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Posts posted by Kelrya

  1. Kyo said in an interview that he doesn’t even know where the other members’ houses are. And they don’t even have each other’s contact info outside of a group chat for work stuff. They only hang out before and after shows apparently which is kind of sad. I do remember him saying that he’s closest with Shinya though.

  2. I hate when they use the radio edit for music videos. I get it for long songs like Vinushka but this version is only like 20 seconds shorter, it makes no sense.

  3. 16 hours ago, Saishu said:

    We won’t see it until the next video collection, Uncommon Despair. 

    I honestly can’t tell if this is a joke or not lol

  4. Kaoru’s looks like the same design he had painted on his face. I’m still not sure what it’s supposed to be though.


  5. The Ash re-re-remake actually sounds a lot like the D’erlanger cover they did last year. 

    I like it more than I did at first but the mixing is still holding it back. The lack of dynamics between the acoustic part with the loud compressed drums and the rest of the song is so noticeable. Also, ever since the Difference Sense chorus with the singing and screaming in unison I’ve been hoping for another chorus like that. We finally get it here but the screaming is nearly inaudable due to the mixing. It’s ironic that they probably payed way more than usual to record these songs and they sound worse. Like what is up with that part in the second verse of 人間を被る where it sounds like someone is growling from underwater?

  6. That Utafumi live version is disgusting, like humorously bad. If I were them I would try to eradicate it from existence rather than promote it on a new single. Kyo doesn’t even sound like he’s trying to sound like he does on the studio version, it sounds like some random drunken karaoke performance.


    I miss Kyo’s growls, he can actually pull them off live usually unlike the hardcore punk shouting stuff.

  7. 6 hours ago, WhirlingBlack said:

    Okay, it seems that I'm mistaken and the new song they've played live ISN'T Ash and just has a similar main riff? The sample and the live track doesn't match up at all. This explains the one minute discrepancy, but doesn't explain Shinyas instagram post. Either way I'm beyond relieved but still puzzled. 

    Lol so Shinya doesn’t even know which songs he’s been playing live? At least he’s pretty.

  8. Shinya posted on Instagram that they’ve either already played Ash on this tour or will play it later during this tour. I can’t tell which because it cuts off mid-sentence and you need a paid subscription to continue reading on his fan site (lol). I wonder if that “punk is not dead” song could actually be the Ash remake? He mentions there being three new songs on this tour, 人間を被る、the one from the Kisou tour, and Ash.




  9. I’m looking forward to the Ash re-re-remake although I’m not sure why they felt the need to make a fourth version of it, but it’s disappointing that it’s so much shorter than any of the other versions.


    I think 人間を被る will sound a lot better once the high-quality version is released since certain things like what sounds like Kyo’s low growls from 1:31 to 1:39 are nearly inaudible currently. I miss the more progressive elements from Uroboros and DSS though tbh although I think this is a solid song overall.

  10. Sounds like a mix of Un Deux, The IIID Empire and Revelation of Mankind. I like it but Kyo’s mid-range scream hasn’t been good since Marrow of a Bone. He sounds like an old man when he tries to do it unless there’s a bunch of distortion on it. The chorus on The IIID Empire remake for example sounded really bad. His growls and high screams and cleans still sound good though. It’s hard to hear much with recording quality (I can barely hear the harsh vocals in the second verse or much of the guitar melody at all) but it sounds pretty good other than some strange vocals. Seems like they are going for a Vulgar/Withering to Death era meets Arche sound with this album. It definitely sounds like something was cut right before the first chorus because that transition sounds awkward. They cut like 20 seconds or so from the first verse of 詩踏み as well.

  11. I think the chorus in the teaser sounds amazing to be honest , I just hope there are some heavier moments coming as well. Since we have sukekiyo for Kyo’s softer side I’ve actually been hoping for something Decayed Crow-esque. Arche was good but it has the opposite problem as DSS. Both albums are great but with DSS I wished there were a couple more memorable melodic choruses, and then with Arche we got too much of that and I missed the more aggressive and experimental elements of the last few records.

  12. From what I read on Twitter there is a song that is similar to 詩踏み with a mix of shouting and singing. Then there is the ballad they played last year and another new song that is apparently very upbeat and poppy with an 80s hard rock vibe.


  13. I agree that Uroboros is god-tier, the only thing that puts it below DSS for me is the production and some of the songs sounding kind of similar. Also, while I love Vinushka, it’s basically a 5 minute song stretched out over 10 minutes. I think Diabolos was a less repetitive attempt at a similar style. Ironically, while DSS is my favorite musically I think it is their worst era visually. Kyo looks pretty cringey trying to appear tough in all the shirtless photos with his shaved head. The music is the most important aspect for me but that was pretty egregious. Thankfully they went back to something closer to their older visual style. 


    As for MISSA, I like Kyo’s older style of clean singing a lot so that bumps it up for me. He’s still a good singer but he sounds too nasally or something in some songs these days. Rinkaku is beautiful but the interlude around 2/3 into Utafumi sounds really strained. 


  14. I’m wondering, how would you guys/girls rank DEG’s albums/mini-albums? I’m was getting impatient waiting for that 15-second clip of misdirection we usually get before a single release and decided to finally make my own list. I’m interested in what other people think because I don’t know a lot of other fans irl but reading online it seems like opinions are all over the place. I first heard DEG in the Vulgar era but didn’t become a big fan until DSS, so I may be partial to that era.


    S Tier (10/10)

    1. Dum Spiro Spero


    A Tier (9.5/10)

    2. Uroboros


    B Tier (8.5/10-9/10)

    3. Arche

    4. The Unraveling (EP)

    5. Vulgar

    6. Marrow of a Bone


    C Tier (7.5/10-8/10)

    7. Gauze

    8. Withering to Death

    9. Missa (EP)


    D Tier (6.5/10-7/10)

    10. Kisou

    11. Six Ugly (EP)

    12. Macabre


    I like every album but I definitely prefer some over others. The B tier ones (3-6) are all really close so it’s hard to rank those ones accurately.

    This ranking does take into account bonus tracks and B-sides to an extent, but only in a positive way. For example the Macabre remake and the unplugged version of The Final boost The Unraveling’s ranking, but the disgustingly terrible organ version of Inconvenient Ideal doesn’t lower the ranking of Uroboros (seriously why would they ruin one of their best songs like that...)

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