


      Possibly so. CrowXClass always confused me, as it was my first Vkei band, but even as a person who is way more knowledgeable on Vkei than I've ever been, they still confuse me xD

      Like, why is their first "Album" barely an EP of 7 songs? Who exactly is Shion? (Everyone says he/she is Kiyoshi Ibukuro, but they don't share many similar features. I suspected he could be Shin Ichikawa.) And why did Kurona just abandon them for Wagakki Band- Wait, no I can answer that. *Coughs* Avex *Coughs* Valuing money over creative freedom *Cough*

  16. Music in general is like a drug, but Psychadelic music is the most potent out of all music. Seriously, songs like Dir En Grey’s “Raison D’etre” or Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”, or literally any David Bowie song literally make me feel like I’m on some kind of hallucinogen.

    Should music even be making me feel this way? I literally put no substances in my body, but yet I feel high from some songs.

    Maybe I just need Mental Help... or weed xD

    IDK, does Psychadelic music does this to anyone else?

    1. Mamo
    2. Elazmus


      strong recommend do some hallucinogens before making this assessment but lol if you want to ALSO listen to these songs while doing I wouldn't tell you it's a bad time .!

    3. Bear


      I wouldn't call Black Sabbath psychedelic either, and it's first time I've done so. But when I think about it I don't think calling a track like Planet Caravan psychedelic if far off at all.


      But the main reason I mentioned these tracks is because he/she mentioned Black Sabbath to begin with, and if you want something close to psychedelic by Black Sabbath it would be these tracks.

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  17. Ok, so a friend of mine are discussing about the extreme animosity between Kyo (Dir En Grey) and Kisaki (Syndrome, Phantasmagoria, Lin) and apparently, Kyo once took a nude photo of Kisaki as revenge. She said she doesn't know if the pic is real, and the person she got it from believed way too many Tanuki rumours and eventually was blocked. We're both now trying to find it again to see if it's real (I'm prepared to possibly see what is supposedly Kisaki's chode xD)

    Does anyone know if it's real? If so, why was it taken? 

    1. Licio123


      lmao, what a story

    2. WhirlingBlack


      It's (sadly?) not true. There might be Kisaki nude photos floating around since he was basically at every vk party and most likely fucking around for a very long time, but if so they weren't taken by Kyo. The supposed animosity is just old rumours that have stuck around for a long time but with no substance behind it, from what I gather it's greatly exaggerated and they have a cordial relationship these days.

    3. Himeaimichu


      @WhirlingBlackThat's what I was hoping. I mean, I know Kyo is an ass at times, but he's not that big of an ass. 

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  18. I have done the research and GossiP is NOT a GazettE copy. 

    First, I'm making this as a status rather than a forum post, because I don't want to start a toxic forum post. If I get flamed, I'll just delete this status. 

    Second, to the main point. I hear people say GossiP is a copy of The GazettE, and I can kind of see where they're getting at, but let's look at the facts. GossiP is very influenced by the GazettE, specifically their early, heavier era. Saku's vocal style is very similar to Ruki's, and they both share similar makeup. HOWEVER, Ruki's has a more child like quality and is meant to represent insanity, whereas Saku's is more aggressive, and has influence from traditional Japanese singing/narration. While The GazettE did play around with nostalgiac Japanese elements in the early days, GossiP's full on aesthetic is basically Japanese Nostalgia (Though they have gone outside a few times, like with Psycho Pass and Darekasan Ga Koronda). What I mean by Japanese Nostalgia is basically mixing of old Japanese (Edo period to be precise) with pre-modern (Meiji restoration to 1945) elements. Like, old military outfits, calligraphy everywhere, archaic dialect, traditional houses, etc. 

    In terms of sound, that's where things really diverge. Most of GossiP's influence comes from their old band "JyuLie", which had pretty much the same sound, just sometimes with Japanese Instruments. Now what are JyuLie's influences? Well, it's mostly a mish mash of Byakura (whom they collaborated with once), The GazettE, R-Shitei, Ningen Isu, etc. In GossiP, the Byakura influence is a bit less, but you see a lot of Punk Rock and Hardcore Punk influence in GossiP. Yes, while there is a lot in The GazettE too, The GazettE is more conventional in terms of sound. GossiP kind of takes things further. Like "Baka Aho Manuke Banzai". It has a full on Hardcore Punk sound. And even in songs with direct Gazette influence, like Akudoukai Kusottare Koushinkyoku, they make it a bit more heavier, adding more metal elements. 

    Also, I have not heard a GossiP or GazettE song that use the same melodies. Also, The GazettE has a genre which I haven't seen in GossiP. Metalcore. I haven't heard a GossiP song that I would call Metalcore. Only Metalcore influenced. 


    So in conclusion, is GossiP is GazettE copy? Nope. Very influenced and obviously looks up to the GazettE? Definitely. I can understand though why Gaze fans may be worried. With how influential the GazettE has gotten, there are GazettE clones everywhere. GossiP however, is not one of them. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      I swear people are only telling me I didn't do research only just look at what I typed, but didn't read and jumped to conclusions. Either that, or actually trying to explain things to make them easier to understand is too "opinionated". I tried to make this a little easier to understand so people would know what I mean, instead of just compiling everything into a boring list. However, I tried my best not to put opinion in this. If I did, I would have went on about how I like both bands. I actually took the time to analyse the music of each band, and  to tell me that I didn't do research and just put a bunch of opinion personally offends me as not only  a person who took the time to do research and compile it, but also as a musician who plays guitar and sings, and actually does research on music genres so I know what I'm talking about.

      You want to assume I didn't do research and made only opinions? Fine, but prove it. Prove it so I can improve how I compile my research. Don't just say that it's just a bunch of opinion and no research. Actually prove why. 

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      People were just goofing on the word research. Forreal doe that 7gatsu 8ka rip off is so blatant that the obvious fact of it being so cannot be brushed aside by finessing a wall of semantics about how it's just some vague ~influence~

    3. Himeaimichu


      @Disposable I never said it was vague influence. I actually said there was a lot of influence, but there is also a lot of differences that set them apart. 

      And if you can come up with a Gazette song that is completely the same in both melody and composition to a GossiP song, tell me the songs and I will personally listen to them both. 


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