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Posts posted by ArtFart

  1. The shit hit the fan at work. And I get to be the only one to deal with my hella drama filled manager today. I wonder if today will be the day I just quit working there?

    I love waking up panicking every morning I go to work. It's so so nice to be in such a hostile work environment. Incredibly unprofessional too. 

  2. I rode my bike to the new place I may be working soon. It's a coffee shop. I got SO sunburnt because I forgot to put sunscreen on my first 45 minute trip out there, and then when I got home, my friend who lives or there asked if I wanted to come over, so I gave the battery in my bike charge and then started to head out back out there. As I'm nearing her house, which has many hills on the way, my bikes battery dies. So I am then out there, in all black, trudging my sweaty ass up so many hills during the hottest part of the day  just to make that final stretch to her house.


    ... I also gave my sunscreen to a pregnant homeless lady on the way there, so I didn't have any to reapply for on the way back home......


    They did it to my chibi-robo baby, and now they are doing it to my pikmin babies... NINTENDO, STOP turning all these old GameCube games into side scroller games on the 3DS. 

    You can bet your ass I'm gonna get it still, especially for the amiibo.... it also looks so cute though still.

  4. I want to shave all my hair off.... not bald bald, but super short. I think that's just me feeling like I have no control over my life right now, so I want to do something that will give me a feeling of control and maybe show people just how crazy things are making me right now?

  5. Haha.

    I love how everyone who likes me at some point starts to ignore me and forget about me as soon as someone cooler comes around, or they just get plain bored of me or are straight up rude and use me.

    My favorite story is from when I was like 10 years old, one of my friends decided she didn't like me anymore and I SWEAR TO GOD literally was running away from me and avoiding me, which made me cry cause I was a little crybaby, and then called me up THE VERY NEXT DAY ASKING ME FOR SOME HELP ON A VIDEO GAME THAT I WAS REALLY GOOD AT!! She hid from me again after that lol Sucks shit like this has to still happen in my adult life... at least I'm not being told anymore that people would like me if I put out.... which I never did and never will do just to get people to like me lol Hell,  I've only ever had sex with one person in my life. Maybe I would've been more popular growing up if I had, like the girl who liked to brag about being able to fit a 2 liter bottle up her vagina when she was also 10 years old.

    There is only ONE person that hasn't done this to me at all, and thank god for him lol

  6. I feel like Minori, while having WONDERFUL outfits, has made it quite hard for a lot of people in western countries to actually understand what Shironuri is.

    So many people think it is on par with Mori Kei. Loose flowing clothes and forest patterns. I've actually seen people think Shironuri is about putting flowers on your faces and not white paint......

  7. I know I JUST posted in here, but I REAAAALLY like how my artist friend's birthday drawing came out.....






    The person drawn here is Doopiedoover! She is super sweet and a really good artist. I highly recommend checking her out, if you havnt already!

  8. I got in a REALLY big drawing kick tonight. I actually completely lost track of time lol one minute the clock says 11 pm and then I glance away from the clock for a minute to draw some more... and the clock says 1 am!


    I did some stuff in the usual cutsey weird style.


    Sherlotta from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time.




    King Dedede from Kirby... Though I assume most people know that lol


    I also did a style I have not done in a bit.



    A Lilty from Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. The only thing about this Lilty though is that I gave him more plant like features, because even though Lilty very much so look like plant people to me, I kinda exaggerated it with the leaves and such.


    And then, I decided to give drawing without using any lines really a try again! I want to practice this a bit more tomorrow, because it's already 2 am my time lol



    Kirby from... Kirby lol




    On 5/14/2017 at 9:46 AM, Machayume said:

    Your art style is so cute ! I love the way you give life to your designs. You're really skilled ! 


    Thank you!

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