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Himeaimichu last won the day on November 17 2020

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About Himeaimichu

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    Kote Kei bandmen be like: UGGH! UGGH! UGGH!! BY-Y-Y!!!
  • Birthday 03/07/2000

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    Japanese Mythology, Eroguro-Angura-Misshitsu kei, linguistics, androgyny, early 2000's vkei, traditional Japanese music.

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  1. Visual Kei Musicians: *does absolutely nothing*
    Some dude who only chugs Metallica riffs in his bedroom on a line 6 spider amp: "unlike you f*gs with your fancy lipstick, I play REAL music, and I come from when you had to be able to play Erruption at 50000 bpm in order to make it! I only listen to musicians with absolutely no fashion sense hygiene. If you so much as brush your hair, you're a gay f*g who plays pseudo metal. I care about the music not the looks!"

    1. psychonnect_rozen


      Metallica is overrated anyway lol.


      Also, anyone who says they listen to real music should already shut their fucking mouth. 


      Did something happen @Himeaimichu that involved this kind of thing? Lol 😂

    2. Himeaimichu


      Metallica is good if you don't know anything else, which is normally the case with metal boomers lol. just came to mind because I've seen so many metal boomers who act like Visual Kei is "ruining music" lol. As if Visual Kei was even popular enough outside Japan to come close to even ruining music lol. 

      My favourite is fans of black metal who go on about how "men shouldn't wear makeup" but wear corpse paint. Like, not only is corpse paint makeup, but corpse paint literally influenced Visual Kei lmao.

      Really, both are just edgy equivalents to Chinese Opera makeup, let's be real. (Also, another interesting point, but in many asian cultures, the performers in theatre were often males who wore heavy makeup and played female roles. And its confirmed that some vkei musicians like X Japan, were inspired by Kabuki theatre. Even the name we use to refer to cross dressing vkei guys, "onnagatta", originated in Kabuki)

    3. psychonnect_rozen


      Ah I see.


      Yeah, it’s like they think “x ruins metal” but when you think about it, VK is pretty niche in terms of like popularity. Most metal fans who act like this probably are pretty close minded


      I mean, I think men look good with makeup lol.


      It’s funny when people say that when in reality VK was partially inspired by 80s hair metal. 


      I hate metal elitists sometimes. Hell, I hate being part of the metal community to begin with

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