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Komorebi last won the day on July 11 2019

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About Komorebi

  • Rank
    Busy enseing
  • Birthday July 1

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    Wherever there's wine.

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  1. I was almost beaten to a pulp last night by a drunk "friend" and if three or four other guys had not intervened I'd be probably badly hurt right now.


    I spoke up about it and I've been harassed for the past 10 hours by people whom I have never seen yet hate me and want me to die.


    I can't imagine how much harder it must be for rape victims to deal with that hate. Now I understand why many don't want to speak up. The cyberbullying could leave marks as deep as the abuse itself.  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 123Sandman321


      Damn, I hope you are/will be okay. I used to deal with that kind of shit every other night, while I worked as a bouncer, it's fucking disgusting.


      But sadly, I doubt there are gonna be any repercussions for that guy, since I guess you weren't physically hurt? Do the police have anything to go from?

    3. Komorebi


      I have a very similar problem to secret_no_3, as in people think I'm too harsh/disruptive in what I write on my social media accounts amd lots of people strongly dislike me based on what they have read/rumors a few people have spread. I have the reputation of being conflictive, even though I am really friendly and easygoing IRL. So many people who know him but don't know me think I have it coming for being a nasty toxic bitch, in their eyes. Social interactions suck, I suck at them and the overall prognosis isn't too good for me. I should have stayed quiet about it.


      There are a few witnesses but I doubt they'd want to get involved.

    4. platy


      @Komorebi you were really brave to come out about it and you did the right thing. I'm sorry people are so blind as to not see how gross that person is. Try to reach out to those witness to check whether they'd come forward if you can :( how about those guys who broke up the fight? Stay safe. 



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