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Posts posted by Kelrya

  1. The daigakuimo french fries they had at Japanese McDonalds last year were so good.

    (Hopefully my comment won’t get moved to the McDonalds Kei thread.)

  2. I remember an interviewer asking Kyo where he likes to eat when on tour, saying it’s probably something expensive. And then Kyo said McDonalds lol. Oh and he likes to take it back to his hotel and eat it while in the bath.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    That stuff about Shinya is frooom VOS, I think.

    No it was in a magazine interview.

    Edit: It was from BURRN! 9/29/17

  4. Ever since I read an interview with Die complaining about the water pressure of the shower at a venue not being just right he’s seemed like a bit of a pampered douche to me.

  5. 1 hour ago, Saishu said:

    I’d like Shinya to go more into depth about why he hated Marrow. Imagine recording and touring behind something you hate. Especially if, according to Kaoru, Shinya is the most stubborn member of the band and doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to do. 

    He actually did an interview about this either last year or early this year. Idk if there is an English translation out there. Basically there are two reasons, and they extend to WtD as well. The first is that he didn’t want to play the simplistic rock/hardcore/metal drumming style that the rest of the band asked him to play for those records. He wanted to be more creative but they said it didn’t fit the style they were going for or something like that. The other reason is that they decided during that period when they were trying to break into the Western market to stop wearing makeup during performances. Shinya was the one member that was super against this and he nearly quit the band over it because he told himself from the beginning that he wouldn’t be in a band that doesn’t wear makeup. Obviously they have since gone back to wearing makeup. He said he was able to enjoy these albums more for what they are during the “mode of” tours but it remains his least favorite chapter in the bands history.

  6. Almost two decades ago? They still looked pretty VK in the clever sleazoid video and that was like 2006. Gauze wasn’t even out two decades ago.

  7. 6 hours ago, kuyashii said:

    That was pretty cool! I like the chord progression and the vocal melody is pretty creative. Curiously, this too reminds me more of Sukekiyo than DeG, this brings me to mind that song that closed Adoratio ("Hakudaku"?).


    I agree with the visuals not matching the music at all though.

    It reminded me of the end of Hakudaku too.


    2 hours ago, Furik said:

    I’m ok with this. Tired of all the ooga booga screaming and growling and wheezing. Nice to hear Kyo just sing for once. And nothing else. 

    If you want this then just listen to sukekiyo.

  8. 1 hour ago, Rosner said:

    Finally!!! Ranunculus preview:


    Ok, I wasn't expecting that! I thought it was going to be a mellow ballad, really calm and depressive... This snippets makes it sound like something closer to 'Lotus' or 'Rinkaku', which is amazing! Really digging the visuals of the video, and also really digging the positive vibes of the song. Everything reminds me of a fairytale....


    Also, maybe it's because I was in the studio all day long and thus I have my ears really fatigued, but... Don't you think the mix sounds way better than on 'Utafumi' and 'Ningen...'?! I like the dynamics between the snare and the drum, and the toms sound more controlled now. The rhythm guitars also sound more pleasant, at least to my (tired) ears. Here's hoping the album has a good or at least bearable sound!

    The mixing definitely sounds way better than Ningen. It still has the whole loudness war thing going on but at least it seems EQ’d properly. There is too much stuff going on around the same frequency on Ningen it seems and so it sounds really muddy which is a shame since I like the song itself a lot. My biggest problem with Ningen is the mixing and production on the harsh vocals, particularly the lower growls. They are borderline inaudible in parts of the second verse especially. And they have some bizarre effect on them that makes them sound like wind or something instead of actual vocals. The clean vocals are mixed fine at least.

  9. How do you know they know about the leak? I mean I’m sure somebody probably noticed by now but did they address it or something?


    3 hours ago, Saishu said:

    The leak was a pretty good portion of the song though. I’m sure we’ll be able to figure it out. 

    It should be easy to narrow down. Especially since it’s obviously neither of the singles and clearly not any of the four new songs they’ve been playing live (apparently two fast heavy songs, a ballad, and a poppy rock song.)

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