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Posts posted by ArtFart

  1. 2 hours ago, Bear said:

    How was it frustrating? An absolute masterpiece of chilling and interesting modern horror cinema. Almost perfection, and one of the most original horror films in ages.


    It wasn't a bad movie yeah, but it was frustrating more so because of how long it took for them to actually explore their options as far as staying alive goes. It also seemed the main girl had a case of blonde horror movie protagonist... I enjoyed the movie... the characters choices just really frustrated me.

    (sorry if this makes zero sense. I just woke up from like 5 hours of sleep when I wrote this lol)

  2. Tfw when you feel like throwing up anytime you go outside for like a  week now. Also when you drink even though you are on a new medication because some major areas of life suck right now lol I'm a major light weight apparently.

  3. Me before going to icecream shop: Ok... I have to think of a way to ask for lactose free items without sounding like that idiot going to an icecream shop that is lactose intolerant.... even though I am....


    Me at the icecream shop: Do you guys have anything like WITHOUT icecream?




    Today was my last day at my old job and I already feel so completely different not having to work there anymore. I feel way way more free.... although I have not received a call yet from what is SUPPOSED to be my new employer... they said they were offering me the job sooo.... they were supposed to call me today haha... guess I'll call them tomorrow.

    Even if they do end up screwing me over by telling me I don't have a job there anymore, even though they said I did, I'm not going back to my old job... no way.

  5. Your dog literally bit my leg and broke the skin.... but you call back to say he is traumatized and we hurt him cause he has pimples on his legs that you think are abrasions and he rubbed his neck a bit too much thrashing around in his leash????

    Lady... my leg is swelling and bruised because your dog bit me.

  6. Went to the ER and got a CT scan for the first time ever lol just really bad migraines or cluster headaches. I now have temp medication till I go see a brain doctor and get an actual prescription to help the headaches. 

    I also ran into one of my mom's old friends while I was there, so this was an interesting night!

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