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    itsukoii got a reaction from togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    THANK U SO MUCH !!! anata are TOO KIND
  2. Like
    itsukoii reacted to togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    sweet tender babu. u adorable. PS CONGRATS ON YELLOW
  3. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from nick in Show Yourself (again)   
    hello, it is your favourite 5 year old (with a new hair colour & weeb filter to boot)
  4. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from orange~ in Show Yourself (again)   
    hello, it is your favourite 5 year old (with a new hair colour & weeb filter to boot)
  5. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from shiroihana in Show Yourself (again)   
    hello, it is your favourite 5 year old (with a new hair colour & weeb filter to boot)
  6. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from lichtlune in Show Yourself (again)   
    hello, it is your favourite 5 year old (with a new hair colour & weeb filter to boot)
  7. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from hiroki in Show Yourself (again)   
    hello, it is your favourite 5 year old (with a new hair colour & weeb filter to boot)
  8. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in Your Musical Pet Peeves...   
    songs that tease you by starting off heavy, growls/screams and all (like waving a fresh, warm cookie in front of ur face)... u think the whole song'll be like that (u think u'll get that cookie)... AND THEN they slap you in the face (with that same cookie) by dropping a really awful-sounding chorus with clean vocals and boring riffs. so like, every visual kei song ever? smfh it's getting really frustrating
  9. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    ^ where'd y'all get those videos of me, they're supposed to be a SECRET 👀
    but now that the secret's out........ i'm actually yohio's long lost half-brother
  10. Like
    itsukoii reacted to emmny in random thoughts thread   
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    itsukoii reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    be nice he has a band (!!!!!)
  12. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from shiroihana in Single People Thread   
    technically, i've been single my entire life (i had a mutual liking with a guy once, but i didn't want a long distance relationship. i think he thought we were official, and i didn't have the heart to say we weren't... still, that's the closest i've ever been to a relationship even though i don't really count it OTL). i've only had crushes on a handful of people (who never returned the feelings ;^;). i never really was into relationships and all of that funky stuff when the people around me/my friends started getting into it, and even now i don't think i'm 100% ready for a relationship. but that's alright, because i'm still young, and i really don't need to rush into these things. i'm content being single, because i'm an independent person for the most part.
    i gotta admit though, i'm curious to see what it'd be like in a "real" relationship. but i haven't met anybody who i'm interested in, and i won't date someone who i'm not 100% devoted to or someone who i don't really like.
    aaaand i think a big reason as to why i've been single for this long is because i never really give people chances. i'm a bit quick to judge. whoops. (but most guys who talk to me are basic weed-smoking white boys with neckbeards and type like they're 10, so... there isn't really much to "judge" or any chances to give lolol.) but tbqh i am pretty picky in the people i like and i guess i do have "types" :S so i really don't want to settle with somebody who wouldn't be right for me just for the sake of making them happy or giving a relationship a try. i wouldn't enjoy it and in the end i'd probably hurt the other person by accident, due to nothing working out. why am i such a bitch
    tl;dr i'm happy being single but wouldn't mind trying a relationship if the right person came along, but it probably won't happen for a while ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Mamo in Which era of visual kei is YOUR favorite? -The battle of the VK eras-   
    Man it's all about that fifth wave for me. Dio distraught overlord, awoi, DI3SIRAE, girugamesh, sadie, unsraw, despairsray, √eight and the list goes on and on. But man I wish you would've allowed us to vote for more than one. It's not even fair to just pick one. lol At least 3.
  14. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in Single People Thread   
    technically, i've been single my entire life (i had a mutual liking with a guy once, but i didn't want a long distance relationship. i think he thought we were official, and i didn't have the heart to say we weren't... still, that's the closest i've ever been to a relationship even though i don't really count it OTL). i've only had crushes on a handful of people (who never returned the feelings ;^;). i never really was into relationships and all of that funky stuff when the people around me/my friends started getting into it, and even now i don't think i'm 100% ready for a relationship. but that's alright, because i'm still young, and i really don't need to rush into these things. i'm content being single, because i'm an independent person for the most part.
    i gotta admit though, i'm curious to see what it'd be like in a "real" relationship. but i haven't met anybody who i'm interested in, and i won't date someone who i'm not 100% devoted to or someone who i don't really like.
    aaaand i think a big reason as to why i've been single for this long is because i never really give people chances. i'm a bit quick to judge. whoops. (but most guys who talk to me are basic weed-smoking white boys with neckbeards and type like they're 10, so... there isn't really much to "judge" or any chances to give lolol.) but tbqh i am pretty picky in the people i like and i guess i do have "types" :S so i really don't want to settle with somebody who wouldn't be right for me just for the sake of making them happy or giving a relationship a try. i wouldn't enjoy it and in the end i'd probably hurt the other person by accident, due to nothing working out. why am i such a bitch
    tl;dr i'm happy being single but wouldn't mind trying a relationship if the right person came along, but it probably won't happen for a while ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Like
    itsukoii reacted to ArtFart in Show Yourself (again)   
    My face is super red from the cold outside, but I tried to dye my hair a brown red color! It came out a lot lighter than I was hoping due to the lightness of my hair.
  16. Like
    itsukoii reacted to shiroihana in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yeah I'm a man. Many people here know who I am but have never seen a full face photo of me so yeah.
  17. Like
    itsukoii reacted to togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    hello, it me?
  18. Like
    itsukoii reacted to shiroihana in random thoughts thread   
  19. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Hakari in random thoughts thread   
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    itsukoii got a reaction from JamesR in random thoughts thread   
    man i live and breathe br00tal kei. if more vk bands venture into metal and core genres and do it WELL, i'd be all for it
  21. Like
    itsukoii reacted to JamesR in random thoughts thread   
    Am I the only one happy with the recent influx of 'br00tal' VK bands like Nokubura, Fixer, Jiluka, D.I.D., by:Arlant, Deviloof, Scarlet Horizon and(to a lesser extent) Dezert and Damy? Is nu-metal influenced -core  the next trend?
  22. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from platy in KILLANETH will disband   
    how many walmart mejibrays do we need
  23. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in Deviloof   
    I'm not 100% certain
    but I am pretty sure it isn't Keisuke, furthermore it's also unlikely that the bassist is Daiki.
    edit: I just found the video on youtube, the publish date was in early/mid 2013 and if my years are correct that was when Keisuke was in another band
    so it's not him in that video
  24. Like
    itsukoii reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    This incident was just absolutely revolting.  I've been seeing/hearing the whole "black ppl can't be racist" rhetoric around for years now (both on and offline) and as much as I understand and empathize with the pain and strife of living as a black person, I think this is an INCREDIBLY heinous notion that would be better off eradicated from the collective conscious. It's an idea that's yet to do any good for black people, or society as a whole - just like our vehement grip on "the N word" - where we've employed equally ridiculous double standards (but I guess that's another can of worms). I think this event serves as very unfortunate evidence that blacks can, indeed, be racist and hateful. 
    I have no idea where this country is headed, but I can only hope that people wake up, start thinking for themselves, and stop subscribing to all of these extraordinarily divisive ideologies. I understand perfectly well how easy it is to get sucked up into the emotional aspects of everything, but I think it's important that we all try to remain grounded and suitably objective in these cases. I think we also have to stop allowing the media to rouse us into these states of utter chaos and letting them control the narrative - especially when the common good and the well-being of the people are not on their agenda. Seriously, I mean...the amount of hate that erupted when Trump won the presidency was staggering. Most of my friends on the left became as hateful and intolerant as the same people on the right that they were opposed to.  But I digress.
    When it comes to race relations, we REALLY need to have some open and honest talks about it as a collective - free from political correctness, and free from everyone jumping at "racist" shadows. I do think there are racial differences, but it's become racist in and of itself to even mention or acknowledge these differences. It reminds me of when I posted a profile pic with my afro out on FB - a white woman commented saying that she'd like to touch my hair, and a black woman quickly chimed in with, "that's racist".  See...this type of shit can't happen. I'm a black male - my hair is super thick, and extremely curly - it's a completely different grade and texture than that of your average white woman's hair. How could I fault her for being curious about how it feels? That doesn't make her racist at all. Hell,  even if we were in person and she touched my hair without permission, that wouldn't be racist either - it would just be incredibly rude lol.
    We can't keep shutting down the conversation before there's even any dialogue. And this doesn't just go for black people, or white people, or leftists,  or conservatives - this goes for everyone. There has to be some REAL effort in this country made for people to open up and truly try to understand each other, but as of now, I know a push like this will neither come from the government nor the media - there are too many people profiting off of the chaos, and too many people have careers depending on these divisive narratives.
  25. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    bought myself some good shit and it ain't even my birthday yet lmao :333333
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