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    itsukoii got a reaction from Luca in [SOLVED] Can't send messages?   
    i want a nice XL dingus but we don't always get what we want, do we?
  2. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Chi in random thoughts thread   
    there has never been a download section
    you are imagining things!  
  3. Like
    itsukoii reacted to emmny in random thoughts thread   
    u want for me to divulge my whole life and then become a victim of kawaii minpha? truely evil
  4. Like
    itsukoii reacted to emmny in random thoughts thread   
    k_m lives in a buttfuck empty village a few hours away from me...he's getting a visit from yours truely, bitch!!

  5. Like
    itsukoii reacted to saishuu in random thoughts thread   
  6. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Bear in random thoughts thread   
    I agree. Let's speak about your love for me. How you think of me, dream of me and even picture me during sex. That's what this thread should be all about.
  7. Like
    itsukoii reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    Honestly, let's not even dignify this fiasco anymore by continuing to speak on it.
  8. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    for historical purposes
  9. Like
    itsukoii reacted to cvltic in random thoughts thread   
    uh, hey K_M, i was just kidding. bandmen are angels and tanuki doesn't real.
  10. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    I love how everyone still thinks that m*npha is a teenage girl and not some predatory 30 yr old man 😂😂😂
  11. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    If I can be frank for a second, I'm disappointed how easily distracted people are.
    It's only been two days and there are already countless arguments about the merits and harms of file sharing. That doesn't address the real point of why we are currently in the situation we are in right now. Our hand was played and the staff was not happy. One member who goes by the name of @Kawaii_Minpha decided it would be cute to troll the staff and the website by threatening to report us to the RIAJ unless we gave in to her demands, which among other things called for banning members she does not like. If you read the messages sent to us, it turns from funny to sad in an instant. What pisses me off personally is how someone would try to ruin what we have going here for kicks. Even threatening to do so is worthy of an instant ban and I should not have to explain why.
    As an aside, I don't really care how you feel about file sharing - facts are that if you are here, you are guilty by association - but these last few days have proven that without Monochrome Heaven there's nowhere for anyone to go. Downloads can always find a new home but to find another place where you can have mature, constructive discussions about Japanese music in an open environment will be much harder. And that place could never exist without free music so people can talk about it, because the barrier for entry is too high. We have to recognize the role that piracy plays in all our lives. That's why saying "buy music to support your favorite artists" is not the be all, end all answer. It's a good answer, but it's more complicated than that. No one here woke up one day and decided to buy Dir en grey albums on a whim. Japanese bands became our favorite bands because we pirated music long enough to become devoted enough to pay for it. Some people are at different stages of their fandom. This website has found the perfect balance of both piracy and discussion while also managing to be inclusive of all styles of Japanese music and there's nowhere else on the internet that even comes close to this. That's awesome.
    That's why this situation has the staff thinking about what we exist for. This website may not mean much to many members here beyond downloads but the staff has poured countless hours of time and energy into investing in the website and the community. Are we harming the scene? Yeah, no doubt. But we probably do a lot of good as well. With the countless messages I've gotten over the last few days about "where all the free music went" I'm not convinced we can do good without doing some harm as well. The tools are not in place to promote visual kei globally without piracy, and I doubt there ever will be. The scene wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for all of us here. We either take the good with the bad or abstain entirely.
    There is more to this website than just downloads and the constant activity over the last few days proves that this community is strong. Stronger than even we may have realized ourselves. This is awesome, keep up the good work! Having said that, I've thought a lot about Kevin from Batsu and how he freaked out and deleted the download section when he thought the feds were coming for him. His approach was blunt, but I understand how he felt. He figured Batsu could weather the storm and would be better for it...and that unfortunately did not work out. If push came to shove we would make a similar decision, and that's why for the last two years we have been working hard to provide other reasons for people to come back here. While the download section is offline I implore you all to go check out the News, Rumors, Review, and General sections to start. There's enough tea there to keep you sipping until things are finalized.
    The staff is still ironing out the details so expect more information soon. I can confidently say that the news will come as a shock to everyone but some people will not notice and others will.
    Consider this an early morning rant.
  12. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Takadanobabaalien in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    From Kiryu (Betty)'s twitter:
    "Sorry for whitewashing everything for so long. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone now, it's just that I no longer want to keep on lying to the fans who have supported us for so long.
    Also, my fellow label mates, band friends and senpai's think I should talk about this as well - so I'm doing it.
    First of all, there's really no reason for our disbandment, but it's not like any of us really wanted it to end like this.
    We've been active for a year and a half without having a single flyer made and no music released. No matter how many years we would continue it would still be the same, so we see no reason to do so.
    We've always had in mind to get more fans and increase our sales. But no matter how long we waited, we got no studio time or any flyers made. Despite all this we always kept on cheering on each other, believing in each other and giving it our all.
    We though "maybe it's easier if we just use our own money and do this?" But we weren't allowed by our management.
    No goods, no releases and we never felt "free".
    But we still had to pay for our own costumes, all our traveling expenses, expenses for support member. Some members even had to lend money to the label.
    Not letting us do anything was basically our labels policy.
    I'm just explaining simple now but for example at gigs, our money were used for other bands without us even knowing about it. 
    In the end, NOTHING was used for us.
    So where the hell did all the money go?
    I think I don't need to tell you, because you guys probably already know. In our label there's a certain band that stands out from the rest of us, which has been using much more money than us, well... If our labels policy was for them to drag in money for us I don't have any complaints but it wasn't like that, and I have no understanding for how ZERO money ended up being spent on us.
    ALL of our money was spent on Avanchick. And everything bad had to been payed by us, Betty.
    Flyers, CD's, Goods, NOTHING was OK for us to make.
    If we can't get any fans, then we're the ones who get called a bad band, even though in reality it's not our fault as we haven't been given a chance.
    Just for how long was this supposed to go on?
    The limit has been reached not only by me, but for all members in Betty.
    We were told in DM "If you guys want fans, then fucking get to work"
    I kept repeating for myself that time has changed, and in the vk scene today you have to work much more for yourself as well.
    I kept on doing it for a while even though I always felt it was very strange, and I wasn't able to understand why we had to do it.
    And at that time I was called by Noa from Avanchick.
    "Would you please stop approaching our fans?"
    "Can you please stop inviting our fans to your gig?"
    Was what he told me.
    I felt a lot of different things, especially that there was enormous misunderstandings. But as a Kouhai I bowed my head and asked him for forgiveness. 
    As his label mate, his friend and his kouhai I simply felt that asking for forgiveness would be the only right thing after having made him feel uncomfortable.
    "You can't go to this bands live"
    "You're not allowed to become someone elses fan"
    I think having lots of bands that you like is totally fine, all bands are fun in different ways, isn't that what music is about?
    But if this is a rule that Avanchick has then I simply thought that there's nothing to do about it.
    This is not about if I'm right, or if Avanchick is right. Everyone thinks differently and everyone is different. If that is Noa's rule then I guess in his own way he is right. We never had intentions of being in the way for someone or causing any trouble. 
    I think that using another band this much is very wrong. But I always saw us as good friends, and them as good senpais and us as good kouhais. Therefore I really wanted us to do a last live together. I wanted us to end this on good terms. 
    But apparently he thought differntly 
    -Kiryu posts a picture from Line where Nao says that he doesn't want to attend their gig because they will lose fans for giging with them-
    Okay this is all for now. I think he might continue writing a bit more, if so I'll translate it tomorrow cus I need to sleep. 
    Be aware there might be some errors in the text, but all in all i'd say it's correct.
  13. Like
    itsukoii reacted to emmny in [HELP] Download Section disappeared   
    depends on your taste in visual kei, if you like deviloof--there's a chance it might never show up for you :/ sorry for the inconvenience
  14. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    "I have placed a bomb in MH. You have 30 minutes to deliver a signed marriage agreement from Ishiki. The clock is ticking."
  15. Like
    itsukoii reacted to cvltic in random thoughts thread   
    the current threat level for terrorism in MH is: KAWAII
  16. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Ito in random thoughts thread   
    I won't say any more than this, but I wouldn't worry much.
  17. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in random thoughts thread   
    one day i aspire to be among the kawaii jrocker trolls of this forum..........
  18. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    I step out to run some errands for a few hours and this is what you chucklefucks get up to? smh
  19. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Aferni in random thoughts thread   
    one day i aspire to be among the kawaii jrocker trolls of this forum..........
  20. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    one day i aspire to be among the kawaii jrocker trolls of this forum..........
  21. Like
    itsukoii reacted to cvltic in random thoughts thread   
    ^ hope u got 7000 bux
  22. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    one day i aspire to be among the kawaii jrocker trolls of this forum..........
  23. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    one day i aspire to be among the kawaii jrocker trolls of this forum..........
  24. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Chi in random thoughts thread   
    don't be silly! no one would believe you just like no one believed ur fanfic about offering $1000 to bandomen  
  25. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Karma’s Hat in random thoughts thread   
    This forum 
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